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This week's articles focus on "who you are". Barbara Savin shares "You Are Already A Healer: It Is Time To Reclaim Who You Are" while Marc Allen also reminds us of our innate power in "Karma and Politics: It's Time To Embrace Our Power". If these two statements bring up any doubts and fear, Barbara Berger writes about "How To Deal with Your Nervousness, Anxiety, and Fear" while Jill Lublin shares the importance of "Showing Compassion by Easing Someone's Tension".
And of course, things aren't always as they appear as you'll find out in "Alzheimer’s and Dementia: Initiation Into A New Spiritual Path" while Rabbi Daniel Cohen offers a path of reflection in "What Will They Say About You When You're Gone?"
And of course there are numerous additional articles this week. Scroll down below for information and links for all of them. And if you enjoy videos, click on the link below to have access to all the videos added this week, from "funnies" to "not so funny after all"...
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
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You Are Already A Healer: It Is Time To Reclaim Who You Are
Written by Barbara E. Savin.
My body was crying out for healing and for me to allow my passion and purpose to come forward. This was not an easy task, and I will say that it did not happen overnight. It took time and patience
Read article here: You Are Already A Healer: It Is Time To Reclaim Who You Are
Karma and Politics: It's Time To Embrace Our Power
Written by Marc Allen.
We are finding new ways to live in the world, and new ways to relate to one another. This awakening comes at a critical time, for the old thinking that still dominates most governments, politics, and business as usual has created huge dinosaurs that are rapidly becoming extinct.
Read article here: Karma and Politics: It's Time To Embrace Our Power
How To Deal with Your Nervousness, Anxiety, and Fear
Written by Barbara Berger.
If you sometimes experience anxiety that gets very intense, you may not be getting the help you deserve because you are ashamed of feeling anxious or having panic attacks. This is unfortunate because understanding what anxiety is and what triggers it can be a great help in demystifying and dealing sanely and appropriately with it.
Read article here: How To Deal with Your Nervousness, Anxiety, and Fear
Alzheimer’s and Dementia: Initiation Into A New Spiritual Path
Written by Megan Carnarius, RN, NHA, LMT.
Whatever life has been, Alzheimer’s changes it. It slows certain things down. It changes one’s ability to focus. It turns life review into a visceral recapitulation. We are not just reviewing our life in our thoughts, our brain and body are reviewing each developmental step we made..
Read article here: Alzheimer’s and Dementia: Initiation Into A New Spiritual Path
Showing Compassion by Easing Someone's Tension
Written by Jill Lublin.
We are naturally geared for compassion, to share and bond and ease the pain and stress of others. There is room in business for compassion and you do not need to go to great lengths to begin spotting the opportunities for that type of connection.
Read article here: Showing Compassion by Easing Someone's Tension
What Will They Say About You When You're Gone?
Written by Rabbi Daniel Cohen.
In the past twenty years, I’ve come to appreciate that my personal awakening motivates me, defines me, and guides me to lead a life of meaning and impact. Rather than experiencing life in a casual way, I’m driven to maximize every moment.
Read article here: What Will They Say About You When You're Gone?
Why We Should Be Turning Waste Into Fuel
by Nick Florin and Ben Madden, University of Technology Sydney
The federal government recently announced that it is giving recycling company ResourceCo a loan of A$30 million to…
Read article here: Why We Should Be Turning Waste Into Fuel
Hag, Temptress Or Feminist Icon? The Witch In Popular Culture
by Chloe Germaine Buckley, Manchester Metropolitan University
You would have thought that Western society might have grown out of the habit of portraying powerful women as witches…
Read article here: Hag, Temptress Or Feminist Icon? The Witch In Popular Culture
What It’s Really Like To Live With Dementia
by Catherine Bailey, Katie Brittain, and Sue Tiplady, Northumbria University, Newcastle
More than 225,000 people develop dementia every year – that’s roughly one person every three minute. At the moment…
Read article here: What It’s Really Like To Live With Dementia
How Britain's 1953 Storm Surge Kicked Off The Debate On Climate Change
by Matthew Kelly, Northumbria University, Newcastle
Towns and villages along the east coast of England were put on red alert on Friday 13 January.
