The European Union has survived its latest contest between pro-EU and anti-EU forces. Helped by high turnout, pro-EU centrist and leftist parties together won more than two-thirds of seats in the European Parliament elections held in 28 countries from May 23 to 26.
A green wave has flooded Europe in the 2019 European elections. The big winners of the night were the German Greens, who took 20.5%. of the national vote, almost doubling their 10.7% share from 2014.
Environmentalism can feel like a drag. People trying to reduce their environmental impact often feel stressed and inadequate, and those who aren’t can feel judged and resentful.

- By The Guardian
The inside story of Extinction Rebellion, the direct action group that paralysed central London to protest against what it see as the government's inaction on climate change. After a week of protests,
Jason Kenney has led the United Conservative Party to victory in Alberta. There were manyobjectionablecomponents to the UCP campaign. One of the most ominous was Kenney’s promise to fight for the continued subsidization of Alberta’s dying fossil fuel industry.
Students around the world are walking out of school once more, as part of ongoing strikes to protest governments’ inaction on climate change.
On March 14 2019, at least 50 rallies were planned across Australia and expected to draw thousands of students walking out of school to protest climate change inaction.
- By David Holmes
In the past year, we have heard from several right-of-centre members of the media-political elite in Australia - some of whom dined together at Kirribilli House on the weekend - that climate change is exaggerated for the purposes of introducing a “socialist” carbon tax.
Climate scientists insist in a recent report that fundamental changes in how energy is consumed and supplied are urgently required to avoid serious damage to life and property from rising temperatures, rising sea levels and greater frequency of extreme weather events
The Doomsday Clock, a measure by scientists of the risk to global survival, now says the danger is the greatest since 1953.
It seems that extreme weather is becoming more extreme and increasingly common. We can't pick up one of the few remaining papers, visit a news website, turn on the radio, without hearing of another hurricane, tornado, mudslide, nor'easter, or common everyday snow storm called Billy Bob, Wilma May, or a cyclopoop.
Newspaper articles, TV appearances and radio slots are increasingly important ways for academics to communicate their research to wider audiences.
The 2018 elections promise to be the “Year of the Woman,” with more women planning to step into local, state and federal elections than ever before.
While Americans support action on climate change, many don’t see the issue as an immediate threat and so the issue does not elicit the powerful responses necessary for Americans to mobilize, argues sociologist Doug McAdam.
President Donald Trump on June 1 took the dramatic step of removing the U.S. from the Paris climate agreement – the product of many years of diligent and difficult negotiation among 175 nations around the world. Recent polls reveal that six in 10 Americans oppose Trump’s move.
In the early 15th century the Ming Dynasty in China undertook a series of expensive oceangoing expeditions called the Treasure Voyages.
Even before the Paris Agreement was signed in December 2015, market forces and policy measures were starting to tilt the world toward a lower-carbon future. U.S. carbon dioxide emissions peaked in 2007, and Chinese emissions may have peaked in 2014.
The conventional wisdom that the United States should remain under the Paris Agreement is wrong. A US withdrawal would be the best outcome for international climate action.
Until recently, weather talk was an easy filler for any awkward silence. But tragically for polite conversationalists everywhere, the weather is no longer mundane.
Towns and villages along the east coast of England were put on red alert on Friday 13 January.
A new detailed, easily navigable opinion map clarifies what people in each county, city, and even congressional district in the United States believe about climate change.