Repairing broken ceramics with golden glue is known as Kintsugi. By highlighting the fractures, we can see the beauty in brokenness. Kintsugi is a perfect map to guide you through loss of a loved one and beyond.
- By Ora Nadrich
We don’t usually come to the present moment free of thoughts and concerns. And we don’t travel light... I’m talking about mental baggage.
For decades, the somatosensory cortex was considered to only be responsible for processing sensory information from various body parts. However, recently it became apparent that this structure is also involved in various stages of emotion processing
It’s no surprise people have turned to mindfulness in the wake of the past few stressful years, and their considerable promotion.
The purpose of the universe is to enable you to learn. Prosperity is the attitude that you can have what you want in this universe. Therefore prosperity is one of the things you are here to learn. This is a meditation that facilitates that learning.
Perhaps you have seen an angel and didn't know it. Some people actually see angels, complete with wings. Other people experience angels as an apparition of a deceased loved one.
Sometimes, even though we have spent most of our lives not being in touch with our inner child, our first attempt will be very easy. The child has been waiting for us and wanting that contact with us. But sometimes the child is not yet ready to trust us, so it may take a little patience...
The festival of Shavuot, marked this year on June 5 and 6, celebrates the biblical story of God revealing Torah – Jewish scriptures and teachings – to the Israelites at Mount Sinai.
Vipassana meditation is a Buddhist practice that uses pure self-observation to realize the transient nature of life's activities. This is accomplished by meditating on the thoughts, sensations, and feelings
Some scholars have argued that digital Buddhism epitomizes Western appropriation and dilution of traditional Asian practices.
Christians who are spiritual or religious are less likely to purchase self-improvement products when they are thinking about God, research finds.
When people speak of compassion, they mostly are referring to having compassion for others... for those less fortunate than themselves. However...
When people speak of compassion, they mostly are referring to having compassion for others... for those less fortunate than themselves. However...
- By Ruth King
In 1985, I had a dream. I had finished grad school and moved to Santa Cruz, California, what many referred to as the mecca of spiritual materialism, which I took full advantage of.
It would be quite appropriate for a college professor to assume students know that a tree is alive and a rock is not. Or would it?
Every year, Christians from around the world gather for worship on Easter Sunday. Also known as Pascha or Resurrection Sunday, Easter is the final day of a weeklong commemoration of the story of Jesus’ final days in the city of Jerusalem leading up to his crucifixion and resurrection.
The Easter Bunny is a much celebrated character in American Easter celebrations. On Easter Sunday, children look for hidden special treats, often chocolate Easter eggs, that the Easter Bunny might have left behind.
It is important to remind ourselves that blessing often flies in the face of material evidence, because when we bless we affirm an omnipresent spiritual reality that can only be contacted through spiritual vision and a deep trust...
- By Robbie Holz
This is an incredible time to be alive in the history of the world, both for me and for you. Yes, you specifically. Reading this statement may have caused you to raise an eyebrow with doubt. And you have good reason to be doubtful...
Many skilled Western meditators have noted an uncomfortable gap between their “spiritual” aspect and their everyday personality. For some, it is tempting to use meditation to withdraw from unpleasant feelings or relationship conflicts into a meditative “safe zone.”
Many skilled Western meditators have noted an uncomfortable gap between their “spiritual” aspect and their everyday personality. For some, it is tempting to use meditation to withdraw from unpleasant feelings or relationship conflicts into a meditative “safe zone.”
The pandemic has led some people to take a greater interest in religion and spirituality. One of the many definitions of the “spirit” is that it is our inner, nonphysical world, including both our conscious and subconscious minds.
- By Zev Eleff
Purim, the springtime Jewish holiday packed with much merriment and humor, recalls the biblical story of Queen Esther.