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Narrated by Marie T. Russell.
InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration
June 2-3-4, 2023
The focus for today is:
Each path I have taken, or will take,
has something to teach me.
When we look closely at the maps of our lives, we realize that each intersection is different. Some are roads we have chosen, deliberately or unthinkingly, and some are pathways others have chosen for us. Still others are detours or blind alleys.
And then there are the intersections we can ascribe only to something larger than ourselves, a cosmic force we may call by one of many names. The important point is that each of these intersections has something to teach us, to inform our growth.
Instead of beating ourselves up for what we did or didn't do, we need to try to see the journey we've taken as necessary, glean from it what value we can, and start scanning the horizon for new opportunities.
Today's inspiration was adapted from the article:
Life Can Be Messy But It's a Necessary Journey
Written by Nancy L. Snyderman
Read the complete article here.
This is Marie T. Russell, publisher of, wishing you a day of learning and growing from each path you take (today and every day)
Comment from Marie: So many times, we don't realize the lesson or gift in an experience until later, even years later. Yet, every challenging experience comes with a gift, or something for us to learn.
Our focus for today: Each path I have taken, or will take, has something to teach me.
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Necessary Journeys: Letting Ourselves Learn From Life
by Nancy L. Snyderman, M.D. and Peg Streep.For years, Nancy Snyderman has been a familiar and trusted presence in the lives of women all over the country, both as a medical correspondent and an author. Now she turns her attention to those continuing journeys of self-discovery and fulfillment that are part of every woman's life. Filled with her own heartfelt and revealing stories, Necessary Journeys, now available in paperback, illuminates the joys and challenges of women's everyday lives, and shows us how every experience can be an opportunity for emotional and spiritual growth. At the heart of this book are the real issues women ages 35-60 confront, no matter which path they have chosen: issues of confidence and self-esteem, of love and relationships, health and aging, parenting and self-fulfillment.
Nancy Snyderman has written that rare book of insight, encouragement, and support, one which reminds all women that we already possess what we need to give voice to our inner selves at each stage of our lives.
Info/Order this book. Also available in a Hardcover edition.
About The Author
Dr. Nancy L. Snyderman is a mother of three, a wife, and a surgeon who specializes in otolaryngology. She is a medical correspondent for ABC News, 20/20, and Good Morning America.