As the above image suggests, when we let go and surrender, we then taste freedom... and inner peace. The articles this week support us in this endeavor by helping us to reinvent how we play the game called life.
Each week, as the featured articles come together, the topic of the week manifests itself. This week, simply reading the titles presents the story of our journey...
When we think of communication we usually think of it having to do with others, but communicating with our own self is the key to breaking through patterns and whatever else is holding us back from creating the life we desire. This week we...
Communication is a basis of life. Humans as well as animals communicate their needs and their feelings to each other. This week we look at the effects of our interactions, intentions, and what insights are gained through...
The times they are a'changin is what Bob Dylan sang years ago... and we might change the lyrics now to the times they are a'challengin. This week we look at prioritizing what's important in our life...
As we all have experienced, life has its ups and downs and its challenges. This week we look at how to best deal with those difficult times. Sometimes we may just be feeling overwhelmed and what is needed is...
This week we look at four assumptions we've been taking for granted, at the limitations we've often accepted without debate, and at the importance of belief in yourself, and commitment to yourself, in order to create change in your life.
With the challenges we and our world are facing, while we need to do all that is in our power to create change, we also must focus on Trusting the Tide of Events. While this may seem like a dichotomy, it really isn't. We must trust that...
fAs life moves along, its gears grind and changes happen -- sometimes with our approval, sometimes not. Yet, at some point we come to realize that there are many areas of our life that need our introspection. We bring you 23 new articles this week for your reading pleasure, insights, inspiration, and introspection.
This week, with the help of our authors, we look at simplicity, sharing, controlling the racing mind, dreaming a 3-D world, and healing with color (and that's just the featured articles). We humans have so many tools at our disposal to assist us in creating a more harmonious life for all. We invite you to peruse InnerSelf and discover the ones that resonate with you.
Do you feel stuck where you are? You are more (and less) than what you think you are, or what you've been led to believe (and so is everyone else). Read this week's articles...
The new issue is ready for your enjoyment. This week we look at clarifying our values, our choices, so we can create a life that brings us inner peace and well being.
The new issue is ready for your enjoyment... As we begin the month of March, we look forward to the changes the month will bring.
This week we look at how to reclaim our identity. Alan Cohen asks Who Are You Really? and Barbara Berger speaks about Healthy Boundaries. Joe White explains about How to Unlearn Old Patterns and Transform Your Life and...
This week we look at being at integrity with ourselves and with the world around us... whether by asking ourselves "Is There Separation Between Who You Are At Work and At Home?" or by Diving into Our Fears and Overcoming Them...
Just because something has "always" been done a certain way doesn't mean that it is necessarily the best way. Some things can be improved and others need to be changed outright. This week we look at Breaking Away From...
As we go through our experience of life, we encounter challenges as well as blessings. An important realization is that if we feel powerless, it is because we have given our power away. As much as that may sound like bad news, it's actually good news...
This week we focus on communication... Our focus is not only on communicating with others but also getting in touch (and communicating) with our own self and the reality around us.
We've been busy all week with "fine-tuning" the new website... It's been a major overhaul and there are an immense number of details that needed to be attended to. Yet, through it all, we've also been adding new articles to the website.
This new issue also brings with it the new website... All new programs, new look, more ways for you to discover new articles.... More articles by each author are at the bottom of each article (when they've written more than one article on InnerSelf).
We have some power-full articles for you this week. We look at the possibility of living A Year Without Fear and also at Keeping Your New Year’s Evolutions. Sarah Varcas shares that the key to the month of January 2015 is: Don’t React, Reflect!
In 2015, InnerSelf will be celebrating its 30th anniversary: ten years in print, and 20 years online. We are in the process of redoing the website with new software, new features, and a new look geared not only to desktop computers, but to tablets and phones...
Sometimes we might feel like our life is a tangled mess... that our emotions are all tangled up and we don't see the way out. This is the journey we travel this week with our featured articles: the journey from confusion to clarity, from darkness to light...