pink geranium in a window box seen through an iron grating
Image from Pixabay

InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration

presented by Marie T. Russell,

January 19, 2023

The focus for today's inspiration is:

Practicing gratitude has a profound effect on the quality of my day.

Gratitude seems like something you have, not something you practice. But practicing gratitude can have a profound effect on the quality of your day and thus, as a practice, enrich your life.

By choosing to spend some portion of your day focusing on those things for which you're grateful, you spend that much less time stewing over what you don't have or what didn't happen.

Given that many people, based on a multitude of philosophical and faith traditions, believe that you attract into your life that which you spend significant time thinking about, watching what you think about makes sense.

Today's inspiration was excerpted from the article:
       Easy Practices Available to You for Wisdom and Mastery
       Written by Jamie S. Walters
Read the complete article here.

This is Marie T. Russell, publisher of, wishing you a day of practicing gratitude (today and every day)

Subscribe here to join me for the next installment of "InnerSelf's Daily Inspiration".

The focus for today: Practicing gratitude has a profound effect on the quality of my day.

* * * * *

RECOMMENDED BOOK: Big Vision, Small Business

Big Vision, Small Business: 4 Keys to Success without Growing Big
by Jamie S. Walters.

book cover: Big Vision, Small Business: 4 Keys to Success without Growing Big by Jamie S. Walters.While most of the business world worships size and constant growth, Big Vision, Small Business celebrates the art—and power—of small. Based on interviews with more than seventy small-business owners and on her own experiences as a successful small-business entrepreneur, Jamie Walters shows how a business can stay small and remain vital, healthy, and rewarding.

If you long to run a successful, socially conscious enterprise as one element of a fulfilling personal life, Big Vision, Small Business shows you how. Covering growth options and small-enterprise advantages, inspired visioning, communication, and right-relationship, mindset issues and expectation management, and wisdom and mastery practices, Big Vision, Small Business is a must-read for every entrepreneur and futurist.

Info/Order this book. Also available as a Kindle edition.

About the Author

Jamie S. WaltersJamie S. Walters is the founder and CEO of Ivy Sea, Inc., an organizational consulting firm based in San Francisco. Jamie is the author of Big Vision, Small Business, and a guide and inspiration source for the visionary entrepreneurs and leaders who are rising up to redefine, realign, and create the new era for the way we live, interact, lead, and approach our work.