Image by Ri Butov
InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration
presented by Marie T. Russell,
February 18, 2023
The focus for today's inspiration is:
How do I care for the world?
The most important question is not how to survive biodiversity loss, climate disruption, ecological degradation, pandemics, and fascism. It’s not even: Will we survive? It’s this: What would it look like if we really loved this world, our more-than-human world — as fully as we’re able, both individually and collectively?
If enough of us got good at living this question, we’d be well on our way to building a healthier society that is not only sustainable but life-enhancing. By getting better at loving this world, we’d also be doing all we can to foster species and human diversity, ecological health, climate stabilization, and life-enhancing governance.
The primary question, then, is not, How do I take care of myself or my family or my community? but, How do I care for the world? If this were the principal question enough of us lived — or the question most of us lived most of the time — we would, among other things, be doing what is best for ourselves, our family, and our community.
Today's inspiration was excerpted from the article:
Awakening to the Dream of the Earth and Loving the World
Written by Bill Plotkin, Ph.D.
Read the complete article here.
This is Marie T. Russell, publisher of, wishing you a day of reflecting, and taking action, on the question: How do I care for the world? (today and every day)
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The focus for today: Today, I reflect, and take action, on the question: How do I care for the world?
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RECOMMENDED BOOK: The Journey of Soul Initiation
The Journey of Soul Initiation: A Field Guide for Visionaries, Evolutionaries, and Revolutionaries
by Bill Plotkin, Ph.D.
Soul initiation is an essential spiritual adventure that most of the world has forgotten — or not yet discovered. Here, visionary ecopsychologist Bill Plotkin maps this journey, one that has not been previously illuminated in the contemporary Western world and yet is vital for the future of our species and our planet.
Based on the experiences of thousands of people, this book provides phase-by-phase guidance for the descent to soul — the dissolution of current identity; the encounter with the mythopoetic mysteries of soul; and the metamorphosis of the ego into a cocreator of life-enhancing culture. Plotkin illustrates each phase of this riveting and sometimes hazardous odyssey with fascinating stories from many people, including those he has guided.
Info/Order this book. Also available as a Kindle edition.
About the Author
Bill Plotkin, Ph.D., is a depth psychologist, wilderness guide, and agent of cultural evolution. As founder of western Colorado’s Animas Valley Institute in 1981, he has guided thousands of seekers through nature-based initiatory passages, including a contemporary, Western adaptation of the pan-cultural vision fast.
Previously, he has been a research psychologist (studying non-ordinary states of consciousness), professor of psychology, psychotherapist, rock musician, and whitewater river guide. He has a doctorate in psychology from the University of Colorado at Boulder.