InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration

January 23, 2025

This is Marie T. Russell, publisher of wishing you a day of inviting Divine Love and Truth into your life (today and every day).

We are influenced by so many things... from advertisements, to social media, to our family and friends, to what we hear or see all around us. Yet, through all of this we have the power to choose what influences we will embrace. And the choice that will bring us inner peace and happiness is choosing Love and Truth, and then expressing our Truth with Love.

The focus for today is:

I invite the frequency of divine truth into my life.

Today's inspiration is written by Pavlina Klemm, author of the book, Pleiadian Soul Healing.

It is necessary to remember your own natural state of being, your own natural cosmic power and love. Your natural state enables you to find your way back to your hearts, the way back to your natural state of being, to what makes you human, to people without hypocrisy and without artificially created masks and artificially created behavior and thought forms.

At this time, with the disintegration of artificially created societies that no longer serve anyone, human beings will automatically return to their natural state of being sooner or later. Human beings will understand that mask-wearing and hypocrisies never serve anyone. On the contrary, they are ridiculous and harmful and do not belong in a new world with new levels of consciousness.

Connect as often as you can with the frequency of divine truth, which brings everything back into divine order. Invite the frequency of divine truth into your life.

Today's inspiration was adapted from the article:

Healing Feminine and Masculine Energy: A Path to Balance

by Pavlina Klemm.

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Read the complete article here.

The focus for today: I invite the frequency of divine truth into my life.

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RELATED BOOK:  Pleiadian Soul Healing

Pleiadian Soul Healing: Light Messages for Cosmic Freedom
by Pavlina Klemm.

A guide to recovering your soul and healing the karmic past. An illuminating and practical guide to healing at the soul level and beyond, Pleiadian Soul Healing also includes introductions from the members of the Pleiadian Ambassador Group behind the wisdom transmissions, who each offer loving support for our spiritual growth as well as positive glimpses of the peaceful, light-filled future to come.

For more info and/or to order this book, click here.  Also available as a Kindle edition and as an Audiobook.

About the Author

Pavlina Klemm is a healer, medium, and educator who has trained in quantum healing, Eric Pearl’s reconnective healing, Körbler’s New Homeopathy, and Russian healing methods. Born in the Czech Republic, she has been in contact with the spiritual world since childhood. Since 2010, she has been a channel for the Pleiadians. Pavlina lives and works near Munich, Germany.

Visit the Author's Website at

Daily Inspiration Recap:

Embracing divine truth allows individuals to rediscover their natural state of being, free from artificial masks and hypocrisy. By choosing love and truth, we align with authenticity, inner peace, and higher consciousness. This transformation fosters personal growth and contributes to a world rooted in genuine connection. Inviting the frequency of divine truth brings harmony to our lives, helping us navigate challenges with love and clarity.

#DivineTruth #ChooseLove #InnerPeace #AuthenticLiving #HigherConsciousness #SpiritualGrowth #DailyInspirations