Image by Rene Rauschenberger
Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
One of the most debilitating human emotions or beliefs is powerlessness. The belief that we are powerless, that we can't do anything about something in particular... whether that something is the state of the world, "things being the way they are", our health, our relationships, our jobs, our children, etc.
Feeling or believing we are powerless is an energy drain, or an energy thief. It is a bit like a light switch. On, we have power. Off, nothing! Power-less! And if we believe we are powerless, we have turned off the switch!
The good thing, as with anything in life, is that we are alive... and thus we are not "set in stone" and we can change. We can find ways to flip the switch and reconnect with our innate power. We can put into practice ways to stop or limit energy drain or shut-down.
This week we start our exploration into reclaiming our power with the article "Raise Your Vibes and Bring Light Back to Your World" written by Athena Bahri, author of the book "Raise Your Vibes!". She offers us some shifts in perception, as well as a Morning Practice that takes less than a minute and could change your whole day... and probably your life.
Don't believe me? Try it for yourself by doing what Athena suggests as the first thing to do in the morning. Mind you, it can be done any time of the day, but first thing in the morning and last thing at night is good.
Raise Your Vibes and Bring Light Back to Your World
Athena Bahri, author of the book "Raise Your Vibes!"
There are events in life that change the course of how we interact with others, view ourselves, carry out daily tasks, and communicate with loved ones. The Pandemic of 2020 has certainly been a game changer! As the world emerges into the new “normal” many of us wonder what that will look like?
We continue our journey of empowerment with Joseph Chilton Pearce, author of The Crack in the Cosmic Egg and The Magical Child.
Joe reveals to us, in "Transforming the Given: Dancing through the Crack", the powers of suggestion, of possibility thinking, and of Reversibility Thinking. He helps us discover our astonishing capacities as well as our self-inflicted limitations... both needed discoveries on our path of empowerment.
Transforming the Given: Dancing through the Crack
Joseph Chilton Pearce, "The Life and Insights of Joseph Chilton Pearce"
On an English television show, Uri Geller invited all those people out there in television land to join him, to participate in his metal bending by holding forks or spoons themselves to see if the phenomenon might be repeated. Some 1,500 reports flooded the BBC, claiming that forks, spoons, anything handy had indeed bent, broken, moved about—there, in the homes of Britain...
A whole world of possibility thinking exists in the world of healing... While we have seen tremendous discoveries and developments in modern medicine, there's a whole internal world we can explore without the external assistance of doctors, etc. This is the healing potential in our own body.
Barry Grundland, M.D. & Patricia Kay, M.A., authors of "Cell Level Meditation", introduce us to a relationship with our cells, and offer us a short guided meditation to get in touch with our liver cells in "Experiencing Our Cells on Life's Healing Journey".
Our cells are the building blocks, the foundation, of our body. So what better place to apply the tools of reversibiilty thinking, suggested in the previous article by Joseph Chilton Pearce, than to work with our cells to create a healthy body and vibrant life.
Experiencing Our Cells on Life's Healing Journey
Barry Grundland, M.D. & Patricia Kay, M.A., authors of "Cell Level Meditation"
Life, by its very nature is … alive! Because it is alive, it is not just responding in a set, mechanical way, but rather it is responsive to what is needed and helpful and useful. Cells might be considered as an archetypal template for life.
Now of course, we all know that there are challenges along the way. One of which is losing a loved one, and this is a situation where we definitely can feel powerless as our emotions flood our being and life. Dr. Steven Gardner shares with us "The Empty Wheelchair – Wrestling with Grief after the Loss of a Son".
He takes us on his journey of grieving, allowing us to see that acceptance of where we are is the first step in any experience. Whatever we are experiencing, first we accept (or acknowledge) that it is happening... then we are free to see clear to our next step, at our own pace, following our heart and inner guidance.
The Empty Wheelchair – Wrestling with Grief after the Loss of a Son
Steven Gardner, author of Jabberwocky
Most of us have experienced the eerie feeling that goes with handling the personal possessions of a loved one who has passed away. Some very mundane things can produce surprisingly poignant reactions.
