Image by Keshav Raina
Comment from Marie: I'm back at my computer after a week in transition. I have fulfilled a long-time desire and have moved, after 30 years away, back to the Big Island of Hawaii and am in the process of settling in. I spent a few days at my step-daughter's home in Volcano where it is cool and damp (very damp) and yesterday moved in to my very own (rented) small place in Kalapana Gardens, on the 2nd story of a house overlooking a dried lava bed (and the ocean). So I've set up my working space in front of the window where I can see the ocean in the not too distant distance, and am back in your email inbox (and online) to provide you with daily inspiration.
I am changing a bit how I will do the Daily Inspirations. First off, I will be moving the Comment from Marie to the beginning of the inspiration, rather than after. I received feedback from my last Daily (the one that covered all of last week while I was on the road) that my personal message at the beginning was enjoyed and appreciated. Thus, say no more, LOL, the Comment from Marie is moving to the top,
Also rather than picking the Daily from older articles, the Daily will be excerpted from the new InnerSelf article that is going online this same day. Thus brand new material for a brand new day. I trust you will enjoy this new format. Please feel free to respond to this email (or click on the feedback link in the This and That menu) with your comments and suggestions. I am here to serve, thus need to know what would serve you best in inspiring you each day to live your best life and your best you.
We are all in the process of putting into practice the focus of today's inspiration: being persons of integrity and being part of the solution. You (and every one else on the planet) are important puzzle pieces in the puzzle of life, so let's all do our part and help the world become a healthier, happier, and more peaceful place. It all starts with each one of us - sometimes just one baby step at a time.
InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration
September 16, 2024
The focus for today is:
I aim to be a person of integrity
and choose to be part of the solution.
Today's inspiration was written by Stu Crum:
Every day I make a choice to see the glass as half full. Some might choose half empty. My choice means that I treat people with respect and hope to get the same in return.
I aim to be a person of integrity and a man of character. I choose to be part of the solution and not the problem.
Begin thinking about every choice you make and how profoundly the choice creates circumstance. Then be happy, live well, for you have done your best.
Today's inspiration was adapted from the article:
Raising My Game With Public Speaking
- ByStu Crum
Read the complete article here.
This is Marie T. Russell, co-publisher of, wishing you a day of being part of the solution (today and every day)
Our focus for today: I aim to be a person of integrity and choose to be part of the solution.
Subscribe here to join me for the next installment of "InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration".
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RELATED BOOK: Aim for the Uprights
Aim for the Uprights: The Intentional Playbook for Success in Faith, Family, and Business
by Stu Crum.
Finally a playbook for harmonizing career aspirations with family time. Put all your aspirations within reach with one simple game plan! Aim for the Uprights proves you don’t need to grow wings to soar. Simple choices, consistency, and a zeal for trusting small steps will take you higher. You may now skip habitually “following” as a method of ascent. To score each day, just answer one question: What is my intention?
For more info and/or to order this book, click here. Also available as a Kindle edition.
About the Author
Stu Crum’s college football heroics put him on the national radar as a model student-athlete. Tagged as a winner with a natural gift for leadership, he made his name internationally in key positions with Texaco, Shell Oil, Jiffy Lube, and Bridgestone, wrangling deals with the likes of activist investor Carl Icahn and other heavy hitters. Developing a simple, dynamic game plan that he calls intentional living, Stu Crum lays out his playbook for success in faith, family, and business in his new book, AIM FOR THE UPRIGHTS The Intentional Playbook for Success in Faith, Family, and Business (July 9, 2024).
Learn more at