Finally, humanity is just beginning to perceive that our planet is a living being which has been infinitely patient with the abuse we have wrought upon it.
A Blessing for Mother Earth
We bless Mother Earth in its infinite abundance and stunning beauty, the wealth of its fauna and flora, the infinite subtlety of its growth and survival mechanisms and its mission of supporting the human race.
We bless it in its ability to protect itself against the chemical and physical abuses of which it is a victim. And we bless ourselves in our ability to use fewer pollutants and to simplify our lifestyles.
We bless Mother Earth in the purity of its water resources and their sane management by human communities and we bless ourselves in our ability to use them wisely and discerningly.
We bless our Earth in its soils everywhere and their ability to recover their original integrity.
We bless the numerous animal and plant species – be they in the seas, the skies, the soil or on land – and their ability to resist all attacks on their habitat, be it through overgrazing, overfishing, deforestation, etc.
And finally, we bless the human race in its ability to exercise wise stewardship in all areas of the environment.
Another Blessing for Mother Earth
We are all aware that our planet is being greatly challenged by our way of life. So I will share a very slightly abbreviated blessing for Mother Earth by Helen Weaver.
O our Mother Earth, blessed be your name. Blessed are your fields and forests, your rocks and mountains, your grasses and trees and flowers, and every green and growing thing.
Blessed are your streams and lakes and rivers, the oceans where our life began and all your waters that sustain our bodies and refresh our souls. Blessed is the air we breathe, your atmosphere, that surrounds us and binds us to every living thing.
Blessed are all creatures which walk along on your surface or swim in your waters or fly through your air, for they are all our relatives. Blessed are all the people who share this planet, for we are all one family and the same spirit moves through us all.
Blessed is the sun, our day star, bringer of morning and the heat of summer, giver of light and life.
Blessed are the stars and planets, the time-keepers, who fill our nights with beauty and our hearts with awe.
O Great Spirit whose voice we hear in the wind and whose face we see in the morning sun, blessed is your name.
Help us to remember you are everywhere and teach us the way of peace.
(Source: ld-day-of-prayer-f or-creation/)
Love’s Perfect Guidance of All
Mary Baker Eddy once wrote that: “Infinite Mind creates and governs all, from the mental molecule to infinity,” which resonates with Jesus’ statement that even the hairs of our head are numbered. If the universe is totally and perfectly governed by the law of unconditional Love – despite all that our senses scream to the contrary – then everything in our lives has meaning.
Dear Love, may I see Your hand in absolutely everything that enters my life.
May the thrush so gaily singing in the tree remind me of Your endless joy.
May I see the person who screams at me today as an opportunity to develop my tender compassion and may I silently bless them in their peace and contentment.
May the kindness I discern in a passerby’s eyes remind me that You inhabit every single heart and may I thus be led to bless those I pass in their divine essence.
May I understand that our huge environmental predicament is a wake-up call for humanity to treat Mother Earth with the deepest respect and this or that regional war a call to us all that we may build the necessary economic, social, cultural and political structures so as to enable us to grasp our oneness as a race and act accordingly.
May I understand that any upset in my life, any major challenge, is simply a clarion call urging me to grasp that absolutely everything in my life happens to forward my growth and my good, and hence bless it and even give thanks for it.
©2020 by Pierre Pradervand. All Rights Reserved.
Reprinted with permission of the author
and taken from the author's blog as well as his book..
Book by this Author
365 Blessings to Heal Myself and the World: Really Living One’s Spirituality in Everyday Life
by Pierre Pradervand.
Can you imagine what it would feel like to never feel any resentment for any wrong done to you, gossip or lie disseminated about you? To respond with full awareness to all situations and people rather than react from your gut? What freedom that would entail! Well, this is just one of the gifts the practice of blessing from the heart, i.e. sending out focused love energy, will do for you. This book, from the bestselling author of The Gentle Art of Blessing, will help you learn to bless all situations and people as you go through the day and add overwhelming joy and presence to your existence.
For more info and/or to order this book, click here. Also available as a Kindle edition.
About The Author
Pierre Pradervand is the author of The Gentle Art of Blessing. He has worked, travelled and lived in over 40 countries on five continents, and has been leading workshops and teaching the art of blessing for many years, with remarkable responses and transformational results. For 20 years Pierre has been practising blessing and collecting testimonies of blessing as a tool for healing the heart, mind, body and soul. Visit the website at
Watch a audio-visual presentation: The Gentle and Forgotten Art of Blessing
Watch: Blessing and the Spiritual Path (full movie)
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