One of the tools or attitudes that can serve us well, on our journey of self-discovery and self-empowerment, is the attitude of trust and hope. This doesn't mean that we cross our fingers and put our head in the sand. On the contrary. We acknowledge our situation, then we choose trust or hope as our foundational attitude. Kristi Hugstad, author of the book "Be You, Only Better", shares her insights in "Trust and Hope Spring Eternal: How To Get Started".
Once we kickstart our journey with trust and hope (which could also be known as possibility thinking, reversibility thinking, etc.), then we can move forward to putting into practice the ways and means of discovering who we are and reclaiming our power to create a better life -- not just for ourselves, but for the planet as a whole.
Trust and Hope Spring Eternal: How To Get Started
Kristi Hugstad, author of the book "Be You, Only Better"
Hope is not just a fleeting moment or a temporary feeling that things will get better. It’s a foundation for a lifestyle that reflects everything you do and everything you are. You can use hope to help motivate you to think positively and be proactive by making the most of every situation.
Pam Younghans, in her weekly Astrological Journal, helps us navigate universal energies so that we can flow with, rather than against, the powerful currents that are our present reality. Sometimes, all it takes is an insight into the underlying energy to align ourselves with it. Knowing what is "in the air" helps us prepare ourselves to best navigate the currents and know how to handle the hurdles in our journey.
The theme of empowerment also arises in this week's planetary energies, and I quote:
"FOR EACH OF US, we have an opportunity to see how we direct our energy when we feel disempowered or defensive, unable to control a situation to our liking. If anger seems like an appropriate response, we will need to find an outlet for that assertive impulse, one that adds to the expansion of light rather than increasing the shadow."
Thus, we need to remember that empowerment does have a light side and a shadow side. For the advancement of our life's journey, we need to choose power with love, rather than the other energies which do not have Love as their center.
In all our discoveries, challenges, experiences, the Universe is on our side, helping us to become self-empowered. I know sometimes it doesn't look like the Universe is supportive, but those are usually the times when we are fighting the current, rather than going with the flow of the current planetary energies.
Horoscope Current Week: May 31 - June 6, 2021
This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your personal chart.
One way to reinforce "taking back our power" is to be aware of the words we choose and the thoughts we think. The words "I am" are a lightning rod for whatever follows them... In other words, if you go around saying "I am tired" or "I am not able to (do something or the other)..." then whatever you are saying after the "I am" is empowered every time you say it, or think it.
To reclaim our power, we must work on all levels... mind, body, and spirit. It's all connected, and even more than that, it is all one. You can't heal your physical body if you have not healed your emotional body, and vice versa.
And while we may have been told that "others" can heal us (or fix us, or save us), this is incorrect. They may assist in the process providing tools needed or a bit of a jumpstart, but we are in charge of our body, our mind, our experience. We must acknowledge that we are in charge of ourselves. We make the choices that affect our today and our tomorrows.
And that, is the great news! We don't have to wait for a knight (or lady) in shining armor, an extraterrestrial to beam us up, or for Jesus to come and save us... We can save ourselves. As a matter of fact, we are the only ones who can. We have the power to make the changes needed in our own body and our own life.
Please scroll down for the list of the featured articles, and also the recap of the additional new articles that were added to the website during the week.
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
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* Raise Your Vibes and Bring Light Back to Your World
Athena Bahri, author of the book "Raise Your Vibes!"* Transforming the Given: Dancing through the Crack
Joseph Chilton Pearce, "The Life and Insights of Joseph Chilton Pearce"* Experiencing Our Cells on Life's Healing Journey
Barry Grundland, M.D. & Patricia Kay, M.A., authors of "Cell Level Meditation"* The Empty Wheelchair – Wrestling with Grief after the Loss of a Son
Steven Gardner, author of Jabberwocky* Trust and Hope Spring Eternal: How To Get Started
Kristi Hugstad, author of the book "Be You, Only Better"* Horoscope Current Week: May 31 - June 6, 2021
Pam Younghans, astrologer
Child's Play: Are Screen Games Still 'Real' Play?
