- By Anton Stucki
Not being able to hear is not normal—not even when you get older. Yet it happens all too often, and it’s usually as a result of stress or certain traumatic events in life. At some point we realize that...
- By Anton Stucki
Not being able to hear is not normal—not even when you get older. Yet it happens all too often, and it’s usually as a result of stress or certain traumatic events in life. At some point we realize that...
Twenty-first century technologies such as robots, virtual reality (VR) and artificial intelligence (AI) are creeping into every corner of our social and emotional lives — hacking how we form friendships, build intimacy, fall in love and get off.
Unlike Britain’s royal family, most of us don’t have the option to move to another country when we don’t see eye to eye. But most of us have likely experienced disagreements with loved ones.
“That reporter is too biased to cover this story.” It’s a too-familiar complaint from news consumers — and sometimes also from newsroom managers — because people expect journalists to be impartial, detached or even “objective.”
In some cases, there is widespread agreement on what racism is. For example, most people would agree that restricting a racial group’s right to vote in a federal election is racist. (Indigenous people were the last to gain full voting rights in Canada in 1960.) But in other cases, the agreement is scant
Many of us are looking forward to a summer of relative freedom, with road-mapped milestones that will grant us more opportunities to see our friends and family. But we’ll be carrying the effects of months of isolation into those meetings...
The World Health Organization has been drawing attention to pandemic fatigue, a natural response to a prolonged public health crisis. Pandemic fatigue involves decreasing motivation to follow health-related directives, including engaging in pandemic protective actions like eating well, exercising and decreasing tobacco or alcohol consumption.
Each of us has thoughts, feelings, opinions, preferences, and needs that won’t necessarily jibe with those of important others. Sometimes there will be inevitable conflicts to navigate. The presence of conflict doesn’t mean a relationship has...
The spread of misinformation – in the form of unsubstantiated rumour and intentionally deceitful propaganda – is nothing new. Even in antiquity, Antony and Cleopatra were were cast as villains through fake news shared by Octavian.
We’ve all experienced this sort of exchange in our lives, in which we ask someone else, “What do you want to do?” It could be about food, an evening activity or pretty much any other shared activity.
Open and honest communication requires us to expose our true thoughts and feelings. Once those are out of our mouths, they can be criticized, ridiculed, or rejected. When we’re not used to being vulnerable, it seems safer to...
Mind-reading sounds like science fiction. But the term, also referred to as “mentalising”, is a psychological concept used to describe the process of understanding what other people are thinking.
Millions of isolated people have found comfort by chatting with an AI bot. Therapeutic bots have improved users’ mental health for decades. Now, psychiatrists are studying how these AI companions can improve mental wellness during the pandemic and beyond.
Only those who have lived through these experiences can fully feel the pain and humiliation associated with certain words such as the n-word.
Films and TV shows can be great tools to help you become a more competent speaker of another language. By captivating your attention and arousing your curiosity, these formats can instil a positive attitude towards learning.
Workers who communicate with their colleagues mainly through videoconferencing are far less effective at building relationships than when the communication is done face to face
Researchers have created a way to look into the brains of two people simultaneously while they’re talking. What they found will not surprise anyone who has found themselves arguing about politics or social issues.
Honesty is a skill that can be practiced and learned. I feel a deep sadness when I hear people tell me how much they have been hurt in their dating relationships and how this has caused them to approach each new relationship with fear or to give up on relationships altogether.
- By Ajay Heble
There is no doubt that we live in challenging times. But challenges can also lead to opportunities and lessons about how we might live our lives differently.
The way we communicate quickly pivoted to Zoom meetings, remote learning and messaging on social media. And in the absence of face-to-face interactions, people quickly became more reliant on emojis to help express their thoughts and feelings to an audience they can no longer see in person.
Georgette Heyer kept only one fan letter. It was from a Romanian political prisoner who had raised her cell-mates’ spirits over a 12-year incarceration by retelling the story of Heyer’s Friday’s Child.