Many beings are yearning for relationships and most of those that are in relationships on earth are quite unsatisfied. It is a reflection of the imbalance of the earth. Now the time has come for the balance of power to shift.
It has already begun, and it shall continue to prosper until the balance of power lies predominantly in the hands of the feminine aspect. This does not mean that it will necessarily be only women who guide the destiny of this world, but rather, that which is the feminine aspect shall come to guide this world. Those who are in touch, from dwelling in stillness, with the feminine principle - the principle of wisdom, intuition, and clarity - will come to create a new way of being for all.
While the men (the male dominant aspects) of the world have been involved with themselves and their affairs, learning more of how to dominate and take control, they have failed to evolve emotionally. This has created a culture that has left men far behind women in the maturity of emotions and therefore spirit.
It is for this reason, at this time, that many of the evolved women have difficulty finding adequate mates in men. For if women wish to find adequate mates in men, they shall have to take into their charge the responsibility of helping their men evolve and raise the level of their awareness into a new time.
This, my sisters, is work, and it shall take a few generations before there is a standard set in which men, by and large, appreciate women (the feminine aspect) for their value as equals. Even now, as more men are beginning to appreciate the feminine aspect, many women coming into their power still grow uncertain when they find themselves facing opposition in claiming their power.
Many women feel guilty and at a loss as though something is wrong with them for not being able to manifest what they have always been taught to believe as the traditional role of woman. As they first begin to grasp the principle of the empowered self, it is usually quite difficult. And it is an adjustment for the men as well.
The time has come for persons to further explore the meaning of the feminine principle in regard to interacting with each other. This meaning cannot be fully comprehended in any teaching, writing, or word, but can only be revealed from within through meditation upon the spirit of the universe.
At this time, the Goddess is beginning to envelop this plane, and it is through the power of the Goddess that the entire earth shall indeed move forward. As this comes about, the God-Goddess and the Creator shall be known by those who are willing to receive directly from the universe the solutions to all of their physical plane dilemmas.
The matter of soulmates ties into something even greater than merely soulmates, but rather an intimacy, an intercourse with the universe itself. Those who are willing to have such intercourse with the universe itself shall receive empowerment from the Goddess. Those of you seeking harmonious relationships with soulmates, men and women, shall need to find first the most important soulmate relationship which is the soul drawing upon the very universe itself for its fulfillment and its needs.
As you draw upon the universal resources, your intuition, your wits, and your inner strength, your life becomes so successful and harmonious that you naturally draw your soulmate to you through the magnetic draw of the life force you radiate (love itself).
All souls seeking intimacy with the universe shall become awakened to the power of the Goddess principle which is wisdom, love, empowerment, and kindness. The Goddess is the Supreme Nurturer, that which gives fulfillment, satisfies the need, and is the sustenance of life itself. This sustenance, which comes from communion with the inner spirit, brings all the completeness and wholeness you could want. It is the real soul connection you seek.
Recommended book:
Soular Reunion : Journey to the Beloved... Remembering the Love of Self, Soulmates and Twin Souls
by John A. and Diadra Price.
About The Author
For more than 20 years, Mataare, (formerly named Paul Norris McClain), working as a clairvoyant, tarot reader, numerologist and trance channel, has traveled extensively, presenting seminars and readings throughout North America. Mataare, a professional trance channel since 1982, specializes in channeling his client's own personal Guides as well as some of the most beloved Master teachers. The above article was excerpted from transcripts of channelings. Visit his website at