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Comment from Marie: Our beliefs are so powerful. If we really were aware of the power of our beliefs, our whole life would change - our health, our well-being, everything. Today's Daily is taken from an article by Joseph Selbie which is excerpted from his new book: The Physics of Miraculous Healing: How Emotion, Mind, and Spirit Enable Unlimited Self-Healing.
If you read the article from which the Daily is excerpted, it will blow your mind (it did mine). Stories of placebo effects reversing according to the recipient's belief (whether he thought the cancer drug would work or not), and also a Multiple-Personality sufferer going from blind to not-blind in an instant as her personality changed from one persona to another. The article is fascinating, the book is mind-blowing - and supremely empowering.
Read today's Daily for a small taste, but then read the article itself for a wider perspective, and then get the book and read it and absorb all its amazing information. I don't think I have ever recommended a book so highly, but this one definitely deserves the highest praise, and all of our attention in putting its information into practice in our lives. Today's Daily (below) has the link to the article and the book. For your own good, and the good of those you love, read the article and get the book. (Sorry if this sounds like a sales pitch. It's not. It's an encouragement for you, and those you love, for all of us to discover our power and heal ourselves on all levels.)
This is Marie T. Russell, co-publisher of, wishing you a day of empowerment (today and every day).
InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration
September 30, 2024
The focus for today is:
I choose to develop a deep belief
in the possibility of unlimited healing.
Today's inspiration was written by Joseph Selbie:
"Science teaches that we must see in order to believe, but we must also believe in order to see. We must be receptive to possibilities that science has not yet grasped, or we will miss them." — Dr. Bernie Siegel, author of Love Medicine, and Miracles.
Our beliefs powerfully influence our health from day to day as well as determine how quickly and how well we will recover—or not recover—from illness or accident. If we don’t believe that recovering from certain diseases or conditions is possible, we won’t recover. But if we do believe recovery from certain diseases or conditions is possible—the door opens for us to do the things that will lead to recovery; if it is deep enough, the belief itself will heal us.
Believing deeply in unlimited health and healing, however, is not a choice made in a moment. To develop deep belief in the possibility of unlimited healing, if we haven’t developed that belief already, requires open-minded study, and personal experience. We must also release the tenacious grip modern medicine’s limited beliefs have on our own.
CONTINUE READING: Read the complete article here.
Today's inspiration was adapted from the article:
Mind over Matter: Instant Healings with Placebos and MPDs
by Joseph Selbie.
Read the complete article here.
The focus for today: I choose to develop a deep belief in the possibility of unlimited healing.
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RELATED BOOK: The Physics of Miraculous Healing
The Physics of Miraculous Healing: How Emotion, Mind, and Spirit Enable Unlimited Self-Healing
by Joseph Selbie.Our soul powers can be methodically used to develop resilient health and to increase our ability to self-heal from serious, even terminal, disease. In this book you will find many practical ways to awaken and strengthen positive emotion, increase your life force, develop health-creating beliefs, and make a transformative connection to Spirit. Practices and techniques include: meditation, deep relaxation, affirmation, energization, concentration, and more.
The Physics of Miraculous Healing is a companion to Selbie’s Amazon Best-Sellers, The Physics of God and Break Through the Limits of the Brain. These books are bridges of understanding between the modern evidenced-based discoveries of science and the timeless experience-based discoveries of the mystics.
For more info and/or to order this book, click here. Also available as a Kindle edition and as an Audiobook.
About the Author
Joseph Selbie is the author of the paradigm-changing book, The Physics of Miraculous Healing. He is also the author of The Physics of God, a unification of science and religion; Break Through the Limits of the Brain, neuroscientific support for spiritual experience; and The Yugas, a factual look at India’s tradition of cyclical history. He was nominated Trailblazer of the Decade by Om Times Magazine and appears with Elizabeth Rohm in the 2014 docudrama, Finding Happiness.
A dedicated Kriya yoga meditator for over fifty years, he has taught yoga, meditation, and universal experiential spirituality throughout the US and Europe. In 1975 Joseph became a member of Ananda, a spiritual movement inspired by the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda, the author of Autobiography of a Yogi.
Visit Joseph Selbie's website at