an older woman and man holding hands and walking into the calm waters of the ocean
Image by Ri Butov

In this Article:

  • What is the natural state of feminine and masculine energy?
  • How artificial social norms have disrupted cosmic balance.
  • Techniques to reconnect with divine truth and heal your energy.
  • A guided exercise to restore your natural vitality and balance.

Healing Feminine and Masculine Energy: A Path to Balance

by Pavlina Klemm.

IIn this message, we would like to teach you a simple technique that will help you reconnect to the natural masculine and feminine power of the cosmic world. In the coming years, the natural state of being of these two elements will help to return your world to its original state—the state it was in when the human community arrived on this planet. This is another step toward your complete liberation on the path to the New Era.

The natural state of being of the masculine and feminine power of the cosmic world is an essential driving force in the healing of this present time. In the past, and still at this time, so many errors have occurred, so much evil, violence, and manipulation has taken place that the human being had to think of and carry out the most diverse tactical steps to be able to survive in this crazy society. 

The artificiality of most social contrivances did not allow human beings to live their natural state of being. Men had, and still have, to earn money to support their family. The majority of women became more and more involved in this money-making system because social rules demanded it.

Women experienced, and still experience, a dual commitment, being required to play the perfect mother role and the perfect role in their working lives. Many women have submitted to this whim of society and have lost their natural power as a result. Female naturalness has thus lost its magic, its inner power, and its connection to cosmic frequencies.

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At the same time, men, from whom absolute commitment in all directions was, and still is, demanded, have lost their connection to the cosmos. The artificially created rules of these artificially created societies have destroyed the inner world and the purest inner needs of every single human being on this planet. The common morphogenetic field of the human community has a lot of energetic “dirt” encoded in it, which needs to be extracted from this field and reprogrammed.


The Energetic Correction of the Human Community

Right now, the energetic correction of the human community is in full swing. The gradual awakening of members of the human community enables more restoration every day. Every human being who comes to the conclusion that they no longer want to live this way, or who changes their mind in the process of awakening, corrects part of their energetic field every day and thereby, simultaneously, also that of the common field, the collective field. In this way, the light of restoration spreads farther into the common morphogenetic field of humanity.

Each person is playing their own energetic role in this field. When a human being remembers, divine light begins to radiate from their body, and this small light then begins to connect with the collective morphogenetic field of humanity.

At first, the energetic space in the collective field of this person looks like a small luminous star, a tiny point of light in this huge collective field. With every further reminder of the light this person’s soul receives, this point, this tiny star, radiates more and more and illuminates and shines beyond the person’s energetic field into the collective field. This light expands farther and farther and connects with other lights—the small stars of other human beings.

The Light of the Collective Field

The light of the collective field is directly connected to each one of you. Consequently, its influence on you is direct and unimpeded.

At the same time, although the influence of dark elements and energetic impurities on you is direct and unimpeded, the human community is already on a very good path. An increasing number of people are remembering, and the common field is becoming brighter and brighter.

It is necessary to remember your own natural state of being, your own natural cosmic power and love. Your natural state enables you to find your way back. It enables you to find the way back to your hearts, the way back to your natural state of being, to what makes you human, to people without hypocrisy and without artificially created masks and artificially created behavior and thought forms.

Humans Returning to Their Natural State

At this time, with the disintegration of artificially created societies that no longer serve anyone, human beings will automatically return to their natural state of being sooner or later. Human beings will understand that mask-wearing and hypocrisies never serve anyone. On the contrary, they are ridiculous and harmful and do not belong in a new world with new levels of consciousness.

Connect as often as you can with the frequency of divine truth, which brings everything back into divine order. Invite the frequency of divine truth into your life, but only when you are ready for it. This is because divine truth is an independent divine power with its own intelligence.

Once you decide to work with the frequency of divine truth, you will find that not much of your artificially created reality remains. Your thought system and your life system will be purified by this tremendous power. Artificially created rules, artificially created situations and relationships, and artificially created habits and thoughts will be purified by this power and transformed into divine truth and its purity.

If you begin to work with this driving force, you will see what has been purified in your reality and what kind of artificially created bubble you have been living in. You will see the extent to which your role as a woman or a man has been manipulated on this planet.

