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InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration
August 13, 2024
The focus for today is:
I have faith that the things that need to happen will, in fact, happen,
even if not in the way that I had expected.
Today's inspiration was written by Alan Seale:
We all have our own wants and needs in life. We’re human. Yet attachment to particular outcomes can keep us from noticing the important messages that are trying to come through. Letting go of your agenda requires having faith that the things that need to happen will, in fact, happen, even if not in the way that you had expected.
There are messages everywhere. Our job is to be open and receptive. Being open and receptive may also require letting go of our personal agendas.
Trust doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time and it takes practice. Start practicing with circumstances and situations where the stakes are not so high. Give yourself time to get used to new ideas, thoughts, feelings, and approaches. And at the same time, keep your focus and keep moving forward.
Today's inspiration was adapted from the article:
The Power of Listening and Observing
by Alan Seale.
Read the complete article here.
This is Marie T. Russell, co-publisher of, wishing you a day of being open to what wants to happen (today and every day)
Comment from Marie: The expression "my way or the highway" might be applied to our attitude towards life. We have our own opinion of how we think things should happen, rather than being open to the way the Universe wants it to happen. A great way to do this is when you request something from the Universe, add to it "this or something better". This way, we don't limit God/the Universe/All That Is with our limited perception of possibilities.
Our focus for today: I have faith that the things that need to happen will, in fact, happen, even if not in the way that I had expected.
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RELATED BOOK: Transformational Presence
Transformational Presence: How To Make a Difference In a Rapidly Changing World
by Alan Seale.Transformational Presence is an essential guide for: Visionaries who want to move beyond their vision into action; Leaders who are navigating the unknown and pioneering new territory; Individuals and Organizations committed to living into their greatest potential; Coaches, Mentors, and Educators supporting the greatest potential in others; Public servants committed to making a difference; and Anyone who wants to help create a world that works. New World, New Rules, New Approaches.
Click here for more info and/or to order this book on Amazon. Also available in Kindle format.
About the Author
Alan Seale is an award-winning author, inspirational speaker, transformation catalyst, and founder and director of the Center for Transformational Presence. He is the creator of the Transformational Presence Leadership and Coach Training program which now has graduates from more than 35 countries. His books include Intuitive Living, Soul Mission * Life Vision, The Manifestation Wheel, The Power of Your Presence, Create a World That Works, and most recently, his two-book set, Transformational Presence: How To Make a Difference In a Rapidly Changing World. His books are currently published in English, Dutch, French, Russian, Norwegian, Romanian, and soon in Polish. Alan currently serves clients from six continents and maintains a full teaching and lecture schedule throughout the Americas and Europe. Visit his website at