This is Marie T. Russell, co-publisher of, wishing you a day of setting a positive example (today and every day)
Comment from Marie: We may not realize how much our behavior can affect others. Not only does it affect them directly (as in triggering their anger, fear, love, joy, etc.) but it also affects them by providing a role model (positive or "negative"). This impacts not only children but everyone we come in contact with.
Smiling at a stranger or a cashier in a store, making "small talk" with the person next to you in line or in a waiting room, sharing love and acceptance and withholding judgment and criticism is a wonderful gift we can give to everyone we come in contact with. We never know what our words, our smile, our actions can do for someone else. When we trust our heart and follow its directives, we can be sure that we will be making a positive difference, not only in our own life, but in the lives of others.
InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration
September 23, 2024
The focus for today is:
By prioritizing physical and mental health,
I set a positive example for others.
Today's inspiration was adapted from an article written by Mindy Vail:
Leading by example at work is really no different than parenting at home. Just as parents set the tone for their children by modeling behaviors they wish to instill, leaders influence others through their actions and attitudes.
Much like how children observe and emulate their parents' conduct, others observe your behavior and may follow suit. Just because people grow up and become adults, it doesn't change this fundamental aspect of human nature. When parents exhibit patience, kindness, and resilience, children learn to embody these qualities.
By prioritizing physical and mental health, we set a positive example for others and cultivate a culture that values holistic well-being, ultimately contributing to a more productive, engaged, and fulfilled life.
Today's inspiration was adapted from the article:
We Are All Leaders: Leading by Example at Work and at Home
- ByMindy Vail.
Read the complete article here.
Our focus for today: By prioritizing physical and mental health, I set a positive example for others.
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RELATED BOOK: The MindShift Effect
The MindShift Effect: Where Change Management is Redefined and Leadership is Refined
by Mindy Vail.
Whether you're grappling with adapting to new challenges, leading through uncertainty, or fostering innovation within your team, The MindShift Effect equips you with the tools and knowledge needed to thrive. Although there are many strategies and tactics, it’s about fostering a mindset—a shift in perspective that enables leaders to embrace change, inspire others, and unlock their full potential. It’s about recognizing that true leadership is not merely a position or a title but a journey—a continuous evolution toward excellence and impact. With Mindy Vail as your guide, you'll unlock the transformative power of mindset and emerge as a confident, effective leader in today's ever-evolving landscape.
For more info and/or to order this book, click here. Also available as a Kindle edition.
About the Author
Mindy Vail has more than two decades of experience in leadership development, change management, education, and public speaking. Working with emerging leaders to veteran executives, her focus is cultivating a growth mindset and fostering resilience. Her new book, The Mindshift Effect: Where Change Management Is Redefined and Leadership Is Defined (April 16, 2024), provides a wellspring of inspiration for leading meaningful organizational change. Learn more at