Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
Connection and communication. Two very important parts of life. We are connected to the world through our inner life, and through our outer contacts. One of our early connections is through our parents and Barbara Jaffe sheds light on parenthood though her personal experience in "Being A Parent: The Role of a Lifetime".
Another important connection is via the communication we have with our inner guidance as shared by Jude Bijou in "Giving Your Intuition a Seat at the Table". Animal communicator Nancy Windheart reveals "How The Spiritual Lives of Animals Connect With Our Own".
Now of course many of our communications with others (family, coworkers, neighbors, etc.) can be filled with joy as well as fraught with stress. When the latter occurs, you can follow the advice pf Sandra Marinella in "When Life Gives You Lemons, Pick Up Your Pen" as well as Eric Maisel's "Twelve Tips for Emotional and Mental Health".
We also take a look at hormones, climate, religions, online repercussions, poverty, health, loneliness, education, and more. Scroll down below for short introductions to all of this week's 32 new articles, as well as the link to this week's astrological journal.
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
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Giving Your Intuition a Seat at the Table
Written by Jude Bijou, M.A., M.F.T.
We have two inner voices. One voice comes from the rational brain - the temptress, the rebel who wants what she wants when she wants it, the voice that is governed by "shoulds." The other voice is that still quiet inner knowing, what is called our intuition.
Read article here: Giving Your Intuition a Seat at the Table
How The Spiritual Lives of Animals Connect With Our Own
Written by Nancy Windheart
In learning to listen to animals telepathically, we learn to still the mind, to listen with deep presence, and to become open to the realms of magic and the unseen. This can become the foundation of a spiritual practice that can change our perceptions and our lives.
Read article here: How The Spiritual Lives of Animals Connect With Our Own
Being A Parent: The Role of a Lifetime
Written by Barbara Jaffe, Ed.D.
In the month of June, we celebrate Father’s Day, which provides me another opportunity to reflect on my own role as a parent. Of all my roles—daughter, sister, wife, friend, professor—the most profound for me has been parenthood. It has been my greatest gift...
Read article here: Being A Parent: The Role of a Lifetime
Twelve Tips for Emotional and Mental Health
Written by Eric Maisel
Growing up in a difficult family or living in a difficult family inevitably produces negative consequences of all sorts. These are on top of the other challenges you face — challenges around life purpose and meaning, making a living and paying the bills, getting ill, falling out of love, making mistakes and disappointing yourself, and more.
Read article here: Twelve Tips for Emotional and Mental Health
When Life Gives You Lemons, Pick Up Your Pen
Written by Sandra Marinella, MA, MEd
Have you ever been there — knocked to the ground by a traumatic event? Woken up one morning as someone you knew and in the midst of your busy day had it all suddenly change? In my case, I unexpectedly had joined the tribe of the traumatized — women facing cancer.
Read article here: When Life Gives You Lemons, Pick Up Your Pen
Are Maternal Hormones Different When Carrying A Boy Or A Girl?
by Monique Robinson, University of Western Australia
With advances in prenatal testing it’s now possible to find out whether a pregnancy will result in a male or female…
Read article here: Are Maternal Hormones Different When Carrying A Boy Or A Girl?
3 Minute Story Of 800,000 Years Of Climate Change With A Sting In The Tail
by Ben Henley, University of Melbourne and Nerilie Abram, Australian National University
There are those who say the climate has always changed, and that carbon dioxide levels have always fluctuated.
Read article here: 3 Minute Story Of 800,000 Years Of Climate Change With A Sting In The Tail
A Computer Called The Beast Is Untangling The Benefits And Evils Of Religion
by Rich Barlow, Boston University
Researchers in religion studies are using computer simulations to help answer big questions about religion’s benefits…
Read article here: A Computer Called The Beast Is Untangling The Benefits And Evils Of Religion
Primates At Play Show Why Monkeying Around Is Good For The Brain
by Max Kerney and Jacob C Dunn, Anglia Ruskin University
Picking your child’s first school can be one of the hardest choices you make as a parent.
Read article here: Primates At Play Show Why Monkeying Around Is Good For The Brain
Why What You Post Online Can Wreck Your Life
by Thao Nelson, Indiana University
Harvard recently rescinded admission offers for some incoming freshmen who participated in a private Facebook group…
Read article here: Why What You Post Online Can Wreck Your Life
Do Poor People Eat More Junk Food Than Wealthier Americans?
by Jay L. Zagorsky, The Ohio State University and Patricia Smith, University of Michigan
Eating fast food is frequently blamed for damaging our health.
Read article here: Do Poor People Eat More Junk Food Than Wealthier Americans?
How Feeling Lonely Can Make Us Self-centered, And Vice-versa
by Steve Koppes, University of Chicago
Feeling lonely can make us self-centered, research shows, and the reverse is also true, though to a less extent.
