Listed below are a few of the questions one should consider before marriage (and even for current married relationships).
- Do you agree on the importance of monogamy to protect the relationship?
- What are your attitudes toward education and its place in your lives individually and as a family?
- Is forgiveness an essential element of your relationship?
- Are your career/vocation goals compatible?
- How important is material wealth to each of you?
- Do you share a desire for children?
- Have you discussed your personal ethics?
- Do you share political views?
- What is your financial situation as you enter the marriage?
- Do you both plan on working?
- Who will handle the family accounts?
- Do you cultivate honesty and good communication skills with each other?
- Do you share attitudes toward charitable giving?
- What are your attitudes toward the use of credit cards?
- What are your attitudes toward issues of race, gender and sexual preference?
- What is your vision for the world?
- Do you practice a particular religion?
- Do you agree on the spiritual upbringing of any children you might have?
- Do you feel a need to "convert" your partner?
- Have you discussed your health history with each other? If the answer is no, start now!
- Are you tolerant of spiritual views that differ from your own?
- Do you respect each others need for some solitude?
- What are your attitudes towards alcohol, drugs, and smoking?
- What are your attitudes toward holistic medicine?
- Is there any history of abuse, sexual or otherwise, for either partner, or in their families?
- Do you accept that you may grow spiritually at different paces?
- Do your partner's lifestyle habits irritate you?
- How do you handle conflict?
- If you have been married before, what's different this time?
- Has your partner ever forced sex when you didn't want it?
- What do you expect of each other in terms of division of household chores, cooking, home maintenance, etc.
- Do you understand and respect each others needs for foreplay?
- Do you feel unfulfilled if your lovemaking doesn't lead to orgasm every time?
This article was excerpted from the book:
Marriage - Heart to Heart Questions to Discuss Before You Say I Do
by Hans J. Keller and MaryEllen O'Brien.
Reprinted with permission. Published by VisionLink Education Foundation, P.O. Box 4247, South Burlington, VT 05406. ©1994. 802-863-2726.
About the Authors
Hans Keller is a Swiss born globalist and leading edge thinker. MaryEllen O'Brien is a broadcaster and writer.