Why do we worry so much about the future? Why are we concerned about what will happen to us or to those we love? Is it because...
The life we experience is the product of the vision we use to interpret events.
The human brain has been compared to a computer. It can be programmed, and it actually has been since the time we were born -- and probably in utero as well. We've been programmed to...
As you surrender to the wave vibrations of eternal love within you, you automatically discover God.
Stopping the cycle of hate is everyone’s responsibility. We become more conscious of our own actions. We don’t sit around complaining about a situation. We take constructive, not destructive, action. We search for solutions, amid our pain, and in the process, we can heal and help ourselves and others.
Imagine a caterpillar gradually transforming into a butterfly. Does the caterpillar work to make this happen? Not exactly -- not unless you want to consider a caterpillar just being a caterpillar work. If you simply be who you are...
Caring, sharing, cooperation with and love of each other must no longer be seen as pious ideals, divorced from reality, but rather as the indispensable basis for the new realities on which our survival and well-being must be premised.
A lot of us were raised to always put others first... we always came last. However, since we are the one who is "in charge" of our own self, we need to take care of our own self first. Others need to take care of themselves first as well.
Would it change your day if upon waking you asked, "How can I be of service?" If, after asking, you journeyed through your day as if each circumstance provided an answer to your question?
As with anything in life, we are best served to live our life so that we will have no regrets. And that has to do with daily living as well as the illnesses of loved ones.
Fear controls us and directs our steps. We refrain from doing things we consider risky even if our heart yearns for them. We alter our behavior, again based on fear of losing something or someone.
We each have remnants and holdouts of our younger self within our own adult self. The child who was hurt, not loved enough, not accepted, not encouraged, perhaps made fun of, misunderstood, ignored... the list can go on and on.
We may, at times, get caught up in trying to win an argument, or getting the upper hand on a decision that has to be made. At such times, we completely ignore what is for the highest good of all, and instead "stick to our guns" and want to be right at all costs.
As children of God or children of the Universe, we have a role to play. What is that role? Your answers will come as you keep asking yourself, "What can I do now?"
It only takes a moment or two, several times a day, to allow the body to let go and relax. Relaxation is essential to the healing process.
Give thanks for everything that you are and everything that you have. That's right -- give thanks, but not in some meaningless charade.
Miracles are always around us. Sometimes we just need to open our eyes, and our attitude, to see them.
No matter our age, or upbringing, or country of origin, or religion, it is important that we feel that our lives matter. That what we do makes a difference.
If we came to earth to learn and grow, then the people we grew up with - parents and siblings - are our classmates as well as teachers in this journey.
"May the Creator within all things bring blessings and peace for all of the members of this household. May this home be filled with joy, laughter, and love."
We are all unique and we each have our own talents which connects us to our power. We are all much more powerful than we think we are.
We need to be willing to be ourselves, to be real, and to let others get close enough to see inside of us -- and then we'll have relationships that are intimate, that are grand, that are real!
Recognizing the connection between all of us, we understand that giving love and sharing energy is the greatest gift, not only for others, but for ourselves as well. It is impossible to give without receiving...