Read article here: How Britain's 1953 Storm Surge Kicked Off The Debate On Climate Change
Study Shows Marijuana May Reduce Crack Use
by M-J Milloy and M. Eugenia Socias, University of British Columbia
North America is in the midst of a drug overdose disaster. In British Columbia, Canada, where nearly 1,000 people died…
Read article here: Study Shows Marijuana May Reduce Crack Use
If You Misread Someone’s Face, Blame These Neurons
by Lori Dajose, California Institute of Technology
Have you ever thought someone was angry at you, but it turned out you were just misreading their facial expression? One…
Read article here: If You Misread Someone’s Face, Blame These Neurons
This South Pacific Island Of Rubbish Shows Our Plastic Habit
by Jennifer Lavers, University of Tasmania
A remote South Pacific island has the highest density of plastic debris reported anywhere on the planet, our new study…
Read article here: This South Pacific Island Of Rubbish Shows Our Plastic Habit
Evidence Suggests A Strong Link Between Anxiety And Depression And Sleep Problems
by Joanna Waloszek and Monika Raniti, University of Melbourne
Good sleep is essential for our mental well-being. Just one night of disturbed sleep can leave us feeling cranky, flat…
Read article here: Evidence Suggests A Strong Link Between Anxiety And Depression And Sleep Problems
How Our Environment Can Influence Our Health
by Emmanuel Tsekleves, Lancaster University
We are told that we are a nation of couch potatoes, lacking the will and the strength to turn around the obesity…
Read article here: How Our Environment Can Influence Our Health
The World's Scientists Are Taking On The Greenhouse Gas Challenge
by Tim Radford
Ingenuity in laboratories worldwide is harnessing microbes, water and hot air to produce different types of renewable…
Read article here: The World's Scientists Are Taking On The Greenhouse Gas Challenge
Global Warming Could Exceed The 1.5°C Temperature Limit By 2026
by Tim Radford
The planet is on course to breach the internationally agreed warming limit of 1.5°C within 10 years, according to new…
Read article here: Global Warming Could Exceed The 1.5°C Temperature Limit By 2026
4 Ways Junk Food Brands Influence Kids Online
by Teresa Davis, University of Sydney
If a stranger offered a child free lollies in return for their picture, the parent would justifiably be angry. When…
Read article here: 4 Ways Junk Food Brands Influence Kids Online
Research Shows Maintaining The Same Weight As You Age Has Health Benefits
by Adina L Feldman, University of Cambridge
It is well known that losing weight reduces your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Our latest research shows that…
Read article here: Research Shows Maintaining The Same Weight As You Age Has Health Benefits
What Witch Finders Can Teach Us About Today's World
by David Frankfurter, Boston University
It is hardly a new observation that political leaders seeking populist appeal will exacerbate popular fears: about…
Read article here: What Witch Finders Can Teach Us About Today's World
Why Banning Laptops From Airplane Cabins Doesn't Make Sense
by Cassandra Burke Robertson, Case Western Reserve University and Irina D. Manta, Hofstra University
Recent reports suggest that terrorists can now create bombs so thin that they cannot be detected by the current X-ray…
Read article here: Why Banning Laptops From Airplane Cabins Doesn't Make Sense
How To Prepare For The Fainting Days Of Summer
by William B. Farquhar, University of Delaware
Over one million Americans faint every year, and countless more do worldwide. Fear, pain, the sight of blood or…
Read article here: How To Prepare For The Fainting Days Of Summer
How Your Gut Bacteria Affects Your Cancer Risk
by Hannah Rose Wardill, South Australian Health & Medical Research Institute and Rachel Jane Gibson, University of South Australia
The trillions of bacteria living in our gut (called the gut microbiota) can help determine our risk of cancer, as well…
Read article here: How Your Gut Bacteria Affects Your Cancer Risk
NSA Tools, Built Despite Warnings, Used in Global Cyber Attack
by Nadia Prupis, Common Dreams
Disruptions reported in at least 74 countries, including Russia, Spain, Turkey, and Japan, with some reports of U.S.…
Read article here: NSA Tools, Built Despite Warnings, Used in Global Cyber Attack
Shopping Malls Are Not Dead, They Are Just Changing
by Stefan Al, University of Pennsylvania
Today thousands of empty suburban malls dot the American landscape...
Read article here: Shopping Malls Are Not Dead, They Are Just Changing
How Abusive Bosses Make Both You And Themselves Miserable
by Alisson Clark, University of Florida
When leaders abuse their power over others, they end up feeling the negative effects, too, a new study suggests.
Read article here: How Abusive Bosses Make Both You And Themselves Miserable
When Love Turns To Hatefully Ever After
by Rachael Sharman, and Leanne Francia, University of the Sunshine Coast
It’s often said that the opposite to love is not hate, it’s indifference. Why then are some of us so seemingly fickle…
Read article here: When Love Turns To Hatefully Ever After
Why Bad Moods Are Good For You: The Surprising Benefits Of Sadness
by Joseph Paul Forgas, UNSW
Homo sapiens is a very moody species. Even though sadness and bad moods have always been part of the human experience…
Read article here: Why Bad Moods Are Good For You: The Surprising Benefits Of Sadness
Astrological Journal for the Week
This weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read more
It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights.
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