You will also see how your relationships are purified—not only those within your family but all kinds of relationships. In all likelihood, you will all experience intense purifying situations, but these situations bring clarity and purity to your relationships and clarity and purity to you, too.

The Frequency of Divine Truth

The frequency of divine truth has already begun to flow to planet Earth. Step by step, it is purifying the systems that need purifying first. Divine truth helps you purify and clear those systems that do not have a pure vibration. At the same time, it helps you create systems based on truth, purity, and honesty.

This process will not just take a few weeks or months. You will have to exercise patience and find strength within yourselves for a few more years. The manipulation on this planet has affected almost every system; however, if you are ready for it, you can expect a positive, pure, and truthful future—not only in terms of the future of the community but also in terms of your personal future.

And now we come to the exercise that will help you reconnect to the natural cosmic feminine and masculine power. It is very simple. Through this exercise, you will reawaken the natural state of being within you and in so doing, purify yourself of the energetic burdens of past incarnations you have lived through on Earth in the role of a woman or a man.

Exercise to Connect to the Cosmic Feminine and Masculine Power

Breathe deeply, in and out.

Sit or lie down, and keep your spine straight.

First, activate your hands. To do this, turn your palms upward and imagine pink light flowing to one hand and light-blue light flowing to the other.

Then say:

The chakras of my hands are activated by the natural cosmic feminine and masculine power. My intention is pure and clear. The chakras of my hands are activated now and in this space.

Now place both hands on your sacral chakra. Let the colored frequencies that flow through your palms flow into your sacral chakra.

And now say:

I forgive all people and all beings who have violated my natural feminine and masculine power. I forgive myself in all the times and spaces of my whole existence. My forgiveness is absolute.

Here and now, with the power of cosmic light, I heal all the burdening emotions, memories, and thought patterns that I have experienced here on Earth as a man and as a woman.

My sacral chakra is being healed here and now.

Here and now, through the power of cosmic light, all emotions, memories, and thought patterns that do not belong to me are being transformed.

Now and in this space, I connect to my natural state of being.

Now and in this space, I connect to my natural vitality and energy.

Now and in this space, I activate my healing.

Now and in this space, I bless my natural state of being, vitality, and energy.

I am perfect.

I am pure.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Through this energy work, and especially through your intention to return to your natural state of being, your DNA will also begin to heal, purify, and regenerate. The genetic information that makes you a woman or a man will begin to come back to you. You will return to your perfection and natural state of being, step by step.

In this way, you are simultaneously helping to heal the natural state of being of your ancestors of both the female and male lineages.

We thank you for your work.

Peace be with you.
Peace be with us.

Copyright 2023. All Rights Reserved.
Adapted with permission of Findhorn Press,
an imprint of Inner Traditions Intl.

Article Source:

BOOK: Pleiadian Soul Healing

Pleiadian Soul Healing: Light Messages for Cosmic Freedom
by Pavlina Klemm.

A guide to recovering your soul and healing the karmic past. An illuminating and practical guide to healing at the soul level and beyond, Pleiadian Soul Healing also includes introductions from the members of the Pleiadian Ambassador Group behind the wisdom transmissions, who each offer loving support for our spiritual growth as well as positive glimpses of the peaceful, light-filled future to come.

For more info and/or to order this book, click here.  Also available as a Kindle edition and as an Audiobook.

About the Author

Pavlina Klemm is a healer, medium, and educator who has trained in quantum healing, Eric Pearl’s reconnective healing, Körbler’s New Homeopathy, and Russian healing methods. Born in the Czech Republic, she has been in contact with the spiritual world since childhood. Since 2010, she has been a channel for the Pleiadians. Pavlina lives and works near Munich, Germany.

Visit the Author's Website at

Article Recap

This article explores the healing of natural feminine and masculine energy to restore cosmic balance. It explains how artificial societal constructs have disrupted our natural state of being, affecting both men and women. The piece delves into the energetic correction of the human community through awakening and the morphogenetic field. It provides a practical exercise to reconnect with divine truth and activate healing, helping individuals return to their natural state and contribute to collective cosmic restoration.