In our spiritual quest, we can become very selfish, thinking only of our own growth... We fail time after time to realize, as Saint Francis says, "It is in giving that we receive."
Are you uncomfortable with silence, needing to have music or TV, or some form of sound in the background? How often do you actually welcome an experience of silence?
While all religions are different, and each person's spiritual path is unique, the one commonality we all share is Planet Earth and this Universe we live in.
In our "go-go-go" society, it can seem counter-productive to stop and take a nap.
There are so many ways we may have given our power away. One of them is by accepting and believing, without question, the concept of hereditary or genetic causes of illness.
"He makes me want to be a better person." As I reflected on this statement, I realized that this is the best compliment anyone could ever hope to receive.
We've got great things to do. Life is a school of opportunities. (Don't call them problems.) Some people just need to become excited. They need to learn that they can change things.
This wisdom -- the importance of living in the present -- is another of the many lessons children could teach us, if we were willing to lay aside our adult "solutions" long enough to hear theirs.
So many things happen in life -- in our own life personally and in life in general -- that don't seem to be part of the plan. Whether it involves...
"I think the biggest spiritual challenge in the new millennium will be trying to sustain a spiritual stance of love, kindness, and benevolence in what will be a chaotically imbalanced society."
We possibly all have a bit of perfectionist syndrome. It was drilled into us by our educational system... always trying to be better than the other person... either in school, in sports, in looks, in being the best at something, and these days in the number of Facebook "friends".
The secret of life is that there is continuous communication not only between living things and their environment but among all things living in the environment. An intricate web of interaction connects all life into one vast, self-maintaining system.
The following affirmation or manifesto is taken from a letter to the entire "human family"...
This short prayer or affirmation is taken from the book The Age of Miracles, written by Marianne Williamson...
Saying, "Bless you," certainly works wonders when you become irritated at someone on the highway, in the supermarket, or wherever else you may be. Just bless them instead of cursing them as you go along.
We all have heard of the commandment that tells us to "Honor thy father and thy mother." But nowhere are we told to honor ourselves...
Whatever the source or meaning of pain, it represents a certain wisdom of the body and mind to defend itself and to adapt...
We tend to look outside of ourselves for energy... whether we find it in food, rest, exercise, adrenalin-producing activities, interactions with other people, etc.
The people in our life are there to inspire us, enlighten us, teach us... even those people who get on our nerves. Everyone is in our life to help us attain our full potential.
For centuries people have said, "Follow your heart; listen to your gut," and have used expressions such as "heartfelt" and "gut reaction." In my experience, I first feel...
If you have negative friends you really love and don't want to lose, then simply see less of them for the time being. Remember to first talk to people and explain how you feel. Only if there is no understanding should you break off a relationship.
Our energy fields hold the memory of past pain, and the fear of repeating these painful situations keeps the blocks in place.
People are at many different stages of development. But the only real difference between them is that some know they are divine, and others do not yet have that awareness.