Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
As Bob Dylan famously wrote over 50 years ago, the times they are a-changin'. However, these days, a lot of things have the appearance of going in the direction opposite that which we might desire or even prefer. It could be easy to fall into despair or at least a feeling of helplessness, if not hopelessness. It might be easy to just say there's nothing for us to do so we might as well just give up.
Yet, there is plenty for us to do starting with our own state of mind and heart. This week, we look at some of our options.
We start out with "What To Do When You Get In A 'Spiritual Blackout' Funk" followed by asking ourselves the question, "How Did We Lose Touch with Love?". We already have a lot of the answers as to what we need to do to enhance our experience of life, and it could help to learn "How To Ask Your Intuition the Right Kinds of Questions".
Some life situations can be challenging whether we're on the "giving end" or the receiving end of the "problem". Alan Cohen writes about "The Dial to Nowhere: How To Add Value To Your Life" while Joyce Vissell shares a very personal experience in "When Our Children ‘Come Out'". Steve Bhaeman (aka Swami Beyondananda) reveals an empowering set of attitudes and actions in "It's Time For We the People to Face the Music and Dance Together".
We have articles dealing with allergies, Alzheimer's, consumerism, wonder women, why meditation stresses some people, child anxiety, and lots more. We also take a reflective look at US politics (including the Paris Agreement, EPA budget cuts, terrorism, and democracy).
Scroll down below for the links to a total of 26 articles (plus this week's astrological journal).
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
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What To Do When You Get In A 'Spiritual Blackout' Funk
Written by Debra Landwehr Engle.
I’m in a spiritual blackout right now, and it’s not pretty. Typically, I feel like I have an open line of conversation with spiritual guidance, and then the spiritual blackout comes along. Wham! Someone shuts a trapdoor overhead...
Read article here: What To Do When You Get In A 'Spiritual Blackout' Funk
How Did We Lose Touch with Love?
Written by Maria Felipe.
In the beginning, there was perfect happiness. Sometimes this state is referred to metaphorically as the Garden of Eden, but it’s really a state of mind that’s pure bliss. No judgments, sadness, anger, or sickness existed...only love.
Read article here: How Did We Lose Touch with Love?
When Our Children ‘Come Out’
Written by Joyce Vissell.
I believe it is important for every parent to keep in their heart the possibility that their child might one day “come out” to them. Barry and I were totally surprised when our son came out to us when he was nineteen. We had no idea
Read article here: When Our Children ‘Come Out’
How To Ask Your Intuition the Right Kinds of Questions
Written by Lisa K.
Perhaps, like me, you feel like intuition happens to you rather than being able to use your intuition when you want to. There is a solution – a way to get your intuition to act and I call it Step 1 of the Intuition On Demand Technique...
Read article here: How To Ask Your Intuition the Right Kinds of Questions
The Dial to Nowhere: How To Add Value To Your Life
Written by Alan Cohen.
Everything you do is either taking you somewhere or it is taking you nowhere. If there is any value in going nowhere, it is to bring you to the realization of the somewhere you would rather be.
Read article here: The Dial to Nowhere: How To Add Value To Your Life
It's Time For We the People to Face the Music and Dance Together
Written by Steve Bhaerman.
Call me a hopeless hopium addict, but I believe that we are "in the same boat". Our ship of state has run aground, because the "propeller" (the guiding principles of our founders, along with perennial and native wisdom) is broken.
Read article here: It's Time For We the People to Face the Music and Dance Together
Is There A Link Between Foreign Policy And Terrorism?
by Steve Hewitt, University of Birmingham
What causes terrorism? The combination of the horrendous terrorist attack in Manchester and a British general election…
Read article here: Is There A Link Between Foreign Policy And Terrorism?
How Our Environment Can Induce Allergies Even Before We're Born
by Sabine Langie, Hasselt University
Is this the worst Northern Hemisphere allergy season yet? For many people – both those who’ve suffered before and…
Read article here: How Our Environment Can Induce Allergies Even Before We're Born
Wonder Women Have Been Smashing The Patriarchy Since Classical Times
by Roberta Magnani, Swansea University
Wonder Woman is an unsettling superhero. More so than her male counterparts, she resists easy classification: she’s…
Read article here: Wonder Women Have Been Smashing The Patriarchy Since Classical Times
The Victorians Taught Children About Consumerism And We Can Learn From Them
by Jane Suzanne Carroll, Trinity College Dublin
Every parent dreads the day their child asks where babies come from. But perhaps we should be more concerned about how…
Read article here: The Victorians Taught Children About Consumerism And We Can Learn From Them
6 Ways To Save California’s Trout And Salmon
by University of California, Davis
A new report indicates that almost half of native California salmon, steelhead, and trout species are on track to be…
Read article here: 6 Ways To Save California’s Trout And Salmon
Callous? Unemotional? Chances Are You Won’t Be Losing Any Sleep Over It
by Alice M Gregory, Goldsmiths, University of London; et al.
