Life After Toxics: Living in a Toxic-Free World
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Life After Toxics. I know that sounds like there is some toxic-free land over the rainbow somewhere or a new era when toxics are a thing of the past. Well, there is. There is actually a whole world of toxic-free possibilities. Not everything is toxic.
Many people around the world are already working on new technologies, rethinking industry, and discovering how to utilize the powers of nature to provide for our human needs in a way that supports and continues life. Toxic chemicals do not sustain life and so they are being phased out.
Choosing to be Toxic-Free
There are enough people now in the world that understand this and are taking action that it will happen. Maybe not as fast as we might like, and maybe not without a struggle, but toxic chemicals are on their way out. You can help by choosing to be toxic-free.
I live in a toxic-free home and have a toxic-free body, so experiencing harm from toxics is, for me, a thing of the past. And my life after toxics is far better than it was when toxic chemicals ruled my health and my life.
Effects of Toxics & Benefits of Being Toxic-Free
While being exposed to toxics, my body was very sick, I couldn't think clearly, I was depressed, and I didn't have much of a life. I couldn't have a life: my body was too sick to do anything, and I was confined to my house, because everywhere I went, there were toxic chemicals that made me sick.
Now, being free from toxics, I am healthy, active, and enjoy relationships. I have work that I love and participate in community activities with my friends. My body is able and healthy, my mind is clear, and I have the freedom to do whatever I want — all because my body and mind are now unencumbered by the effects of toxic chemicals. And I know exactly what I need to do to keep toxic chemicals from being a problem for me.
The difference is not that the world has changed. There are still toxic chemicals all around. The difference is that I have changed.
I chose to be toxic-free and live this every day.
Removing Toxic Chemicals from our Body, Home, & Environment
In today's world, the first step to health is removing toxic industrial chemicals from our bodies, our homes, and the environment, because toxic chemicals work against the life-support processes of nature. Removing toxic chemicals allows the rejuvenating processes naturally inherent in our bodies to work.
I'm not fighting toxics. I'm choosing health and taking action accordingly, and toxics just aren't part of that. I just eliminated toxics from my life. And they can be eliminated in the world if each of us just chooses not to use them. It really is that simple.
Consumers Have the Power to Make a Toxic-Free World
Do you think that manufacturers would make toxic products if none of us purchased them? The answer is no. Already major manufacturers of toxic products are starting to offer less toxic products. I've talked to some of them. And you know what they say? They would offer more toxic-free products if consumers would buy them!
So it really is in our hands. We consumers have the power to make a toxic-free world by refusing to purchase products that contain toxic chemicals and instead choosing to purchase products that are toxic-free.
Choosing To Be Toxic-Free & Taking Action
What it all actually comes down to is each one of us choosing to be toxic-free and then taking the actions to do so.
Doing the right thing that results in supporting life is a personal choice. We wouldn't need laws at all if each individual simply took responsibility and made personal choices that led in the direction of sustaining life. Laws are only necessary when we don't do this. And right now, we do need them.
There are toxic chemicals in the world, lots of them, all around you. You may not have control over all of them. But how they affect you and your loved ones is your choice.
You get to choose if you want your body to be sick or healthy.
You get to choose if you are exposed to toxics or not.
You get to choose how you will support your body's detox system or not and whether or not you will remove toxic chemicals from your body.
It's all your choice.
This article was adapted with permission from the book:
Toxic Free: How to Protect Your Health & Home from the Chemicals That Are Making You Sick
by Debra Lynn Dadd.
Reprinted with permission of the publisher, Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, a member of Penguin Group (USA). ©2011 by Debra Lynn Dadd.
Click here for more info or to order this book on Amazon.
About the Author
Debra Lynn Dadd brings more than thirty years of research and real-life experience to her work as a an internationally recognized consumer advocate specializing in identifying products that are safe and environmentally responsible. She works as a consultant, lecturer, and writer to promote healthy living. Her books on household toxics have been continuously in print in various editions since 1984. Visit her website at