Nothing is more important for the future of humanity than a global return to joy. At a moment of profound sadness regarding the state of the world...
In an attempt to keep up in an increasingly fast world, we are always on the go, non-stop doing, grabbing coffees and rushing lunches . . . We are in constant motion, fingers active if not our whole body...
- By Jesse Barker
For many people, Buddhism appears to be uniquely compatible with modern lifestyles and world views. It provides staunch atheists – those who do not believe in the existence of any god – with a religious experience that does not require belief in supernatural beings.
- By Jane Lavery
Known in Spanish as Día de los Muertos, Day of the Dead is commonly celebrated every year on November 1 and 2.
- By Kayla Harris
Devotion to the rosary already had a centuries-old history, and the Marian apparition at Fatima only deepened it. So what is a rosary, and why is it so important to many Catholics?
In this age of too much political negativity and price gouging it is sometimes difficult to find and see the positive. But here it is staring out at me from my kitchen window.
- By Tok Thompson
Scholars have often noted how these modern-day celebrations of Halloween have origins in Samhain, a festival celebrated by ancient Celtic cultures. In contemporary Irish Gaelic, Halloween is still known as Oíche Shamhna, or Eve of Samhain
This year Diwali, a popular festival for Hindus, Jains, Buddhists and Sikhs, will be celebrated on Oct. 24, the Amavasya, or new moon day, of the month of Kartik in the traditional Indian lunar calendar.
- By Lynne Renoir
I was raised in a fundamentalist Christian home. My father was a preacher who was particularly attracted to the words of Solomon that he must not "spare the rod" in disciplining his child.
Recently I was invited to participate in an online event on compassion. One of the participants shared possibly the most moving story on compassion I have ever heard in my existence.
“Bodhisattva” is a key idea in Buddhism. The word is constructed from the Sanskrit root bodhi, meaning “awakening” or “enlightenment,” and sattva, meaning “being.” The core meaning of the word is “a being who is on the way to becoming enlightened.”
Meditation gives us greater access to nonlocal realities: uplifting and harmonizing emotions, intuition and creativity, and an abundance of health-giving life force.
Walking in nature, eating delicious food, poetry, playing with our children, dancing and singing, making love, are all graces we can name as sacred encounters with life itself. These experiences open us up to different states of being and have a positive effect on our psyches.
Children actively meditating experience lower activity in parts of the brain involved in rumination, mind-wandering and depression, our team found in the first brain-imaging study of young people under 18 years old.
- By Nancy Berns
From the breakup of a relationship to losing a loved one, people are often told to find “closure” after traumatic things happen.
Historically, religious Americans have been civically engaged. Through churches and other faith-based organizations, congregants volunteer, engage in local and national civic organizations and pursue political goals.
- By Ora Nadrich
As mysterious as the brain is, mindfulness, I believe, can help us know more about it and the brilliance of which it is capable.
We are so much more than we know. We have access to a rich source of vitality, creativity, fulfillment, and wellbeing right within ourselves.
- By Catrin Eames
Trauma, such as surviving or witnessing road accidents, natural disasters and violence, can shake up our lives, challenging our core beliefs and views of the world. my name for what I believe is the most potent and effective act of rebellion. The instructions are simple: express love no matter what.
Abortions were known and practiced in biblical times, although the methods differed significantly from modern ones.
It is a great platitude to say that the world is getting more and more complicated and complex. Many of our seniors are hopelessly lost with a system that is changing and evolving almost daily.
How can a system firmly entrenched in duality and separation be positively transformed? To put it simply, the answer is through Love. This is not merely an ideal without any basis in reality; it has been scientifically proven, recorded, and officially documented...