The engine behind the resiliency of life, of course, is DNA, with its ability to change and adapt to whatever is going in the environment while at the same time developing increasingly more complex life forms. Science, with its deep research into the laws of nature, not only has brought us together as a world society through its technical genius, but also has exposed the deepest secrets within the human experience, DNA.
Regardless of whether a goal or purpose underlies DNA, its ability to create increasingly more complex plant and animal life forms in a dynamic geologic environment is clear. In a sense, our planet is not only alive with a grand diversity of simple and complex life forms, but is alive geologically as well, with a continually changing surface and oceans that regulate ?temperature and climate. One has to wonder whether DNA has an agenda of its own and, as a species, what we are evolving into.
A New Generation of Children: Spiritual & Psychic
In 2005, ABC News published a story about a new generation of children, stating that they are “highly accomplished, deeply spiritual and gifted with psychic abilities.” According to watchers of this phenomenon, these children began being born during the late 1970s and early ’80s, and are called Indigo children because a blue aura can be seen at times glowing around them. Furthermore, the article states, “They often talk about speaking with God, angels or people who have died.”
The article also says that Indigo children are not religious in the traditional sense, but experience a universal state of spirituality and a feeling of being connected to something infinite and divine. (ABC News: “Parents Claim Their Kids Have Psychic Powers”)
In 2006, ABC News published another story about these Indigo children, highlighting the experience of a seventeen-year-old girl who claims to see spirits of the deceased and says she is on a spiritual path and has the psychic abilities to help people. According to this follow-up article, some say that 90 percent of all children today have Indigo traits.
Indigo Children: Fact or Fiction?
This phenomenon has gained enough of an audience that Diane Sawyer of ABC News interviewed the Glover family and their four Indigo children. CNN’s Anderson Cooper also hosted a ten-minute segment in 2010 reporting on the Indigo phenomenon. According to CNN reporter Gary Tuchman, despite the fact that “a lot of pediatricians and child psychologists basically say either they have never heard of it or don’t really believe in it . . . there are an awful lot of people throughout the world who do believe this.”
With more than seven hundred books about these Indigo children now available on since Lee Carroll and Jan Tabor’s The Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived was released in 1999, there can be no question that a cultural phenomenon is occurring in our midst. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Indigo Children is even available from Alpha Books, an imprint of Penguin. Here’s the important question for humanity: Are these Indigo children as mentally and spiritually gifted as their parents and others claim?
According to some psychologists and mental health experts, there is little evidence that so-called Indigo children exist. According to Longwood University psychology professor David Stein, “The odds are that mixed in that group are a number of children who are very, very bright and astute and alert and very sensitive to picking up cues in other people. . . . I would not call them Indigo children. I would simply say it’s a bright child who misbehaves.”
Indigos: Intuitive, Sensitive, Intelligent
Until scientists change their approach to studying the human experience, they will likely never be able to corroborate the existence of Indigo children, because the main characteristics of these children are intuition, sensitivity, intelligence, and a desire to help — things that are subjective.
Throughout history, societies have produced people who were intuitive, sensitive, and intelligent. Many of them offered a new way of looking at the world, such as Leonardo da Vinci, Nicolaus Copernicus, Johannes Kepler, Isaac Newton, and Giordano Bruno, just to name a few. Men such as Jesus of Nazareth (regardless of whether he existed), Meister Eckhart, and Martin Luther have had a profound impact on society.
In modern times, Albert Einstein, Werner Heisenberg, Neils Bohr, and Erwin Schrödinger, Nobel Laureate physicists who pioneered the technology we enjoy today, also wrote esoteric commentaries on “the meaning of life.” The psychologists Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung changed the way we approach the subjective world of psyche, thought, and mind. So, who’s to know whether the so-called Indigo children are an evolutionary advancement of the human species?
Indigo Children: A New Generation of Humans
Perhaps the Indigo children are the continuing expression of DNA, a new generation of humans that is experiencing difficulty fitting into an education system based on an outdated method of teaching. Perhaps these children are born with the understanding that there is no separation between humanity and nature, and when they come of age over the next thirty years, they will help usher in the educational, political, medical, and nutritional change that is so desperately needed.
I am not convinced that there are “Indigo children” who possess special powers. Every person is endowed with intuition, dreams, and creativity. The difference might lie in society itself — that we are willing to embrace the natural traits we see in our children with the hope that they will build us a future worth living.
However, I am convinced that a new generation of children has inherited humanity’s collective longing for peace, harmony, and goodwill to others, along with the intuitive sense that life is much more than a materialistic consumerist existence. Perhaps all of today’s children are Indigo children, and humanity is taking a step forward.
©2014 by Edward F. Malkowski. All Rights Reserved.
Reprinted with permission of Inner Traditions, Inc.
This article was excerpted from the book:
Return of the Golden Age: Ancient History and the Key to Our Collective Future
by Edward F. Malkowski.
Since the beginning of recorded history humanity has been in a continuous struggle over land and resources. It continues today despite the abundance we have created through scientific innovation and technology. Why such a struggle for resources exists has never been explained. Neither has the human drive to own, accumulate, and hoard. Edward Malkowski reveals that the answer lies in recognizing the reality behind humanity’s earliest myths. He shows that the opportunity is at hand to transcend these inherited selfish traits and return to a Golden Age of peace and abundance.
Click here for more info and/or to order this book on Amazon.
About the Author
Edward F. Malkowski has a lifelong interest in history, particularly ancient history with a special interest in philosophy and the development of religious beliefs from ancient to modern times. He is the author of Sons of God: Daughters of Men, Before The Pharaohs, and The Spiritual Technology of Ancient Egypt. His professional background is finance and business administration, and he is also a software developer with interests in business strategy and philosophy as it relates to the advancement of technology.