Image by Victor Salazar
In this Article:
- Techniques to lift the planetary vibration
- Role of divine beings in promoting global peace
- Traditional mantra for world harmony and well-being
Meditations for Peace on Earth and World Harmony
by Susan Shumsky, DD
Not he who has much is rich,
but he who gives much.
~Erich Fromm
This article offers methods that transform the earth into a paradise of abundant peace, love, and harmony for all humankind. Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with you.
World Vibrational Lifting
A muddy astral cloud surrounds our beloved planet. It lowers the vibration of earth’s energy field and causes discord and disharmony. That cloud consists of negative collective thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. However, by speaking these power-words with sincerity and confidence, you can lift the planetary vibration, contribute to global peace, and create a world of abundant, sublime light, love, and happiness.
We now call upon the Holy Spirit,
The Spirit of truth and wholeness,
To fill and surround our planet
With the pure, bright white light
Of divine oneness and wholeness.
We now call upon Saint Germain
To emblaze the consuming, transmuting
Violet flame of purity and clarity
Throughout the world atmosphere,
Healing and lifting all untoward energies
That lower our planet’s vibratory frequency.
We now call upon the blue flame sword
Of Archangel Michael, and the blue flame wings
Of his legion of Blue Lightning Angels
To lift, heal, renew, and restore the earth
And protect it from harm, ruin, and destruction.
We now call upon the immortal master Babaji
To lift the energies of our collective atmosphere.
And to lift our planet to the most refined vibration
That is possible for humanity to enjoy.
We now call upon Babaji to increase the frequency
Of divine energy circulating throughout the earth.
We now call upon the angels, archangels,
And other divine beings that come in the name of God
To fill and surround our planet with plentiful,
Sublime, divine energies of love, light, and peace.
The beings of light now lift the world into a higher vibration.
The atmosphere of our planet is now
Lifted, lifted, lifted, lifted, lifted, lifted, lifted, lifted
Into the highest vibration that we can comfortably enjoy.
We live on a planet of abundant high vibrational energy.
Thank you God, and SO IT IS.
The Beam from the Center of the Universe
“The Beam” is an energy circuit originating from the center of the universe, then flowing through you and back, guided by divine intelligence. The Beam is eternal, self-propagating, primal energy of Spirit. Everything is made from it, and its source is infinite.
No matter where you imagine yourself on the evolutionary scale, you are already unified with the infinite abundance, love, light, peace, power, and energy of Spirit. You do not need to be “evolved,” “skilled,” “saintly,” or “enlightened.” You already have everything you need. The only thing stopping you from merging with Spirit is your habit of unbelief. Therefore, making a habit of believing is all you need to beam Spirit and bless everyone, everywhere.
The best way to practice “The Beam” is to sit for about five minutes with the intention of experiencing Spirit. You may close your eyes or not. Walk through the veil, step across the barrier, or cross the bridge of unbelief. Close the gap of false separation, and choose to merge with Spirit. Simply stop disbelieving. Then, because you are already there, let the fullness of divine energy and power flow through you, as that full being, for the benefit of others.
With the alert and focused concentration of a laser, imagine a beam of pure divine energy, about the diameter of a soccer ball, streaming from your being and heading toward the center of the universe—knowing that at some point it will veer off to where it is needed. You do not need to know where. Your only responsibility is to beam Spirit’s energy outward to benefit others. Its energy will be allocated to wherever the greatest need is.
Practice The Beam three times daily, five minutes per time. Then it becomes habitual and begins to take on a life of its own. You naturally begin to live from that place of divine power and energy.
Every time you beam out that spiritual energy from the infinite source, a little extra returns to you. If you beam out ten ounces, eleven ounces comes back, so next time you can beam even more.
It is suggested to practice The Beam in short periods, since the human ego has a natural resistance to losing itself in infinite perfection. When you choose to abandon your ego for only limited five-minute periods, your ego feels safer and less afraid to let go. Thus your ego is reassured that it can return to being imperfect just five minutes later.
By practicing The Beam habitually, your ego gradually acclimatizes to accepting the intensity of unity. The habit of letting go begins to grow. As you unclench from weaknesses and limitations, you are drawn into the divine presence, like a magnet. The ego struggles less and accepts greater abundance of love, light, happiness, and peace for yourself and all other beings.
Mantra for Abundant World Harmony
This traditional mantra from India vibrates waves of world peace, harmony, justice, freedom, and well-being. Its origin is the Brhadaranyaka Upanishad. To pronounce it properly, go to the YouTube channel of Purple Valley Ashtanga Yoga, and watch the video “Ashtanga Closing Mantra.”
Svasti prajabhyah paripalayantam nyayena margena mahim mahishaha
Gobrahmanebhyaha shubham astu nityam lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu
Here is the translation:
May the rulers of the earth protect the well-being of the people, with justice, by means of the right path. May there always be good fortune and prosperity for all living beings. May all beings in the world be full of happiness and free. May our thoughts, words, and actions contribute to that happiness and freedom.
Copyright 2022. All Rights Reserved.
Adapted with permission of the publisher,
Hampton Roads Publishing Company Inc.
Article Source:
BOOK: Prosperity Meditations
Prosperity Meditations: Everyday Practices to Create an Abundant Life
by Susan Shumsky DD
If you want to draw prosperity into your life, first abandon the idea that spiritual people must be poor. Prosperity Meditations can help you develop a new, fresh, optimistic, and empowering attitude about money. By using its methods, you can change your belief about prosperity and thereby draw greater wealth into your life on all levels: spiritual, emotional, mental, physical, material, environmental, and planetary.
For more info and/or to order this book, click here. Also available as a Kindle edition ???
About the Author
Susan Shumsky, DD, dedicates her life to helping people take command of their lives in highly effective, powerful, positive ways. She is an award-winning, bestselling author of 14 books, including Instant Healing, The Big Book of Chakras and Chakra Healing, and Third Eye Meditations. A pioneer in the human potential field, she has taught meditation, prayer, affirmation, and intuition worldwide for 50 years.
Susan is the founder of Divine Revelation®―a unique field-proven technology for contacting the divine presence, hearing and testing the inner voice, and receiving clear divine guidance. For 22 years, her mentor was Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, guru of the Beatles and Deepak Chopra. Visit her at and
Article Recap:
This article explores methods to achieve global peace by transforming earth's energy. It discusses techniques to lift the planetary vibration, addressing the negative collective thoughts and emotions that cause discord. Key practices include the use of power-words, the guidance of divine beings, and "The Beam" technique to channel divine energy. Additionally, a traditional mantra from India is presented to promote world peace, harmony, and well-being. By implementing these methods, individuals can contribute to a harmonious and peaceful world.