Jane Mavoa, The University of Melbourne and Marcus Carter, University of Sydney
Play is a core part of a healthy childhood, through which children develop social, communication, cognitive and physical skills. Children’s play adapts to its circumstances. Recently children have been incorporating...
To Navigate The Dangers of The Web, You Need Critical Thinking And Critical Ignoring
Sam Wineburg, Stanford University
Learning to ignore information is not something taught in school. School teaches the opposite: to read a text thoroughly and closely before rendering judgment. Anything short of that is rash.
How Design Makes A Place A Prison or A Home
Jan Golembiewski, University of Technology Sydney
Models of care are also difficult to change when the architecture is obsolete. Yet these difficulties aren’t detailed in the report. It barely mentions architecture.
Daily Inspiration: May 30, 2021
Marie T. Russell,
The people in our life are there to inspire us, enlighten us, teach us... even those people who get on our nerves. Everyone is in our life to help us attain our full potential.
The Empty Wheelchair – Wrestling with Grief after the Loss of a Son (Video)
Steven Gardner, author of Jabberwocky
Most of us have experienced the eerie feeling that goes with handling the personal possessions of a loved one who has passed away. Some very mundane things can produce surprisingly poignant reactions.
Books Combined With Audio Improves A Preschooler's Vocabulary
Brian Consiglio, University of Missouri
While we are working with children who are only 4 or 5 years old, we teach them the vocabulary words they will need to know when they eventually enter elementary or middle school," says Elizabeth Kelley.
How To Help Fireflies Who Need Dark Nights for their Summer Light Shows
Avalon C.S. Owens and Sara Lewis, Tufts University
Before humans invented fire, the only things that lit up the night were the moon, the stars and bioluminescent creatures – including fireflies.
Here’s How Much Your Personal Information Is Worth To Cybercriminals
Ravi Sen, Texas A&M University
The destination of stolen data depends on who is behind a data breach and why they’ve stolen a certain type of data.
Transforming the Given: Dancing through the Crack (Video)
Joseph Chilton Pearce, "The Life and Insights of Joseph Chilton Pearce"
On an English television show, Uri Geller invited all those people out there in television land to join him, to participate in his metal bending... to see if the phenomenon might be repeated. Some 1,500 reports flooded the BBC, claiming that forks, spoons, anything handy had indeed bent, broken, moved about—there, in the homes of Britain...
Daily Inspiration: May 29, 2021
Marie T. Russell,
For centuries people have said, "Follow your heart; listen to your gut," and have used expressions such as "heartfelt" and "gut reaction." In my experience, I first feel...
5 Ways To Cope With Going Back To Work
Lindsey Hendrix, Texas A&M University
With COVID-19 vaccines becoming more widely available and mask mandates lifting, a new source of anxiety has emerged for some—returning to the office after more than a year of working from home.
Why Comedy Is Important In Times Of Crisis
Lucy Rayfield, University of Bristol
Most of us have needed a good laugh over the last 12 months. Searches on Netflix for horror dipped at the peak of the first lockdown, while stand-up comedy saw a huge jump in viewers.
Dog Coronavirus Found In Humans and Why You Shouldn't Worry
Sarah L Caddy, University of Cambridge
Scientists have found a new canine coronavirus in a handful of people hospitalised with pneumonia. This may sound alarming, but once we unpack it, you will see that there’s no reason to lose any sleep.
Daily Inspiration: May 28, 2021
Marie T. Russell,
If you have negative friends you really love and don't want to lose, then simply see less of them for the time being. Remember to first talk to people and explain how you feel. Only if there is no understanding should you break off a relationship.
Raise Your Vibes and Bring Light Back to Your World (Video)
Athena Bahri, author of the book "Raise Your Vibes!"
There are events in life that change the course of how we interact with others, view ourselves, carry out daily tasks, and communicate with loved ones. The Pandemic of 2020 has certainly been a game changer! As the world emerges into the new “normal” many of us wonder what that will look like?