If you’ve ever suffered from problems with your emotions or behavior, you might have struggled with disturbed sleep…
Read article here: Callous? Unemotional? Chances Are You Won’t Be Losing Any Sleep Over It
What Causes Alzheimer’s Disease? What We Know, Don’t Know And Suspect
by Yen Ying Lim and Rachel Buckley, Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health
Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia, which is an umbrella term used to describe general loss of…
Read article here: What Causes Alzheimer’s Disease? What We Know, Don’t Know And Suspect
How Bad Could The US's Withdrawal From The Paris Agreement Be?
by Robert Kopp, Rutgers University
Even before the Paris Agreement was signed in December 2015, market forces and policy measures were starting to tilt…
Read article here: How Bad Could The US's Withdrawal From The Paris Agreement Be?
Why Mandatory Minimum Sentences And Populist Criminal Justice Policy Do Not Work
by Kate Fitz-Gibbon and James Roffee, Monash University
The Victorian Liberal Party recently announced that, if elected in November 2018, it would introduce mandatory minimum…
Read article here: Why Mandatory Minimum Sentences And Populist Criminal Justice Policy Do Not Work
Why The World Might Be Better Off If Trump Withdraws From The Paris Climate Deal
by Luke Kemp, Australian National University
The conventional wisdom that the United States should remain under the Paris Agreement is wrong. A US withdrawal would…
Read article here: Why The World Might Be Better Off If Trump Withdraws From The Paris Climate Deal
What You Need To Know About Rub On Pain Products
by Andrew Moore, University of Oxford
I was a clumsy child and had more than my fair share of bumps and knocks. As a result, I was the recipient of a…
Read article here: What You Need To Know About Rub On Pain Products
Why Cutting The EPA Budget Makes Little Economic Sense
by Patricia Smith, University of Michigan
President Donald Trump recently ordered an air strike on Syria, fueled in part by moral outrage at images of babies…
Read article here: Why Cutting The EPA Budget Makes Little Economic Sense
Which Graduation Gifts Really Are Better Than Others
by Selin Malkoc, The Ohio State University
Graduation season is upon us, and for many graduates, it’s a moment they’ll want to remember for the rest of their…
Read article here: Which Graduation Gifts Really Are Better Than Others
What Rural, Coastal Puerto Ricans Can Teach Us About Thriving In Times Of Crisis
by Carlos G. García-Quijano and Hilda Lloréns, University of Rhode Island
Puerto Ricans are searching for solutions to the island’s worst economic and social crisis in a long time.
Read article here: What Rural, Coastal Puerto Ricans Can Teach Us About Thriving In Times Of Crisis
How To Combat Child Anxiety In The Trump Era
by Barbara Milrod, Cornell University
“Lucy,” a shy, intelligent six-year-old, missed three days of school because she had stomachaches.
Read article here: How To Combat Child Anxiety In The Trump Era
People With Creative Personalities Really Do See The World Differently
by Luke Smillie and Anna Antinori, University of Melbourne
What is it about a creative work such as a painting or piece of music that elicits our awe and admiration? Is it the…
Read article here: People With Creative Personalities Really Do See The World Differently
Why It's Anger, Not Race And Religion, That Fans The Flames Of Terrorism
by Simon Mabon, Lancaster University
The bombing of Manchester Arena on May 22 struck the very heart of British society. It was a horrific, direct assault…
Read article here: Why It's Anger, Not Race And Religion, That Fans The Flames Of Terrorism
Why Calming Meditation Can Make Some People Feel Super Stressed
by David Orenstein, Brown University
Meditation is marketed as a treatment for pain, depression, stress, and addiction, but it can leave some people more…
Read article here: Why Calming Meditation Can Make Some People Feel Super Stressed
How On The Internet, You Are Always The Product
by Suranga Seneviratne and Dali Kaafar, Data61
Anyone who spends much time online knows the saying: “If you’re not paying, you’re the product”. That’s not exactly…
Read article here: How On The Internet, You Are Always The Product
Is Rule By The Lowest Common Denominator Baked Into Democracy?
by Firmin DeBrabander, Maryland Institute College of Art
The Trump victory, and the general disaster for Democrats this year, was the victory of ignorance, critics moan.
Read article here: Is Rule By The Lowest Common Denominator Baked Into Democracy?
Astrological Journal for the Week
This weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read more
It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights.
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