Read article here: How Feeling Lonely Can Make Us Self-centered, And Vice-versa
Leaving School Early Means You're Likely Never To Return In Adult Life
by Stephen Lamb and Shuyan Huo, Victoria University
One in eight Australians will never get Year 12 qualifications. Some, but not all of these people, make up the one in…
Read article here: Leaving School Early Means You're Likely Never To Return In Adult Life
Why We Are Driven to Search for the Truth
by Robert Jensen, YES Magazine
It’s something we struggle to see more clearly, to realize day to day, to make more real in our lives. And that’s…
Read article here: Why We Are Driven to Search for the Truth
How Looking At Buildings Can Actually Give You A Headache
by Arnold J Wilkins, University of Essex
It’s three o'clock – you’re at work, struggling to focus during the afternoon lull. You gaze out of your office window…
Read article here: How Looking At Buildings Can Actually Give You A Headache
Climate Action Never Did Depend on Trump
by Colin Beavan, YES Magazine
There are so many ways we can slow and stop the burning of fossil fuels in the United States. But we need to get to…
Read article here: Climate Action Never Did Depend on Trump
The Chance To Win Cash Can Double Weight Loss
by National University of Singapore
Selling access to rewards programs that offer cash for meeting weight loss goals may incentivize program participants…
Read article here: How A Two Dad Family Raises Their Kids
How A Two Dad Family Raises Their Kids
by Andrew Leland, Rutgers University
Kentucky family court judge W. Mitchell Nance says he refuses to hold hearings on same-sex couples’ adoptions “as a…
Read article here: How A Two Dad Family Raises Their Kids
Can Social Media Be As Harmful As Alcohol And Drugs
by Tony Rao, King's College London
The word “addiction” brings to mind alcohol and drugs. Yet, over the past 20 years, a new type of addiction has…
Read article here: Can Social Media Be As Harmful As Alcohol And Drugs
Why Is Climate Change Such A Hard Sell In The US?
by Firmin DeBrabander, Maryland Institute College of Art
President Donald Trump on June 1 took the dramatic step of removing the U.S. from the Paris climate agreement – the…
Read article here: Why Is Climate Change Such A Hard Sell In The US?
When Choosing Healthy Food Your Surroundings Can Help Or Hinder Your Dining Choices
by Breanna Wright and Denise Goodwin, Monash University
Most of us know what sort of food we should eat to optimise our health and help avoid lifestyle diseases like obesity…
Read article here: When Choosing Healthy Food Your Surroundings Can Help Or Hinder Your Dining Choices
5 Sleeping Beauty Relationship Rules
by Wendy Paris
"A childless royal couple finally has a baby... Life spins along normally for the next sixteen or so years. One day…
Read article here: 5 Sleeping Beauty Relationship Rules
Is Pride A Vice Or A Virtue?
by Neil Mclatchie, Lancaster University
The Greek philosopher Aristotle described pride as the “crown of the virtues”.
Read article here: Is Pride A Vice Or A Virtue?
Why Our Pursuit Of Happiness Sometimes Makes Us Sad
by Susanna Cornelius, University of Melbourne
Social pressure to feel happy can actually have the opposite effect–and might contribute to the prevalence of…
Read article here: Why Our Pursuit Of Happiness Sometimes Makes Us Sad
In The Future Your Ambulance Could Be Driverless
by Keegan Shepard, Edge Hill University
The revolution in driverless vehicles will make many jobs obsolete. In the US alone, it is estimated that driverless…
Read article here: In The Future Your Ambulance Could Be Driverless
Why Fleece Jackets Are Bad News For The Ocean
by Shelly Leachman, University of California, Santa Barbara
Microfibers are one of the biggest contributors to ocean pollution. New research clarifies how washing fleece jackets…
Read article here: Why Fleece Jackets Are Bad News For The Ocean
How You Keep Things In Mind Over The Short Term
by Alex Burmester, New York University
When you need to remember a phone number, a shopping list or a set of instructions, you rely on what psychologists and…
Read article here: How You Keep Things In Mind Over The Short Term
How Different Sugars Have Different Health Effects?
by Bronwyn Kingwell, Pia Varsamis, and Robyn Larsen, Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute
Our recent article published in the Medical Journal of Australia found that Australian and European soft drinks…
Read article here: How Different Sugars Have Different Health Effects?
Lipstick Under My Burkha: When Real Women Take Over Indian Screens
by Anubha Yadav, University of Delhi
“We see many films on male bonding, but hardly any on female bonding,” award-winning Indian filmmaker Aparna Sen told…
Read article here: Lipstick Under My Burkha: When Real Women Take Over Indian Screens
It's Not Just Climate Future: Air Pollution From Coal Kills Thousands Every Year Now
by Jay Apt, Carnegie Mellon University
When President Donald Trump announced on June 1 that he had decided to withdraw the United States from the Paris…
Read article here: It's Not Just Climate Future: Air Pollution From Coal Kills Thousands Every Year Now
How Flexible Employment Could Be Making You Ill
by Keith Bender and Ioannis Theodossiou, University of Aberdeen
The notion of a “job for life” has ceased to exist for most workers in the UK. Companies are shifting the burden of…
Read article here: How Flexible Employment Could Be Making You Ill
Does Starting Puberty Change How Girls Learn?
by Yasmin Anwar, University of California, Berkeley
Puberty hormones might impede some aspects of flexible youthful learning, a study with female mice suggests.
Read article here: Does Starting Puberty Change How Girls Learn?
Astrological Journal for the Week
This weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read more
It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights.
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