a pencil and a page with the words: Be Brave, Be Beautiful, Be Bold, Be You
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

InnerSelf.com welcomes your inner Self.

Our life is filled with opportunities and tools to help us create the life we dream of. Yet a house does not build itself even if all the materials and tools are laying there. We have to take action. And of course the same applies to our dream life... each one of us has to take action. We can talk about our dreams and visions until we turn blue in the face, as the saying goes, but unless we are bold and start taking action toward making our dreams come true, they will remain just as they are... a dream in our mind and our heart.

This week, as everu week, we bring you articles to inspire you and empower you to take action in your life to make your dreams come true. It's up to you. No one can heal you, no one can "make you happy", no one can create exactly the dream that you envision... No one that is except you and your Higher Power. So as we, in the United States, approach the day that is called Thanksgiving Day, let's make each day a day of thanks-giving and a day in which we claim our power to create a life of joy, health, and happiness.

Scroll down for the new articles and videos that were added to the InnerSelf.com website this week.

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Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week. 

...with Peace, Love, and Gratitude,
Marie T. Russell,
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"



This Week's Astrological Overview


See article page for links to the audio and video/YouTube versions of the Astrological overview for this week.

Your InnerSelf "To Do" List: 

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