Image by Susann Mielke
This is Marie T. Russell, co-publisher of, wishing you a day of embracing stress (today and every day).
COMMENT BY MARIE: There is a saying that goes: What you resist, persists. So the more we resist having stress in our life, the more it will hang on. Once we accept that stress, at least some of it, is a normal part of life, we can learn to dance with it and make it part of our flow, not our resistance.
The DAILY INSPIRATION is available each day on YouTube at
InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration
January 8, 2025
The focus for today is:
By embracing stress as a positive factor,
I can change my health for the better.
Today's inspiration was written by Sharad P. Paul, MD.:
There is a distinction between acute (short-term) stress and chronic (longer-term) stress; the former may indeed be beneficial. Animal studies have shown that significant but brief stressful events cause stem cells in the brains to produce new brain cells and improve performance.
Therefore, mild to moderate stress in short bursts can be good for us as long as we think of it in that manner. If someone can think that going through stress can make them better at handling it, it becomes easier and easier. And it turns out, the same is true for physical health—if you think stress is causing you ill health, it does; if you believe that stress cannot harm you, it doesn’t!
Even if in the past you were someone who viewed stress as negative, by embracing stress as a positive factor, you can change your health for the better. Research shows that anyone can change their thinking around to this positive mindset.
Today's inspiration was adapted from the article:
How Stress Leads to a Longer Life Span
by Sharad P. Paul, MD.
Read the complete article here.
The focus for today: By embracing stress as a positive factor, I can change my health for the better.
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RELATED BOOK: Biohacking Your Genes
Biohacking Your Genes: 25 Laws for a Smarter, Healthier, and Longer Life
by Sharad P. Paul, MD.Unlock the secrets to optimal health and longevity today! World-leading doctor and international expert on personalized health Dr. Sharad P. Paul details how you can cultivate a smarter, healthier, and longer life.
The healthcare industry treats illness, but true wellness and a healthy well-being actually come from your lifestyle, diet, and genetics. It’s time to stop underestimating the power of our genes and finally learn how we can biohack them to better our health. Unlike many other books on longevity, this book suggests that happiness and health are about one’s health-span, not lifespan. It includes the author’s essential twenty-five actionable tips for a better body and mind, backed by the author’s extensive scientific research and more than twenty-five years in medical practice.
For more info and/or to order this hardcover book, click here. Also available as a Kindle edition.
About the Author
Sharad P. Paul, MD, is a skin cancer specialist, family physician, evolutionary biologist, storyteller, social entrepreneur, and an adjunct professor at Auckland University of Technology. Born in England, with a childhood in India, he’s a global citizen and a noted polymath. He received the Ko Awatea International Excellence Award for “leading health Improvement on a global scale, and his work towards patient-centered medicine across several countries.” He has authored works of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and medical textbooks. His new book is Biohacking Your Genes: 25 Laws for a Smarter, Healthier, and Longer Life (Beyond Words Publishing, Oct. 14, 2024). Learn more at