Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.
We dream, we hope, we seek, we find, we enjoy... and sometimes we don't. These are the things life is made of. The ups and downs and the highs and lows.
This week's articles assist us in moving forward with ease and joy on our daily path...
Scroll down below for the info and links on this week's 28 new articles plus Pam's weekly astrological journal.
Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.
Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"
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Mental Time Travel: To Dream Is to Build a Future
Written by Carol Kershaw, EdD and Bill Wade, PhD.
Haven’t you ever wished you could go back in time and tell your younger self what you know now? The following exercise lets you do the next best thing.
Read article here: Mental Time Travel: To Dream Is to Build a Future
What Happens When Spiritual Seekers Become Finders?
Written by Alan Cohen.
Every morning after we walk our dogs, two of them chase each other around the living room coffee table. It’s quite entertaining to watch these exuberant spirits tease each other, bark, and run around in circles. The little one eggs the larger one on and keeps slightly ahead of him in the chase...
Read article here: What Happens When Spiritual Seekers Become Finders?
7 Primary Ingredients For A REALationship
Written by Barry Vissell.
REALationship. Okay, it’s a cute word. But what does it mean to have a real relationship, a relationship with substance? What does it take to have a relationship that not only lasts, but also thrives with loving connection?
Read article here: 7 Primary Ingredients For A REALationship
There Is Hope, Our World is Changing... Ask The Children
Written by Nancy Windheart.
I was invited to speak to a class of 4th graders at our local school about my work and life as an animal communicator. I loved sharing with this group of aware and sensitive children, most of whom had story after story about their close relationships with their animal friends.
Read article here: There Is Hope, Our World is Changing... Ask The Children
Is Enjoying Your Food Important To Your Health and Metabolism?
Written by Marc David.
Vitamin P—pleasure—is a vital element that makes our meals nutritionally complete and makes life worth living. Like all organisms on the planet, we humans are genetically programmed to seek pleasure and avoid pain. A cat chasing a mouse is seeking pleasure; the unfortunate rodent is doing its best to avoid pain.
Read article here: Is Enjoying Your Food Important To Your Health and Metabolism?
How Does Detox Affect More Than Your Physical Body?
Written by Deanna Minich.
The most scientific approach to healing doesn’t ever focus on just one small part of the human body, let alone ignore the role of thoughts, beliefs, and emotions in our health. You get the best results by addressing the whole person.
Read article here: How Does Detox Affect More Than Your Physical Body?
Why a Just and Sustainable Economy Looks Like a Doughnut
by David Korten, YES! Magazine
This is the real-world economy for a living Earth that we must learn to structure and manage to provide a safe space…
Why Global Warming Slowdown Claims Are Not Credible
by Alex Kirby
Much of the public and scientific discussion around a slowdown, or hiatus, in the rate of global warming has been…
Why People With Good Memories Get Sick Of Stuff Faster
by George Diepenbrock, University of Kansas
Memory could be the key to how quickly we get tired of certain experiences, such as listening to music or eating…
Does Knowing Junk Food By Name Raise Kids’ Obesity Risk?
by Jared Wadley, University of Michigan
Young children who recognize food name brands, like Lucky Charms, M&M’s, and Cheetos are more likely to make unhealthy…
How Swearing Can Help You Boost Your Physical Performance
by Richard Stephens, Keele University
A few years ago my good friend Mark Foulks occupied the rear seat of a tandem on a sponsored long distance cycle ride…
How Did Health Insurance Get So Complicated?
by JB Silvers, Case Western Reserve University
With the passage of the Republicans’ health care act, the House of Representatives seems to be saying that coming up…
Could Taking Vitamins In Huge Doses Produce A Health Miracle After All?
by Peter McCaffery, University of Aberdeen.
For decades, some people have embraced the idea that there might be major health benefits from taking vitamins in…
How You Can Tell More About A Person From Their Facebook Page Than By Actually Meeting Them
by Linda Kaye and Helen Wall, Edge Hill University.
We judge people all the time. Research shows that when we first meet someone, we instantly use features such as their…
Inequality Has Gotten Worse, But Fewer People Are Aware Of It
by Jonathan J.B. Mijs, Harvard University
Inequality in America is on the rise. Income gains since the 1980s have been concentrated at the top.
Your Exes Share More Than Being Just Your Type
by Andy Fell, University of California, Davis.
What do your exes have in common? A new study finds that the people we date share many similarities—both in terms of…
How Your Brain Responds To Feeling Left Out
by Julie Sloane, University of Pennsylvania
People with loosely knit Facebook friend groups—small numbers of friends who don’t know each other well—tend to react…
From Decapitation To Positive Psychology: How One Nerve Connects Body, Brain And Mind
by Andrew H Kemp, Swansea University.
The relationship between mind, brain and body has kept philosophers and scientists busy for centuries. Some of the…
Why Getting Kids To Run Around Just 25 Minutes Would Save The U.S. Billions
by Stephanie Desmon, Johns Hopkins University
Getting half of American 8- to 11-year-olds into 25 minutes of physical activity three times a week would save $21.9…
Does Extra Testosterone Make Men Go With Their Gut
by Emily Velasco, California Institute of Technology.
Men who took high doses of testosterone performed worse on a test designed to measure cognitive reflection—the process…
How To Help Your Children Develop A Sense Of Humor
by Paige Davis, University of Huddersfield
Try a pun or some sarcasm on a toddler and you’re likely to draw a blank stare. Babies can be even harder to impress –…
The Urban Common Spaces That Show Us We Belong to Something Larger
by Sarah van Gelder, YES! Magazine.
We must protect the parks, pathways, and gardens that connect us to each other and to the ecosystems of our home.
Fighting The Common Fate Of Humans: To Better Life And Beat Death
by Cathal D. O'Connell, University of Melbourne
The oldest surviving great work of literature tells the story of a Sumerian king, Gilgamesh, whose historical…
How Men Can Help Women Deal With Their PMS
by Jane Ussher, Western Sydney University
Many women experience a range of physical and emotional symptoms before they menstruate.
How Crossing The US-Mexico Border Became A Crime
by Kelly Lytle Hernandez, University of California, Los Angeles.
It was not always a crime to enter the United States without authorization.
Why Brain Stimulation Isn't What It's Cracked Up To Be
by Martin Héroux, Neuroscience Research Australia; et al.
Interest in electrical brain stimulation has skyrocketed in recent years, both in the popular media and scientific…
Is Charter School Fraud The Next Enron?
by Preston Green III, University of Connecticut
In 2001, Texas-based energy giant Enron shocked the world by declaring bankruptcy. Thousands of employees lost their…
The Internet Is Enabling Scientists To Understand How Collective Memory Works
by Taha Yasseri, University of Oxford.
The internet has brought change to almost everything in our lives. In particular, the ways we acquire knowledge have…
Astrological Journal for the Week
This weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read more
It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights.
We add articles to the website daily. Rather than wait for the newsletter, you can visit each section according to your interests throughout the week. Each section listed below is designed as its own "mini-website".
The "Living in Harmony" section includes articles on Health & Well-Being, Home & Garden, Pets, Leisure & Creativity, Finance & Careers, and Science and Technology.
The "Personal Development" area covers Attitude Adjustments (which includes Fear, Anger, Gratitude, Forgiveness), Relationships & Parenting, Spirituality & Mindfulness (including Meditation), Intuition & Awareness (including astrology), and Happiness & Success.
"Social & Political" covers topics that affect us personally yet deal with a more "societal" or "political" sphere. This area covers Environment & Climate, Democracy, Justice, Inequality, Economy, and more. These topics are very relevant for our communal journey on Planet Earth.
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