young boys arms around each other with big smiles
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InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration

presented by Marie T. Russell,

February 11, 2023

The focus for today's inspiration is:

I choose a new way of living based on love and respect.

Partnership is the solution to our personal and even global problems. For our personal problems — our anxieties, doubts, and fears — we can find that partnership with ourselves, with our intuition, our spirit, or whatever you want to call it, that supports us and loves us as much as we love our own children.

For our global problems — hunger, poverty, and war — the solutions are only to be found in new and better ways of working in partnership in every relationship we have: with our intimate partners and families; with our work, our community, our nation, and our world; and with nature and Spirit as well.

The great work ahead of us, Riane Eisler reminds us, is replacing the well-entrenched model of domination, based on fear and a need to control, with a new way of living, a new model of partnership, based on love and respect for all people, and for all of creation.

Today's inspiration was excerpted from the article:
     The Greatest Secret of All: Love, Serve, and Remember
     Written by Marc Allen
Read the complete article here.

This is Marie T. Russell, publisher of, wishing you a new day of living based on love and respect (today and every day)

Subscribe here to join me for the next installment of "InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration".

The focus for today: Today, I choose a new way of living based on love and respect.

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RECOMMENDED BOOK: The Greatest Secret of All

The Greatest Secret of All: Simple Steps to Abundance, Fulfillment, and a Life Well Lived
by Marc Allen.

This article was excerpted from the book: The Greatest Secret of All by Marc AllenThe Law of Attraction — how to use the mental and physical abilities we were born with to create wealth and success — is wonderful to know, but many who have discovered this “secret” still lead miserable lives.

This little book clearly explains this law of manifestation but then takes it a quantum leap further, revealing how to create what is truly important in life — happiness, fulfillment, inner peace, and making the world a better place for all.

Click here for more info and/or to order this book.

About the Author

Marc Allen, author of the article: The Greatest Secret of AllMarc Allen is an internationally renowned author and president and publisher of New World Library, which he co-founded (with Shakti Gawain) in 1977. He has written numerous books, including Visionary Business, A Visionary Life, The Millionaire Course, and The Type-Z Guide to Success. He has also recorded several albums of music, including Awakening, Breathe, and Solo Flight. Marc is a popular speaker and seminar leader based in the San Francisco Bay Area.