Despite living in a sex-obsessed society, we rarely talk about our erotic lives in ways that foster meaningful intimacy with ourselves and others. Indeed, millions of people are craving physical and emotional connection, which has surfaced in heart-breaking ways during COVID-19.
The 1970s anti-sexist men’s movement had an infrastructure of magazines, conferences, men’s centres and local anti-sexist men’s groups. Its members were passionately engaged with the problem of male violence – suffered by women, queer and non-binary people, as well as men and boys. So, what can we learn from their activism?
The Netflix drama The One centres around a geneticist who invents a new matchmaking service. It uses DNA to help people find their romantic and sexual match: their “one”.
While listening to the radio today, I heard someone suggest that the best way to deal with divorce was to never have one! I suppose there is some truth to that; however, it's a bit unrealistic. In America, close to 50 percent...
Certainly, children’s classics from The Gruffalo to the Alice books are produced knowing that when they come to be read, the chances are that an older person will be reading them aloud to a younger one.
A recent petition circulated by Sydney school girl Chanel Contos called for schools to provide better education on consent, and to do so much earlier.
- By Alan Cohen
Many of us settle for meager rations in life while we are entitled to enjoy a great banquet. One of the areas we tend to starve ourselves in is relationships.
According to most of the singles I have met in my travels, the typical dating situation is fraught with fear. It seems that when people believe there's a lot at stake, they get nervous and instead of being their creative, delightful selves, they resort to various anxiety management strategies...
Given that stable and satisfying relationships are critical for both mental and physical health, it is necessary to understand what contributes to relationship distress, and how to fix it.
The person you talk to, date, move in with, get engaged to, marry, break up with or divorce – it’s all up to you. You’re in the driver’s seat regarding your relationship’s trajectory. Most of the time, you probably cruise along on autopilot, maintaining the status quo.
One finding soon emerged: People practicing polyamory were facing a totally different set of pandemic-related dilemmas than those who practice monogamy.
When doubts about a relationship start to creep in, people don’t just blurt them out. They might not want to worry their partner and figure they’ll ride out what could just be a rough patch.
Maithuna is a ritual of transformation, and although it is expected to generate pleasure, the pleasure must not be of the ego -- when the man and woman embrace, they do so not as themselves, but as male and female deities. Maithuna may incorporate meditation, yogic postures, mantras, yantras...
- By Ryan Malosh
Restrictions on indoor dining are some of the hardest to swallow. We all have our favorite restaurants, and the experience of eating out is a big part of feeling normal. In addition, many restaurants are cornerstones of our communities, and owners and staff have struggled throughout the pandemic.
Quite a few people have bought into the widely held myth that-long term relationships eventually become flat and boring. This belief, if unchallenged can lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy that will eventually create the reality that we fear.
Quite a few people have bought into the widely held myth that-long term relationships eventually become flat and boring. This belief, if unchallenged can lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy that will eventually create the reality that we fear.{vembed Y=GGafUm5O5qU}
- By Perry Brass
Millions will be looking for the "love of their lives" until they die. They will look, and never realize that real love might already have found them. Being loved means owning up to the responsibility of being loved, which is -- in the long run -- more difficult than asking for (or looking for) love.
When basic pleasures are denied, such as your healthy sexuality, emotional expression, and sensual curiosity, you may find yourself choosing substitute 'pleasures' such as drugs, drinking, video games, television, and overeating. You may also resort to negative behaviors...
We're programmed to have unrealistic expectations from movies and TV, from romance stories promising wonderful experiences with people who anticipate our every wish. We want someone to be always caring, always considerate, always loveable, always giving. But these romantic illusions too often leave us feeling cheated...
It could be argued artificial intelligence (AI) is already the indispensable tool of the 21st century. From helping doctors diagnose and treat patients to rapidly advancing new drug discoveries, it’s our trusted partner in so many ways.
It seems the once taboo subject of group sex is finally entering the mainstream. One of the reasons for this is the prevalence of organised sex party networks. These networks were formed to provide a space for like-minded people to meet in a secure environment to engage in ...
- By Lilou Macé
I first heard about yoni eggs in Thailand, several years ago. I was immediately intrigued by this small, oval, polished stone and wanted to learn more about it and test it. I was excited to discover a “women’s secret” that would allow me to free my female energy, reveal my inner beauty, and restore my self-confidence.
The new year is going to be better. It has to be better. Maybe you’re one of the 74% of Americans in one survey who said they planned on hitting the reset button on Jan. 1 and resolving to improve.