Financial inequality solutions and wealth inequality's impact are reshaping lives. From stagnant wages to soaring debt, this article uncovers the causes and possible fixes.

  When a president ignores the courts, democracy is at risk. Unchecked presidential power threatens the rule of law, justice, and the survival of democratic institutions.

Trump’s freeze on federal research funding threatens medical progress and public health initiatives. This critical move could derail advancements for years.

 The Democratic Party’s failure to reclaim FDR’s populist legacy left a void that fueled Trump’s rise. From the Powell Memo to Clinton and Obama’s compromises, this article traces the slippery...

The Golden Age of Plunder is upon us, marked by corruption, exploitation, and eroded democracy. Can we reclaim justice and equity to restore the republic?

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a blurred image of a woman with her hands flat out on a window. Image by Kleiton Santos from Pixabay.

Are You Set in Stone?

Marie T. Russell,
Saying "I don’t like" sets invisible limits that block new experiences and personal growth. By breaking mental barriers and embracing new…