Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
While we may all have hopes and dreams for our future, the basis for that future lies in our actions today, right now, in this moment. In order to assist with that daily journey, this week we look at "How To Completely Transform The Experience Of Going Through Your Day". Part of doing that starts with such things as "Mindfulness at the Kitchen Sink" and remembering to "Live Like You Have an Expiration Date"... because after all we all do have one.
To make our daily life more easeful and joyful, the process of "Releasing Our Pain and Cleansing Our Emotional Wounds" will be a helpful one. We can also gain some helpful insights in this article: "How To Heal Our DNA with the Assistance of Our Innate Self".
These are just a few of our 34 articles this week, plus of course Pam Younghan's weekly astrological journal. Scroll down below for the links to all the articles.
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
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How To Completely Transform The Experience Of Going Through Your Day
Written by Thomas M. Sterner
Everything in life comes from practice. No matter how small or inconsequential we think it is, everything we do, from brushing our teeth to getting through a scary job interview, comes from practice, the deliberate repetition of an action with an awareness of what we want to achieve.
Read article here: How To Completely Transform The Experience Of Going Through Your Day
Mindfulness at the Kitchen Sink
Written by Dzogchen Ponlop
Choose one or two ways you can apply mindfulness in your daily life in the coming week. The more specific you are in choosing the activities, the more likely you are to follow through. You might choose washing the dishes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to begin your mindfulness experiment...
Read article here: Mindfulness at the Kitchen Sink
The Nature Of Evil: Is Evil A Concept, An Entity or A Behavior?
Written by Barbara Y. Martin and Dimitri Moraitis
Every culture has had its own concept of evil or the devil. In Genesis, there is the famous temptation of Adam and Eve by evil—personified by the snake. While the Hebrew Bible mentions Satan by name only in the book of Job, the idea of evil permeates Jewish mystical and religious thought.
Read article here: The Nature Of Evil: Is Evil A Concept, An Entity or A Behavior?
How To Heal Our DNA with the Assistance of Our Innate Self
Written by Althea S. Hawk
Innate is responsible for the seemingly mysterious and miraculous healings: accelerated recoveries, spontaneous remissions, and unexplained disappearances of incurable diseases. There is no mystery after all when the Innate is involved and can bridge the gap between quantum intelligent information and our bodies. It is not a force outside ourselves--it is something within all of us.
Read article here: How To Heal Our DNA with the Assistance of Our Innate Self
Live Like You Have an Expiration Date
Written by Nancy E. Yearout
If it were your last days on earth, what would you do? Would it change how you live today? Maybe you would wake up earlier and be a bit more cheerful. You might even stay up later. You would definitely tell your family and friends how much you love them.
Read article here: Live Like You Have an Expiration Date
Releasing Our Pain and Cleansing Our Emotional Wounds
Written by Sahvanna Arienta
As we grow and mature, our experiences as we relate to others take their effects on us, both positive and negative. We also begin to absorb the energies of these interactions. These energies can be light, dark, or anywhere in between and can have a powerful impact.
Read article here: Releasing Our Pain and Cleansing Our Emotional Wounds
Women's Health Issues And The Amazing Herbs That Can Help
Written by Ash Stevens
Women juggle a life of menstruation, pregnancy, birth, menopause, housekeeping, work, raising, children, and on, and on, and on. That’s why we need all the help we can get. Today, I’m going to share some of the many herbal friends that a woman can make pals with.
Read article here: Women's Health Issues And The Amazing Herbs That Can Help
6 Things Every Consumer Should Know About The Internet Of Things
by Kayleen Manwaring, UNSW
At least 40% of Australian households now have at least one home “Internet of Things” device. These are fridges, window…
Read article here: 6 Things Every Consumer Should Know About The Internet Of Things
Just What Is The Shia-Sunni Religious Divide?
by Ken Chitwood, University of Florida
The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for two attacks that claimed at least 12 lives in Iran on Wednesday. With…
Read article here: Just What Is The Shia-Sunni Religious Divide?
The Silent Treatment Divorce Can Get Kids Sick Decades Later
by Shilo Rea, Carnegie Mellon University
Adults whose parents separated during their childhood have an increased risk for poorer health, but experts haven’t…
Read article here: The Silent Treatment Divorce Can Get Kids Sick Decades Later
Is The World We Live In Giving Us Cancer?
by Chelsey Kivland, Dartmouth College
I had assumed that the small lump in my breast was a blocked milk duct from nursing my seven-month-old son.
Read article here: Is The World We Live In Giving Us Cancer?
Why You Don’t Need Hot Water To Wash Your Hands
by Robin Lally, Rutgers University
Water temperature doesn’t make any difference when it comes to removing harmful bacteria from your hands, a new study…
Read article here: Why You Don’t Need Hot Water To Wash Your Hands
How Yoga Makes You Happy
by Agnieszka Golec de Zavala and Dorottya Lantos, Goldsmiths, University of London
Can we really unlock our personal power by adopting “powerful” body postures? Unfortunately, the findings that link…
Read article here: How Yoga Makes You Happy
Why Bernie Believes There's Hope In The Age Of Trump
by Luca Trenta, Swansea University
When Bernie Sanders took to the stage at this year’s Hay Festival, it was to a room of cheers and clapping.
Read article here: Why Bernie Believes There's Hope In The Age Of Trump
How Eating Late May Wreak Havoc On Your Body
by Greg Richter, University of Pennsylvania
Eating late at night could be worse for your health than you might think.
