“Love is the master key that opens the gate of happiness.”
— Oliver Wendell Holmes
Love is what creates life, maintains life, and nurtures life. It is the magnet that holds the cosmos in place and the glue that makes relationships last. Without love, there is no life. Therefore, we seek love everywhere.
Because love is the motivating factor on this planet, let us now use healing prayers to help you increase love in your life and radiate love vibrations to those around you. You deserve love, and you deserve to be loved.
[InnerSelf Editor's Note: While the chapter “Magnetizing Love” contains 14 different affirmative prayers or treatments, we selected two for you. Feel free to substitute any other term that resonates for you instead the word God, such as Universe, Creator, Oneness, Divine Mind, etc.]
Treatment for Harmonious Home Life
This is a treatment for myself, [full name], for the perfect loving, peaceful, harmonious home life and family relationships, or better, now.
I recognize there is one source of harmony, peace, and love in the universe: God, the good, omnipotent and omnipresent. God is perfect unity, the wellspring of rest and continual renewal. God is the safe haven of peace.
I AM one with this source of good, harmony, love, and peace now. God is my one power and the source of unity for my life now. I AM an instrument of God’s peace and harmony in my home. At home in God’s safe haven, I find rest and renewal every day.
I therefore claim for myself, [full name], the perfect loving, peaceful, harmonious home life and family relationships, or better, now.
I now heal and release all negations from my mind that interfere with this claim, whether known or unknown, conscious or subconscious. My thoughts are now one with, the same as, and in tune with God’s thought. I now cut all psychic ties between myself and those who live with me. These psychic ties are now lovingly cut, lifted, loved, healed, released, and let go into the light of God’s love.
I know any dear ones influencing my home are now blessed, forgiven, and released into the love, light, and wholeness of divinity. You are unified with your true nature of being. God’s love and light fill and surround you now with love and peace. The earth no longer binds you. Fear and blame no longer keep you in chains. I call upon your higher self to take you into the light of God now. Go now in peace and love.
I AM now free from all attachments that have prevented unconditional love in my home-life and family relationships now. I call upon the divine presence to dissolve from my mind all feelings of resentment, fear, coercion, domination, sadness, pain, rejection, and abandonment. They are released and healed by divine wisdom now. I instead welcome into my home and family new feelings of love, happiness, forgiveness, freedom, self-authority, joy, healing, self-love, self-acceptance, and self-worth now. I now free all persons in my home to express themselves in their own unique and perfect way, and I AM free to express in my own perfect way. I see only good in myself and in them.
I now fully accept, in consciousness, harmony, peace, and love or better in my home and in my family now. I now thank God for answered prayer. Thank you, God, and SO IT IS.
Treatment for Happy, Harmonious Marriage
This is a treatment for myself, [full name], for my perfect loving, harmonious marriage, or better, now.
I now recognize there is one loving power and one loving presence at work in the universe and in my life: God, the good, omnipotent. God is pure love, free from conditions, judgments, and condemnation. God is all-merciful, all-compassionate, all-embracing, and all-encompassing. God is the source of forgiveness and gratitude. God is wholeness and oneness. God is perfect harmony, joy, and happiness.
I AM now one with God. God is within me and all around me. For in God I live, breathe, move, and have my being. I AM united with and merged with God in a perfect seamless wholeness. God is the very center and essence of my being. I AM the unconditional love that God is. I AM the mercy, compassion, acceptance, and inclusion that God is. I AM the forgiveness, gratitude, wholeness, oneness, harmony, joy, happiness that God is.
I now therefore know and claim for myself, [full name], my perfect, loving, harmonious marriage, or better, now.
I now release, loose, and let go of anything that interferes with my perfect, loving, harmonious marriage, whether known or unknown, conscious or unconscious. I now call upon the Holy Spirit, the spirit of truth and wholeness, to release from my mind any and all thoughts of control, coercion, criticism, judgment, contempt, anger, resentment, fear, frustration, impatience, guilt, shame, blame, unworthiness, lack, incompleteness, dissatisfaction, and disillusion. These thoughts are all lifted, healed, loved, dissolved, released, and completely let go. And they are gone.
I now welcome into my heart and mind positive, creative, beauteous thoughts of letting go, permissiveness, forgiveness, compassion, mercy, acceptance, appreciation, kindness, gentleness, wisdom, courage, faith, trust, patience, forbearance, worthiness, abundance, completeness, contentment, satisfaction, guilelessness, and innocence.
I now cut any and all psychic ties between myself and my spouse. These psychic ties are now lovingly cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, lifted, loved, healed, dissolved, released, and completely let go, into the light of God’s love and truth. I now know I AM free to be myself, and my spouse is free to be him/herself.
I now know I have a happy, harmonious marriage, based upon mutual trust, understanding, love, gratitude, respect, patience, humility, and forgiveness. I know now my relationship with my spouse is filled with love, harmony, and joy. I now give sincere gratitude to God for my spouse and for my marriage.
I now fully accept, in consciousness, my perfect, loving, harmonious marriage, or better, now. I now release this prayer into the Spiritual Law, knowing it does demonstrate right now, under God’s love and grace, in perfect ways. Thank you, God, and SO BE IT.
Reprinted, with permission of the publisher,
from Instant Healing © 2013 Susan Shumsky.
Published by New Page Books a division of Career Press,
Pompton Plains, NJ. 800-227-3371. All rights reserved.
Article Source
Instant Healing: Gain Inner Strength, Empower Yourself, and Create Your Destiny
by Susan Shumsky.
Click here for more info and/or to order this book on Amazon.
About the Author
Dr. Susan Shumsky is the award-winning author of seven other books -- Ascension, How to Hear the Voice of God, Exploring Meditation, Exploring Auras, Exploring Chakras, Divine Revelation, and Miracle Prayer. She is a foremost spirituality expert, pioneer in the consciousness field, and highly acclaimed speaker. Susan Shumsky has practiced spiritual disciplines for 45 years with enlightened masters in secluded areas, including the Himalayas and the Alps. For 22 years, her mentor was Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, guru of the Beatles and Deepak Chopra. She served on Maharishi's personal staff for seven years. She is the founder of Divine Revelation®, a technology for contacting the divine presence, hearing and testing the inner voice, and receiving clear divine guidance.