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Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
This week we reflect on resilience. The Cambridge Dictionary defines resilience as: "the ability to be happy, successful, etc. again after something difficult has happened".
OK. Well I think we can all agree that, even if we could ignore the current Covid situation, at some point in our lives something bad happened. And the fact that we are still here shows that we are resilient.
However, resilience in itself may not be enough for us to bounce back. If you look at the definition again, it states that resilience is an "ability", not necessarily an action one has taken. So what takes us from the ability to the action?
Alan Cohen gives us some clues in the article "Inspiration or Motivation: Which Comes First?". He tells us that n order to be actively, and not just potentially, resilient we need to be inspired and motivated to do so. Alan shares some insights about those two attitudes.
Nancy Windheart presents us with some tools to help us bounce back from any of life's hardships in: "Joy and Resilience: A Conscious Antidote to Stress". She introduces us to birds on the Rio Grande as well as her chicks (baby chickens) and their attitude to life. There is definitely something to learn from nature.
Lana Ruvolo Grasser opens the door wide to the world of dance and movement therapy and its potential. Her research is with refugee children, but as with most things in life, the lessons and solutions for one apply to the many. She asks: "Can You Dance Away Your Anxiety, Depression and Deeper Psychological Wounds?".
Areva Martin reflects on the possibilities and adversities for professional black women in "Why A Black Woman With Harvard Credentials Is Still a Black Woman". While her article speaks of the situation for black women, there are similarities for women of any color in the white man's corporate world.
And, of course once the sh** has hit the fan, we then ask ourselves "Where Do We Go From Here?". In my article, which was also the source for the Daily Inspiration this past week, I reflect on that question and various other related questions. P.S. for Daily Inspiration subscribers. If you have been following the development of this article last week, with each day's "new episode", the article is now complete with some changes and additions. And if you want to follow the process this week, the new article is here.
Each week, Pam Younghans opens up the mysteries and guidance of the planets. This week, we have a full moon, the equinox, and the beginning of another Mercury Retrograde. All these energies encourage us to go within and reflect on where we are headed and where we'd like to be headed. Referring to this Full Moon in Pisces, Pam writes:
"...pondering the Pisces qualities of forgiveness and unconditional love, we've also been talking about how to apply those concepts in constructive ways. This is the realm of Virgo: seeing what improvements need to be made and taking the necessary practical steps."
Delve further in these planetary energies by reading the "Horoscope Week: September 20 - 26, 2021".
So, the bottom line shared by the articles this week, is that no matter what is going on in our life or around us, we are resilient and can move forward with inspiration, joy, motivated to attain our goal of a better life.
Please scroll down for the new articles and videos that were added to the website this week.
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
NEW ARTICLES (with audio and video):
Inspiration or Motivation: Which Comes First?
Alan Cohen Read Time: 8 mins
People who are enthusiastic about a goal find ways to achieve it and they do not need to be goaded or manipulated. People not enthusiastic about a goal will not go there no matter what tricks you try to play to get them to do it.
Joy and Resilience: A Conscious Antidote to Stress
Nancy Windheart Read Time: 7 mins
We know that we're in a great time of transition, of birthing a new way of being, living, and loving in our world that is long overdue. And, it's grueling. Let's just be honest about that.
Can You Dance Away Your Anxiety, Depression and Deeper Psychological Wounds?
Lana Ruvolo Grasser, Wayne State University Read Time: 7 mins
Dance and movement therapy not only holds promise for treatment of trauma, anxiety and depression but can also contribute lifelong coping skills...
Why A Black Woman With Harvard Credentials Is Still a Black Woman
Areva Martin Read Time: 7 mins
Black women reaching the highest levels of success, like our former first lady, are not immune to the microaggressions prevalent in our workplaces, from "compliments" about how articulate we are to "advice" about striving too aggressively to succeed to assumptions that...
Where Do We Go From Here?
Marie T. Russell, Read Time: 9 mins
Life can be confusing. There are so many things going on, so many choices presented to us. Even a trip to the grocery store involves choosing between a multitude of various options...
Horoscope Week: September 20 - 26, 2021
Pam Younghans Read Time: 11 mins
This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your personal chart.
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