- By Tom Zoellner
While many companies have trumpeted their support for the Black Lives Matter movement, others are beginning to face consumer pressure for not appearing to do enough.
The civil unrest seen across the United States following the killing of George Floyd brings to the fore the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous observation that “a riot is the language of the unheard.”
- By Dery Dyer
Reconnecting with the Earth is simple. But just as initiations in traditional cultures demand some kind of dismemberment, staying reconnected requires breaking down the walls we’ve built inside and outside of ourselves, toppling old secure structures...
- By Thelma Reese
It's time to rethink the strength of our seniors. They're anything but fragile. They're stronger, smarter and more resilient than they're getting credit for. And right now, they're an invaluable resource we can't afford to overlook.
- By Scott Lear
When a major earthquake beneath the Indian Ocean on Dec. 26, 2004, resulted in a devastating tsunami, people from all parts of the world contributed to one of the largest relief efforts ever.
Now is not the time for safe and credible creativity. Now is the time for new, edgy, and innovative ideas and experiments and creative, spiritual initiations that provide authentic and lasting growth.
- By Lisa Fazio
When you think of visual misinformation, maybe you think of deepfakes – videos that appear real but have actually been created using powerful video editing algorithms.
We are living with a confluence of crisis points that affect us all. We may think we can hole up in our homes and get on with our lives, keeping everything that is unpleasant from affecting or harming us. It is inevitable, however, that in some way or other, the crisis will arrive at our doorstep.
It has become common to say that the United States in 2020 is more divided politically and culturallythan at any other point in our national past.
- By Tom Oliver
Climate change no longer seems just a future threat. In 2019, major fires in Australia, Russia and California burned over 13.5 million hectares of land
Over the years, many people have doubted the ability of individuals and organisations to bring about positive change in the newsroom; they have said things like this to me: ‘The news is the way that it is; you are never going to change it.’ But as playwright George Bernard Shaw so eloquently put it...
- By Kawser Ahmed
Countering extremist anti-immigrant and racist attitudes and recruiting in Manitoba requires new approaches.
I believe there is no authentic spirituality where there is no healing of one’s community and of the world – just as social, environmental and political activism without a spiritual dimension can easily lead to anger, bitterness and burnout.
- By Feyzi Ismail
The first two decades of the 21st century saw the return of mass movements to streets around the world.
Millions of youth have participated in climate strikes, negotiations, press conferences and events, demanding urgent climate action this year.
Negativity has become a key indicator for how newsworthy a story is considered to be, not only by the industry but also by us, the consumers. And many news professionals and news consumers will tell you that there is good reason to report bad news.
- By Margot Young
Frustrated by government failure to respond to the climate crisis adequately, citizens are taking to the courts.
Mass shootings have become a routine occurrence in America. Gun-makers have long refused to take responsibility for their role in this epidemic. That may be about to change.
- By Carl Rhodes
In November 2018, 20,000 Google employees across the world walked out of work. They were protesting the ways in which their employer had failed to address sexual harassment in the workplace.
As much as I love silence, I also love music. Music uplifts me and speaks to me. Which is probably why the lyrics of a song are so important for me.
- By Nick Chater
Margaret Atwood’s novel, The Handmaid’s Tale, described the horror of the authoritarian regime of Gilead. In this theocracy, self-preservation was the best people could hope for, being powerless to kick against the system. But her sequel, The Testaments, raises the possibility that individuals, with suitable luck, bravery and cleverness, can fight back.
October 2, 2019 marked Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th birthday. One of the 20th century’s most iconic figures, Gandhi’s legacy defines how many people think about peace, self-reflection and the path to a more just world.
Mahatma Gandhi is celebrated across the globe as an idealist who used civil disobedience to frustrate and overthrow British colonialists in India.