Read article here: How Eating Late May Wreak Havoc On Your Body
How TV Cultivates Authoritarianism And Helped Elect Trump
by James Shanahan, Indiana University and Michael Morgan, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Many gallons of ink (and megabytes of electronic text) have been devoted to explaining the surprise victory of Donald…
Read article here: How TV Cultivates Authoritarianism And Helped Elect Trump
Why FBI Directors Are Forbidden From Getting Cozy With Presidents
by Douglas M. Charles, Pennsylvania State University
How are U.S. presidents and FBI directors supposed to communicate? A new FBI director has recently been nominated...
Read article here: Why FBI Directors Are Forbidden From Getting Cozy With Presidents
Why Restoring Morale Is Important To Mental Health In Difficult Times
by Joan Cook, Yale University
The term demoralization was originally coined in the 1970s by a psychiatrist who was seeing patients that didn’t quite…
Read article here: Why Restoring Morale Is Important To Mental Health In Difficult Times
Why Taking Aspirin For Your Arteries Might Not Work
by Doug Bennett, University of Florida
A new study shows that aspirin, used for decades to reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems, may provide little or…
Read article here: Why Taking Aspirin For Your Arteries Might Not Work
These Are The 3 Factors That Get People Through College
by Rice University
A new report identifies three factors that could help students complete college.
Read article here: These Are The 3 Factors That Get People Through College
How Hard Is It To Recognize That You Are Experiencing A Delusion?
by Kevin Morgan, University of Westminster
When people experience delusions or hallucinations there is usually some loss of contact with reality whereby normal…
Read article here: How Hard Is It To Recognize That You Are Experiencing A Delusion?
The Psychological Benefits And Trappings Of Nostalgia
by Krystine Batcho, Le Moyne College
In his song “Time Was,” counterculture singer Phil Ochs reminisces about a past “when a man could build a home, have a…
Read article here: The Psychological Benefits And Trappings Of Nostalgia
Why The Republican Push For Self-Sufficiency Misses The Point Of Safety Net Programs
by David Campbell and Kristina Lambright, Binghamton University, State University of New York
Here’s how Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney has tried to justify the Trump administration’s bid…
Read article here: Why The Republican Push For Self-Sufficiency Misses The Point Of Safety Net Programs
Does Spoon Feeding Make Babies Overweight?
by Amy Brown; Hannah Rowan, and Sara Wyn Jones, Swansea University
Deciding when and how to introduce babies to solid foods can be overwhelming for parents. But aside from timing and…
Read article here: Does Spoon Feeding Make Babies Overweight?
Hard Work, Not Confucian Mentality, Underpins Chinese Success
by Robert Hoffmann and Swee Hoon Chuah, RMIT University
Our study of ethnically Chinese people in Malaysia shows some of the assumptions about what leads to their business…
Read article here: Hard Work, Not Confucian Mentality, Underpins Chinese Success
How UK Higher Education Is Being Turned Upside Down
by Julie Davies and Joanne Blake, University of Huddersfield
There is little doubt that the challenging, turbulent and uncertain times faced by the UK’s university sector in 2016…
Read article here: How UK Higher Education Is Being Turned Upside Down
Can This Kind Of Rock Climbing Treat Depression?
by La Monica Everett-Haynes, University of Arizona
Bouldering, a form of rock climbing that involves climbing rocks or walls to a moderate height without ropes or a…
Read article here: Can This Kind Of Rock Climbing Treat Depression?
10 Ways That Astronauts Are Helping You Stay Healthy
by Nick Caplan and Andrew Winnard, Northumbria University, Newcastle
Astronauts on the International Space Station are growing crystals that could help develop new drugs for use on Earth.…
Read article here: 10 Ways That Astronauts Are Helping You Stay Healthy
15th Century China Has A Lesson For America's New Climate Policy
by Dave Frame, Victoria University of Wellington
In the early 15th century the Ming Dynasty in China undertook a series of expensive oceangoing expeditions called the…
Read article here: 15th Century China Has A Lesson For America's New Climate Policy
Can Going To Religious Services Boost Your Health?
by Vanderbilt University
People who attend worship services at a church, mosque, or synagogue live longer, are less stressed, and have better…
Read article here: Can Going To Religious Services Boost Your Health?
Why Spending On Schools Beats Military Spending For Creating Jobs
by Gillian Kiley, Brown University
Government spending on the military yields fewer jobs, dollar for dollar, than spending on domestic programs such as…
Read article here: Why Spending On Schools Beats Military Spending For Creating Jobs
How The Right Smile Can Boost Trust And Giving
by Milenko Martinovich, Stanford University
People are willing to offer more money to others who display similar emotional expressions, research finds. Those…
Read article here: How The Right Smile Can Boost Trust And Giving
Scandals At Uber And Fox Show Dangers Of Letting Macho Cultures Run Wild
by Bert Spector, Northeastern University
Most of us have probably seen the video of Uber founder and CEO Travis Kalanick scolding one of his own drivers,…
Read article here: Scandals At Uber And Fox Show Dangers Of Letting Macho Cultures Run Wild
These Steps Can Help Adults Heal From Childhood Trauma
by Shanta R. Dube, Georgia State University
Prevention is the mantra of modern medicine and public health. Benjamin Franklin said it himself: “An ounce of…
Read article here: These Steps Can Help Adults Heal From Childhood Trauma
Astrological Journal for the Week
This weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read more
It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights.
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