Open Your Heart to Easily Move Out of Victimhood and Struggle

Many humans are using their business as a way to avoid an intimate relationship with their hearts and to somehow bypass having loving relationships with others. The mind plays a big role in this roller coaster game of keeping you in complexity, in a whirlwind of activity and mental jabber. So it is your choice to come out of feeling like a victim of your societies, systems, and businesses.

It would behoove you to choose the business of stillness and simplicity as opposed to the business of busyness. A simple person is one who engages in that which her intuition guides her moment to moment. A simple person is very happy just being, trusting, and relaxing. He/she knows that the Divine Cosmic Energy is moving worlds and planets and she can let go and relax into graceful effortless manifestation of her heart’s desires.

For each of you now it is imperative to begin drastic internal and external Feng Shui and space clearing: both the inner space and the outer space! Some of you have achieved high states of inner peace and spiritual understanding and yet choose to live in squalor or unaesthetic surroundings. It is important for the inner to reflect the outer and the outer to reflect the inner state of your being. Only then do you come into the spiritual alignment of integrity and love. The heart is all-inclusive, all embracing as part of its intrinsic nature. So balancing all aspects of your reality to align with walking your talk is important.

Love does not exclude anything, whereas the
mind is exclusive in its orientation.

Quality of Openhearted Beingness: Responsibility

You are not a victim. You are a powerful spiritual entity having a human experience on earth — here, now. Therefore by changing your negative thoughts, expectations, and emotional states to positive programming, and by coming into a state of knowingness and trust, you easily move out of victimhood and struggle. This allows you to move into creating heaven on Earth and creating great flow not only for yourself but all who touch your path.

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When your heart is tightly closed and your mind is rambling on, you immediately stop true flow. When you open the heart, you create space to receive: and by intending that the very best in life come to you easily, joyfully, and harmoniously; that is what you create on the canvas of your life.

The Keys of Hathor (such as breathing, meditating, chanting, healing through sacred sound, and mantra repetition), together with celebration and initiation to higher energy, all help to begin the process of trusting and relaxing. Greater trust and relaxation allows the flow of Universal wealth and energy to come in and through you for the blessing of man/womankind.

As the cosmic energies of source intensify, do you find yourself more and more exhausted and lacking in energy? Remember, you have made many collective agreements within the holographic nature of your reality. One of them is to go through disease, old age, and for a lot of you, death by the age of seventy or eighty. You can come out of this paradigm and choose through intention and focus to live as long as you like and in a state of youthfulness and abundant energy. It is up to you.

Cleaning The Electromagnetic Mirror Of Your Soul

Ultimately you are an expanded body of light and sound. Without getting too complicated about this, as you heal all residual unresolved issues of thoughts, words, emotions, and pain of lifetimes, you become lighter and lighter and more present to the power of the Now moment. Basically, heaven is already within you. As you clean the electromagnetic mirror of your soul, and past and present karma is dissolved, you become simple: you become the detached witness of All that Is. You see yourself in the manifest and the unmanifest reality everywhere and nowhere.

As you embody the full experience of your body of light, you will increase the gifts of clairaudience, telepathy, teleportation, clairsentience, and so on. This occurs because you move out of the consciousness of yourself as a separate solid entity into the field of nonduality and then into the unified field from which all things come and in which all things are possible.

Quality of Openhearted Beingness: Courage

There is no question of being safe to open your heart to greater unconditional love without inculcating a deep reconnection to the courage of your soul. This is because openheartedness demands you to follow your own inner authority as opposed to the demands and commands of authority and conditioning outside of yourself. Being unconditionally loving is not about pleasing others, it is not even about essentially “fitting in,” and it is certainly not about having the most comfortable or quiet life in the short and medium term.

If you are flowering in a state of open-hearted courageous living, many will feel threatened, upset, or even attacked in some cases by your energy. This is because in a state of courageous heartfelt being, your energy field becomes a mirror and brings up all that is less than all-love for examination. So those who are in extreme states of separation and mind control will even want to avoid you altogether.

Open heartedness is passionate, and an intense state of being and becoming. As Bhole Baba says “Think your own thoughts and be your own person.” He also says “Do not lean on the borrowed staff of another.” What this means is, by all means share, give and receive, love and support, but remember to balance it with becoming whole and complete within yourself and not dependent and needy in the long term.

In Each Decision, Ask Yourself: "What Would Unconditional Love Choose?"

Practicing these teachings will connect you powerfully to inner self-love, detachment, and intuitive wisdom of when to open up and when to veil the light of your love. Love uses intuitive wisdom moment-to-moment spontaneously and based on what feels right as each bridge of experiential drama is crossed.

