Image by William Adams
This is Marie T. Russell, co-publisher of, wishing you a day of living true to your heart (today and every day)
Comment from Marie: Why do we live according to other's desires and opinions? Because we desire love. Yet the "love" we receive from others when we bend our true self to their whims and desires, is not love. It is approval, it is perhaps appreciation for doing things "their way".
But Love respects who you truly are whether it agrees with who the other person is, or who they would prefer you to be. Love accepts you as you are, warts, weirdness, and all. And for you to "earn" or "deserve" that love, you must first give it to yourself, then you won't care if others approve of you because you will approve of yourself, and you will know that you are being true to you, which is the only person you can really be true to.
As Shakespeare wrote (in Hamlet): "This above all: to thine own self be true. And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man."
InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration
September 24, 2024
The focus for today is:
I choose to live in a way that feels true to my heart and
that fosters a feeling of wholeness, alignment, and well-being.
Today's inspiration was written by Judy Suzanne Reis Tsafrir, MD:
In our society, it is perfectly "normal" to be driven by consumerism, to be divorced from the natural world, to have a diet and lifestyle that promotes chronic illness, and to have no spiritual practice whatsoever.
When you listen to your soul, you are bold, and it does not matter whether others think that you are foolish or insane. You live in a way that feels true to your heart and that fosters a feeling of wholeness, alignment, and well-being.
As our old world undergoes a rapid and thorough transformation, it becomes less and less possible to rely on external reality as a source of security. In order to remain resilient, it has become ever more essential to cultivate our inner psychospiritual resources.
Today's inspiration was excerpted from the article:
The Myth of Normal: The Mindset of Patriarchy and Separation
by Judy Suzanne Reis Tsafrir, MD.
Read the complete article here.
Our focus for today: I choose to live in a way that feels true to my heart and that fosters a feeling of wholeness, alignment, and well-being.
Subscribe here to join me for the next installment of "InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration".
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RELATED BOOK: Sacred Psychiatry
Sacred Psychiatry: Bridging the Personal and Transpersonal to Transform Health and Consciousness
by Judy Suzanne Reis Tsafrir MD.
In Sacred Psychiatry, you will be introduced to a diverse range of holistic approaches to healing. This book offers invaluable guidance on how to develop a personal spiritual practice and highlights the profound significance of fulfilling the soul’s purpose. It illustrates the usefulness of astrology, emphasizes how toxic relationships undermine healing, and showcases the remarkable healing power of food as medicine.
Sacred Psychiatry also provides a holistic framework for weaning off of psychiatric pharmaceuticals and highlights treatable but frequently overlooked complex chronic conditions such as mold toxicity, mast cell activation syndrome, and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.
For more info and/or to order this hardback book, click here. Also available as a Kindle edition and as an Audiobook.
About the Author
Judy Suzanne Reis Tsafrir, MD, is a holistic healer, activist, artist, and gardener with a private practice of holistic psychiatry and psychoanalysis located in Newton, Massachusetts. She is a board-certi#ed adult and child psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, is on the faculty of Harvard Medical School and the Boston Psychoanalytic Institute and teaches and supervises at the Cambridge Health Alliance. She has particular interest in combining spiritual and developmental approaches to healing, helping patients wean from psychiatric medications, and treating complex chronic medical conditions that present psychiatrically, including mold toxicity, mast cell activation, and Ehlers–Danlos Syndrome.
Judy is a practitioner of a variety of energy healing and esoteric modalities and her practice is dedicated to healing through the integration of heart, mind, body, soul, the biosphere, and the cosmos. Visit her website at