Why Immigration Holds the Key to Rural Prosperity
Creating Your Best Year with Quantum Intentions
Start Small: Why One New Year’s Resolution is Enough
Jimmy Carter’s Human Decency: How America Can Rise to the Challenge
How Stress Leads to a Longer Life Span
Build Your Road to Success with Change
Planetary Gateways: The Ancient Wisdom of Astrology
Transitioning from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius
Why Immigration Holds the Key to Rural Prosperity
Astrological Overview and Horoscope: Dec. 30, 2024 to January 5, 2025
Creating Your Best Year with Quantum Intentions
Start Small: Why One New Year’s Resolution is Enough
Jimmy Carter’s Human Decency: How America Can Rise to the Challenge
How Stress Leads to a Longer Life Span
Astrological Overview and Horoscope: January 6 to 12, 2025
Transformation applies to so many things. We can transform our health, our behavior (and our pet's behavior), our attitude, our spiritual life, our environment, our neighborhood, our country, our world. Transformation is another word for change. But it implies...
Just like the tides that go in and out, the sun who rises and sets, so our life has cycles. We face challenges, and then we attain success, and we continue our journey of life to the next challenge and success... and yes, sometimes we "fail" (or fall) and then get up and keep going, or maybe even change direction as needed.
Whatever is going on in life - in your life, the lives of the people around you, or in the world in general - things cannot remain the same. And I don't mean that just as wishful thinking, or hoping that things will change. Things cannot stay the same. It is an impossibility...
Power. Change. Crisis. These are words that may bring up feelings of discomfort, if not outright fear. Yet as with anything, there are always two sides to the story.
We can experience the challenges in our life with our head held high facing each challenge as something we can handle, or we can do so with our shoulders bent as if the weight of the world was upon them.
The song popularized by Frank Sinatra "My Way" famously states" "I did it my way". We all do it "our way" in whatever we do. We can't help but do it "our way" even when we are possibly trying to mimic others, or follow the "in" thing.
Superheroes are popular. We watch movies, read books, comics, play video games involving superheroes, and we talk about them and maybe even dream about them. Yet are we ignoring the only superhero that really counts?
You may have heard the story that we are drinking Cleopatra's bathwater... that the water (which is fluid energy) has been recycled and recirculated through the centuries. Everything already is in existence in the form of energy, and then it's up to us as to...
Listening is a doorway. When we listen to others, we can discover who they are, their dreams, aspirations, and get in touch with their heart. When we listen to ourselves...
Unless we change, things will remain the same. So unless you're 100% satisfied with the status of your life and the world, then things need to change... you need to change... we all need to change. We need to rethink how we do things, how we...
We have access to a lot of helpers and tools to help us on our journey of life. We are not alone, though at times it may seem like we are. The spirit of our ancestors...
As the featured articles came together for this week, one a day, I (Marie) was interested to see that two of the 7 featured articles quoted the Peace Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi...
We might have previously thought that we needed fixing, that we were damaged souls, but the truth is that we don't need fixing, we simply need cleaning, clearing, cleansing. We're like a window or a mirror that has been accumulating dirt and dust for years.
Our life is aa adventure... from the moment we are born (or from the moment we, as a soul consciousness, enter the baby in the womb), we are on a journey. It is a road that we have been on for...
Energy is in everything and it is everything. Energy is in our homes, not just in the form of electricity, but in the form of colors, shapes, cleanliness or clutter, mood, sounds, etc. And the foods we eat...
The creator of the above graphic put its' description as "Time Heals All Wounds", and while this may be true, it doesn't necessarily "just happen". We have to participate. We have to do our part.
We face challenges in life... in weather patterns, in health, in personal relationships, and within our own self. Many of us would perhaps prefer to not have any challenges... yet they seem to be built into the weave of life.
Our life is a journey... sometimes we travel physically from one location to another, and at other times our journey involves an up and down of emotions and experiences.
In order to create change, we must pay attention... to our thoughts, to our actions, and to what is taking place around us. This week, we bring you articles to assist you in the quest to create a better world for yourself, and for all.
Staying stuck in the "same-old same-old" ways, patterns, beliefs, attitudes, etc., guarantees that we don't move forward to a better life. So, this week we bring you articles that focus on flexibility in attitudes and beliefs, and...
The nature of our relationships decides the nature of our life and our level of happiness. Not that others "make us happy", but rather we are happy when we are in harmony with the people and the world around us, and the world within us as well.
The song from the 60s "It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to..." expresses radically that in life, we can choose our actions and reactions. It's our life, and we can cry (and rant and rave) if we want to... or...
Everything, including us, is in flux... So, we can make new choices, see things differently, and create a future better than the one that appears to be in front of us.