My Most Memorable Encounter

Recently someone asked me, "In your years of publishing, what would you say was your most memorable encounter?" I instantly heard my inner voice whisper the answer, but my mind didn't feel comfortable with expressing what it had heard, so I proceeded to think of who my most memorable encounter was with... The inner voice whispered again. This time I decided to 'take a risk' and express what it was saying: "My most memorable encounter was encountering myself and discovering who I really am."

What about you? Think about it. You have been with yourself 24 hours a day through the years, the experiences, and all the ups and downs. Who else has spent so much time with you? You may have met thousands of people during the course of your life, yet who is the one person who has had the most impact on you? Why, it could only be the one and only you! Everything you think, do, and say, registers in your consciousness and contributes to creating your life. Thus, you are the person who has the most affected you!

This may seem a bit simple, yet how much do we honor the influence we have on ourselves? Are you aware of your own importance? Whitney Houston sings: "I am nothing, nothing if I don't have you." Well when it comes to yourself, I agree with her. Without yourself, you'd be nothing.

Looking Outside to Find What's Inside?

My Most Memorable EncounterMany of us look outside of ourSelf to find ourselves... for example, in the eyes of someone else. In reality, we only need to look within to find the support and love that we search for. Do you love and support yourself? Do you look in the mirror and find yourself attractive? Sometimes in our striving for perfection, we become much more critical than loving of ourselves.

Rather than taking the time to get to know someone else, maybe we can consider taking the time to get to know ourselves. What would you think of going away with yourself for a weekend? Go into the forest or nature give yourself the chance to fall in love with yourself! You are a unique being!

Jo Courdet, in her book, Advice from a Failure, says it best: "If you go 5 million years into the future, you will discover that there never will be anyone like you. You can go 5 million years in the past and there has never been anyone like you. Of all the people that you will ever know or love in your lifetime, YOU are the only one you will never lose."

My Most Memorable Encounter: Me, My Self, and I

So I can truly say that my most memorable encounter was with myself, with all parts of me: from the child within to the adolescent; from the young adult to the business owner, publisher, writer, counselor, etc. Let me not forget the me who had low self-esteem, or the one with the inflated ego... all of those transitions of who I've been add up to who I am, and they have had so much to teach me. With them I have experienced so much. I am truly grateful to have found my best friend, right within myself.

Everything we need to know can be discovered in our heart, soul, body, and mind. We are our own best teacher and student. When we pay attention to the messages of the Higher Self, we have all the information and guidance we need. Who else can have all the answers for you? You may go to a psychic and ask for advice, you may go to workshops, or ask your best friend for suggestions, yet all of that can only support or confirm your communications with the most memorable person in your life... YOU!

We are always told to respect others, to love others, and, yes, that is important. But, we need to remember that everything starts within, and we need to take time to love, respect, and honor ourselves. Take time to be with you, be gentle with you, and get to know you. Do not judge yourself for the past... Love your Self. In case you haven't realized it, you're pretty terrific!

Recommended Book:

Your Sacred SelfYour Sacred Self: Making the Decision to Be Free
by Wayne Dyer.

Info/Order book.

About The Author

Marie T. Russell is the founder of InnerSelf Magazine (founded 1985). She also produced and hosted a weekly South Florida radio broadcast, Inner Power, from 1992-1995 which focused on themes such as self-esteem, personal growth, and well-being. Her articles focus on transformation and reconnecting with our own inner source of joy and creativity.

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