InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration
August 26, 2024
The focus for today is:
I make decisions that move me closer
to the ideal person that I desire to be.
Today's inspiration was written by Adrian R. Camilleri:
You make decisions all the time. Most are small. However, some are really big: they have ramifications for years or even decades. In your final moments, you might well think back on these decisions — and some you may regret. Regrets tend to be strongest for lost opportunities: that is, when undesirable outcomes that could have been prevented in the past can no longer be affected.
I could have had a better relationship with my daughter if I had been there more often when she was growing up. The most enduring regrets in life result from decisions that move you further from the ideal person that you want to be. I wanted to be a role model but I couldn’t put the wine bottle down.
Avoid making decisions that violate your personal values and move you away from your aspirational self. If you have good justifications for a decision now, no matter what happens, you’ll at least not regret it later.
Today's inspiration was adapted from the article:
I Asked Hundreds of People About Their Biggest Life Decisions. Here's What I Learned
by Adrian R. Camilleri.
Read the complete article here.
About the Author: Adrian R. Camilleri, Senior Lecturer in Marketing, University of Technology Sydney
This is Marie T. Russell, co-publisher of, wishing you a day of making choices that move you closer to being your "ideal person" (today and every day)
Comment from Marie: The above inspiraiton brings to mind the song popularized by Frank SinatraL "I Did It My Way" where he sings: Regrets, I've had a few, But then again, too few to mention..." So, you may have made choices that you might do differently if you had the choice. But then again, each choice brought us to where we are now, with the knowledge and experience that we garnered. So even if we have a regret, we need to also see the benefits and blessings that came from that "mistake".
Our focus for today: I make decisions that move me closer to the ideal person that I desire to be.
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RELATED BOOK: Nothing Can Stop You
Nothing Can Stop You: A Revolutionary Guide to Unleash Your Authentic Self
by Erin Rachel Doppelt.
A self-study book that blends Eastern ritual and Western psychology and invites you to bring more happiness practices into your daily life, Nothing Can Stop You shows you how to:
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* Claim a life that fills you up with overflowing gusto and joy
* Overcome decision fatigue and connect to crystalized clarity
* Reshape your connection to regret, grief, fear, and “what if” scenarios
* Learn to support your inner voice
* Choose actions that uncover and align with your most authentic Self
* Lean into your strengths
* Heal negative thought patterns
* Overcome your limiting beliefs with rituals and ceremonies
For more info and/or to order this book, click here. Also available as a Kindle and an Audiobook edition.