While crime rates have dropped dramatically in most US cities over the past two decades, there has been a recent uptick in robberies of cell phones and laptops, which can be easily sold over the Internet. What we can to do to deter criminals, who rob of us of our peace of mind as well as possessions?
There’s a country path I walk often, near where I live, that borders the edge of a vineyard. There’s a place along this path where some grapevines have escaped under and over the barbed wire vineyard fence and now grow wild.
Lama Tsomo is a Tibetan Buddhist lama, a former homesteader, and an heiress to a family fortune who lives a quiet life in the mountains of Montana. Now she is beginning to teach the practices and insights gained through years of solitary retreats and study.
- By Robert Reich
People ask me all the time why we don’t have a revolution in America, or at least a major wave of reform similar to that of the Progressive Era or the New Deal or the Great Society.
- By Ellis Jones
After surviving near financial meltdown, devastating oil spills, and enormous bank bailouts, we're finally beginning to understand the deep connection between our economic and our political lives. To bring about real change, we'll need some powerful tools...
A lot of community education involves unlearning what we've learned in the school system, things that undermine our faith in our own ability to think for ourselves, undermine the development of our unique abilities, undermine our ability to be happy...
by the Women of the World. This is a time for collaboration at a global level as never before required. We can and must join together as women to take action with common but differentiated responsibilities for achieving sustainability. We must act now for ourselves, for future generations, for all living things on Mother Earth...
- By Eric Henry
One of my first memories of taking an environmental stance was in the late 60s. I was about ten years old, and I refused to ride in my dad's Opal that was burning some serious motor oil. I do not remember why I was so concerned about the gray-blue smoke coming out of the exhaust pipe, but...
Our “civilized” societies often direct attention away from the need for an individual to act authentically — that is, driven not by externally motivated desires but from genuine internal impulses. It is time to be open to changing the rigidity of our embedded thoughts, beliefs, and...
My own vision for the coming decade places communities at the center of dialogue, planning, action and change. My hope is to educate community members and congregations so they can better...
- By Bill Moyers
Veteran activist and organizer Marshall Ganz, joins Bill to discuss the power of social movements to effect meaningful social change.
- By Amy Goodman
After months of protest, teachers, students and parents in Seattle, Washington, have won their campaign to reject standardized tests in reading and math. In January, teachers at Garfield High School began a boycott of the test, saying it was wasteful and...
- By Starhawk
Collaborative groups are everywhere. They might be a group of neighbors coming together to plan how their town can make a transition to a more energy efficient economy or a church group planning a bake sale. They could be a group of anarchist forest defenders...
- By Dan Furst
As revolution is a highly charged word that stirs fear in many quarters, it's useful to get clear here about what it does and does not mean in the Age of Aquarius. It simply means a "turning back," and implies that power has somehow been...
- By Dan Furst
It's plain to all freedom-loving people that the Internet is either the battleground for freedom, or the means by which love workers will achieve freedom without battle. One way or the other, some of us, at least, must know how to use the most powerful instrument of freedom since the printing press...
From the level of our soul, we all made agreements to be here at this time. Our job is to usher in a new way of life, an entirely new reality. Like midwives, we are here to help in giving birth to a golden age of manifestation upon the Earth...
- By Peter Ladner
Community gardens deliver their biggest added value when they're sited in places like parking lots and abandoned industrial sites. However, two neighbors in Vancouver have put together a new kind of community garden. It's made up of the backyards of residents in two city blocks...
- By Tim Ryan
We intuitively know that if we are going to recapture the American spirit, it will be because millions of our citizens will begin to see the power of being connected and moving in the same basic direction, regardless of our inevitable and necessary differences...
The journey to a new way to be human involves mindful choices. The freedom to nurture, cultivate, and choose is a gift that begins with you. So — what will you do? Who will you be? Your choices and mine matter...
Complete this sentence: “When I consider the condition of our world, I think things are getting...” The responses we hear echo survey findings that show high levels of...
- By R Jennings
Student Loan interest rates are set to double on July 1st unless the Congress steps in... Sign the petition to send to your representative in Congress and then watch the video of President Obama as he visits Jimmy Fallon on Late Night to slow-jam his plea for the students...
If you’re interested in making your community a better place to bike, you can make a difference. First, make a list of the obstacles and opportunities you see. What is in the way of a safe ride for you, or anyone, where you live? What is your vision for a bicycle-friendly neighborhood or town?
It is important that we ourselves participate in an effort to shift our thinking patterns, to develop a new mind-set. If a person’s mind-set is rigidly fixed into the old patterns of thinking, then that person will feel threatened by drastic change. The person may even try to...