Being a spiritual warrior is not about being defiant just for the sake of being defiant, but it is about being courageous and brave — even to stand against the whole world if you believe in something truly and deeply and have a strong sense of knowing. It has to feel very right in your being and ultimately you have to cross-check whether it is in synergy with the Highest Good of All Concerned.

In each decision, just ask yourself what would love choose? — not narrow separate love, but unconditional love that is all-inclusive. It is important to note that until your reach a state of total enlightenment and heart centeredness, to be careful and more conscious of the energies you wish to interact with and the energies you don’t. It is also not about forcing others to choose the spiritual path but giving them the space if they so choose to learn the lessons of darkness of separation and of not feeling and healing.

Quality of Openhearted Beingness: Taking (Little) Risks

One of the biggest hurdles to the safe opening of your hearts is the obvious fear of opening and being vulnerable. This is where the quality of courage greatly facilitates strengthening the quality of vulnerability and openness that are all essential ingredients for baking an openhearted delicious cake of unconditional love.

So the question comes up, when to take a risk and when to stay protected and closed? The more regularly you meditate and spend time alone, the more connected you become to your intuition and self-love; and then the more you trust your love of self, the more easily this love is able to spill out and embrace other aspects of self as guided by a centered and wise heart.

By taking little risks as opposed to blindly opening up to the love frequencies that do not serve your Higher Good, you softly, softly go through an alchemy that makes it safer and more balanced to open up further. When there is deep love, deep fear will come up. When it does, as the great Pleiadian being Ptah says,

  1. Take off your head, i.e., ignore thinking.
  2. Embrace the feeling, i.e., embrace the fear as you would a hurt child to your bosom and then,
  3. You are ready to go through the fear and choose love.

I would like you to understand that all things are interconnected and part of a harmonious whole, including that which seems to be “inharmonious.”  So as you practice strengthening and anchoring yourself into any one of the qualities required for true openheartedness, you simultaneously create an opening and strengthen all the other qualities. For example, if you face your fear and risk loving in a balanced intuitive gentle way, you strengthen the quality of intelligent vulnerability (which is a strength not a weakness) automatically.

Quality of Openhearted Beingness: Acceptance

Acceptance is essential to any spiritual aspirant: the wise acceptance of whatever is occurring, no matter how one judges it, moment-to-moment. This is something that the initiate practices quietly at the core of his being. It does not mean that you do not practice discernment and it also does not mean you are not allowed to say “no.” I notice that most human beings feel and think that loving whole-heartedly involves pleasing the other totally and saying yes to everything. This is a major mistake of understanding.

Most of you know about tough love and how often saying “no,” walking away, or actually putting up a centered open-hearted fight may be essential. The entity Mahatma Gandhi illustrates fighting the “good fight” without resorting to violence and being oppositional, by his use of peaceful noncooperation.

You may choose to have a differing view from your fellow human beings in some cases, yet still it is important to honor the views of others and give them the space to learn their lessons if they choose not to see a higher more heartfelt perspective — even though you have offered it. In other words, the total acceptance of the nonacceptance of others as part of their free will is wise understanding.

If you can balance opposing that which you are guided by your heart and soul energy to oppose with honoring your opponent and their perspective at the same time, you have truly mastered unconditional love and spiritual warriorship. The important thing in all cases of inner and outer conflict is to stay connected to your spiritual anchor point; and dance with the consciousness of all things—the awareness that all beings are ultimately part of the same Unified Field of Energy and Awareness.

Also you will find to your surprised delight that the more deeply and sincerely you practice acceptance and embracement of your internal and external dramas, the less you will need to engage in deep and intense conflict and opposition. In many cases the peaceful, loving vibrations of your energy field will rub off onto others and help bring them to peace without force.

©2010 by Rashmi Khilnani. All Rights Reserved.
Reprinted with permission. Publisher: Rainbow Ridge Books.
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The Divine Mother Speaks: The Healing of the Human Heart by Rashmi Khilnani.

The Divine Mother Speaks: The Healing of the Human Heart
by Rashmi Khilnani.

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About the Author

Rashmi Khilnani., author of: Shiva Speaks--Conversations with Maha Avatar BabajiRashmi Khilnani was born in Chandigarh, India and spent the first six years of her life in Cairo, Egypt. She went on to study and teach with world-renowned avatars, gurus and teachers and became a specialist in energy medicine. She is on the forefront in bringing the ancient Mystery School teachings of Egypt, India, Tibet and China, as well as the teachings of the Essenes, into current time and making these wisdoms simple and accessible to people at all levels of soul journeying. Rashmi is the host of 2013 and Beyond with Jeremy McDonald heard monthly on She is the author of The Divine Mother Speaks, and Buddha Speaks. You can visit her website at