Image by Arifur Rahman Tushar
This is Marie T. Russell, co-publisher of, wishing you a day of connecting to your true self (today and every day).
COMMENT BY MARIE: Being authentic, being yourself, living from Love... All of these are actually the same. And how do we know that we are doing it? We feel at peace inside. We may even find a small quiet smile on our lips. We just feel like all is well with us. We are in the flow of our inner being. Pull back from the distractions of life, pull back from the mental chatter, and seek the quiet still voice within. It is your true self. The article from which today's Daily is taken suggests a breathing practice to help you connect more easily with your True Self.
InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration
December 11, 2024
The focus for today is:
It is impossible to disconnect from my true self
because it is my essence and always there -- it is who I am.
Today's inspiration was written by Patrick Marando:
Technically, it is impossible to disconnect from our true self — it is our essence and always there. In other words, we cannot escape our river because it is who we are. What happens is we pinch ourselves off from the flow of our true self and our inherent wisdom.
We usually create this disconnection with our thinking patterns and beliefs which then in turn motivate our action. The more we connect to our true self, the less we have to practice connecting to that part of us, because we are living life more from the point of our true self and less from only our conditioned or raw self.
A lot of the time, particularly when we are not lost in our thoughts and emotions, the connection to our true self occurs spontaneously without any effort required. Usually when we are in the flow with something or hit our groove, we are living in the moment and from our true self.
CONTINUE READING: Read the complete article here.
Today's inspiration was adapted from the article:
Connecting to Your True Self with the True-Self Breath
by Patrick Marando.
Read the complete article here.
The focus for today: It is impossible to disconnect from my true self because it is my essence and always there -- it is who I am.
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RELATED BOOK: Waking Up to Your Self
Waking Up to Your Self: A Guide to Living Your Truth
by Patrick Marando.
Drawing on more than 20 years of experience as a spiritual teacher and psychologist, Patrick Marando has written a guide to remembering who you really are -- teaching how you, too, can live from the state he calls the true self. Patrick provides a guide to remembering your truth and fully awakening to who you are. The result: a life of well-being, peace, and fulfillment. He also explains how to utilize our minds to help -- instead of limit -- us. With his clear explanations and practical exercises, Patrick has created a step-by-step guide to being human and overcoming the barriers to living your truth.
Click here for more info and/or to order this paperback book. Also available as a Kindle edition.