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This is Marie T. Russell, publisher of wishing you a day of dropping your roles (today and every day).
COMMENT BY MARIE: When we drop our preconceived notions of who we are or how we're supposed to act or what we're supposed to say, we come to the present moment. When we drop our roles, we can be open to expressing The Goodness of Love in every single moment, without attachment to what happened (or didn't happen) in the past. Choose Love. Be Love. That is the answer to all our problems, and to the worlds problems. And yes, it really is that simple!
InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration
January 20, 2025
The focus for today is:
I choose to drop my roles
and return to the source of who I am—which is love.
Today's inspiration was written by Mara Branscombe:
As humans we are meaning-making machines. We play chess with life and love, most often based on moves in our past. Our experiences then become the stories by which we identify ourselves. We play out inherited or adopted roles and box ourselves into fixed identities. These often leave us hungry for a more evolved, intimate, and universal kind of love.
A deeper understanding of love requires a transcendence of fixed roles and identities. These fixed roles become barriers to your capacity to evolve beyond the hardships of the past. They limit your potential to transform the way you love.
When you set yourself free from being “only this” or “just that” you generate space to grow. You return to the source of who you are—which is love.
Today's inspiration was adapted from the article:
Beyond Roles and Attachments: Love as the Source of Bliss
by Mara Branscombe.
Read the complete article here.
The focus for today: I choose to drop my roles and return to the source of who I am—which is love.
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RELATED BOOK: Sage, Huntress, Lover, Queen
Sage, Huntress, Lover, Queen: Access Your Power and Creativity through Sacred Female Archetypes
by Mara Branscombe.Journey through the archetypal wisdom of the divine feminine to reclaim your authentic self and to follow your soul’s longing. Embodiment teacher Mara Branscombe takes an intriguing look at the seven feminine archetypes that prevail in the modern psyche—Maiden, Mother, Sage, Huntress, Lover, Mystic, and Queen—and traces their continuing influence throughout different stages of our life, sometimes dormant, sometimes prominent.
As she explores each archetype’s beneficial qualities, its connections to the physical-emotional-mental body, and its shadow aspects, Mara highlights the positive impact these models can have if we embrace them and live them consciously. Step-by-step creative practices, guided visualizations, mind-body rituals, and soulful poetry allow you to embody each archetype, inviting in the light aspects as well as integrating the shadow.
Click here for more info and/or to order this paperback book. Also available as an audiobook and as a Kindle edition.
About the Author
Mara Branscombe is a yoga and meditation teacher, writer, mother, artist, ceremonialist, and spirit coach, who finds great joy in leading others along the path of self-transformation. She is passionate about weaving the art of mindfulness, self-care, mind-body practices, and earth-based rituals into her offerings.
Visit her website at
Daily Inspiration Recap:
Today’s InnerSelf inspiration focuses on letting go of fixed roles and returning to love as the source of growth and authenticity. Dropping preconceived notions about who we are allows us to transcend past hardships and embrace a more universal and intimate love. This shift creates space for self-awareness, personal transformation, and the ability to live fully in the present moment. Choosing love is the foundation for solving life’s challenges and fostering connection.
#DailyInspiration #SelfLove #DropRoles #LiveAuthentically #ChooseLove #InnerSelfWisdom