What Is Group-Think and How You Can Avoid It
Colin Fisher, UCL
Group-think is a popular explanation for how groups of knowledgeable people can make flawed decisions. The essence of group-think is that groups create psychological pressure on individuals to conform to the views of leaders and other members.
Why Do Women Still Get Judged So Harshly For Having Casual Sex?
Jaimie Arona Krems, and Michael Varnum
In a new study, we found that women – but not men – continue to be perceived negatively for having casual sex. This stereotype persists even as casual sex has become increasingly normalized and gender equality has risen in the U.S. and much of the Western world. Specifically, both men and women assume that a woman who has casual sex must have low self-esteem.
Why Fires Burning Higher In The Mountains Are A Clear Sign Of Climate Change
Mojtaba Sadegh, Boise State University et al
The Western U.S. appears headed for another dangerous fire season, and a new study shows that even high mountain areas once considered too wet to burn are at increasing risk as the climate warms.
Experiencing Our Cells on Life's Healing Journey (Video)
Barry Grundland, M.D. & Patricia Kay, M.A., authors of "Cell Level Meditation"
Life, by its very nature is … alive! Because it is alive, it is not just responding in a set, mechanical way, but rather it is responsive to what is needed and helpful and useful. Cells might be considered as an archetypal template for life.
Daily Inspiration: May 27, 2021
Marie T. Russell,
Our energy fields hold the memory of past pain, and the fear of repeating these painful situations keeps the blocks in place.
To What Extent Are We Ruled By Unconscious Forces?
Magda Osman, Queen Mary University of London
Sometimes when I ask myself why I’ve made a certain choice, I realise I don’t actually know. To what extent we are ruled by things we aren’t conscious of?
Why a Hot Bath or a Sauna Offers Some Similar Benefits To Running
Charles James Steward, Coventry University
The term “exercise is medicine” is rightfully well publicised. It’s one of the best ways to stay healthy, yet medicine doesn’t work if you aren’t prepared to take it.
How To Think Like A Virus To Understand Why The Pandemic Isn't Over Yet
Karen Levy, University of Washington
With COVID-19, thinking like a pathogen leads to an inevitable conclusion: Getting the vaccine out to everyone in the world as quickly as possible is not just an ethical imperative, but also a selfish one.
Daily Inspiration: May 26, 2021
Marie T. Russell,
People are at many different stages of development. But the only real difference between them is that some know they are divine, and others do not yet have that awareness.
Study Links Popular Glyphosate-Based Weed Killers to Preterm Births
Nardy Baeza Bickel, University of Michigan
Exposure to a chemical found in the weed killer Roundup and other glyphosate-based herbicides is significantly associated with preterm births, according to a new study.
Narcissistic People Aren't Just Full of Themselves --They're More Likely To Be Aggressive and Violent
Brad Bushman and Sophie Kjaervik, The Ohio State University
We recently reviewed 437 studies of narcissism and aggression involving a total of over 123,000 participants and found narcissism is related to a 21% increase in aggression and an 18% increase in violence.
How To Avoid Sun Damage After Months In Lockdown
Sarah Allinson, Lancaster University
After a winter of lockdown and with coronavirus restrictions beginning to lift, many will be hoping for good weather this summer.
Daily Inspiration: May 25, 2021
Marie T. Russell,
Why do we worry so much about the future? Why are we concerned about what will happen to us or to those we love? Is it because...
7 Modern Philosophers To Help Us Build A Better World After The Pandemic
Vittorio Bufacchi, University College Cork
When will things go back to normal? That’s what everyone seems to be asking, which is understandable given the pain and sacrifice many endured over the past 18 months.
Is There A Happiness Equation? Here's How We're Trying To Find Out
Robb Rutledge, UCL
Most people would like to be happier. But it isn’t always easy to know how to achieve that goal. Is there an equation for happiness? Many formulas have been suggested.
What Actually Is Catnip and Is It Safe For My Cat?
Lauren Finka, Nottingham Trent University
There are many valid theories to explain the global appeal of cats, including our obsession with watching videos of them online. In terms of cats’ pure entertainment value, however, our fascinations are probably attributable to their seemingly endless repertoire of bizarre behaviours.
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