When I look at the trees in my garden, I see how they fully express life in their changing seasons. The wind blows and they surrender.
When I look at the trees in my garden, I see how they fully express life in their changing seasons. The wind blows and they surrender.
Albert Einstein famously said, "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." I slightly disagree...
Albert Einstein famously said, "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." I slightly disagree...
The pandemic brought the longstanding issue of loneliness and isolation in the lives of older people back into the public consciousness.
The pandemic brought the longstanding issue of loneliness and isolation in the lives of older people back into the public consciousness.
- By Jan Phillips
Every night after dinner, people gathered round a small fireplace and Father Oshida gave an evening talk. Mostly it was in Japanese, but he translated the important parts into English for me. I had been reading books on Buddhism every night before bed and was facing a growing dilemma.
- By Jan Phillips
Every night after dinner, people gathered round a small fireplace and Father Oshida gave an evening talk. Mostly it was in Japanese, but he translated the important parts into English for me. I had been reading books on Buddhism every night before bed and was facing a growing dilemma.
Picture a glass of clear water. You are holding a dropper of ink over it and you release a single droplet. Imagine it falling, hitting the water, and beginning to disperse, first as a feathery cloud of color and then gradually diluting the entire glass.
Picture a glass of clear water. You are holding a dropper of ink over it and you release a single droplet. Imagine it falling, hitting the water, and beginning to disperse, first as a feathery cloud of color and then gradually diluting the entire glass.
Mindfulness refers to a mental state of focusing on the present moment, and accepting the current state of the mind and body without judgement. Mindfulness meditation is a mental practice that helps achieve that state of mind. Ample research supports the use of mindfulness meditation for better mental health,
While we may have been taught that miracles are few and far between, and not only that but only "special" people can perform miracles, this is far from the truth. The first thing to realize is that life itself is a miracle. After all...
Many of us know that a few moments of connecting with our inner resources can have dramatic and healthy effects in restoring a sense of balance to a hectic day. But who has the luxury of spending 45 minutes to one hour...
Most people are so strongly habituated to death denial that when death appears they are caught entirely by surprise. Overwhelmed and confused, they tend to miss out on the extraordinary opportunity for peace and resolution that is inherent in the dying trajectory.
- By William Yang
A bodhisattva brings healing into this world not out of fear of sickness and death, but out of bringing people back to their true nature, their original pureness: the inner light of their own soul, heart, and mind.
- By William Yang
A bodhisattva brings healing into this world not out of fear of sickness and death, but out of bringing people back to their true nature, their original pureness: the inner light of their own soul, heart, and mind.
A cultural tradition that has changed across time and place is the practice of mindfulness. Mindfulness is a nonjudgmental expansive awareness of one’s experiences, often cultivated through meditation. A range of studies have found mindfulness to be beneficial for the people who practice it in a number of ways.
The biannual U.S. Catholic bishops’ meeting received more than its usual attention in June 2021 due to one particular item on its agenda: a proposed document on the Sacrament of the Eucharist, a ritual also known as Holy Communion.
When my boy died, I had no belief that the dead could talk to us. At best, they seemed gone in another world, separated by loss and the deafening thunder of our grief. But then Jordan started speaking to me...
When my boy died, I had no belief that the dead could talk to us. At best, they seemed gone in another world, separated by loss and the deafening thunder of our grief. But then Jordan started speaking to me...
COVID-19 has affected many facets of our lives. Public health measures to stop the spread of the virus have impacted the way we work, connect with others and socialise.
At-risk children gained more than an hour of sleep per night after participating in a mindfulness curriculum at their elementary schools, according to a new study.
New research looks at the connection between breast cancer and spirituality