I had been and continued to be a strong and powerful woman, but something had been missing. I hadn't come to know my masculine self. Small wonder. My father loved me very much, but was nowhere present emotionally for himself or for me.
We are all familiar with the persona of the stereotypical mother-in-law -- a woman bedeviled with an intrusive and critical nature. Mothers-in-law are derided in comedy sketches, in soap operas, in books, and in real life. Do all mothers-in-law live up to their nefarious reputation? Obviously not.
We were both only twenty-one when we began our relationship, and quite immature. Each of us was looking for someone to provide us with emotional security, since neither of us had developed any real sense of wholeness within ourselves. We had very distorted pictures of what love is...
- By Amara Rose
Outside her country home, Dorisse exclaimed, "I've just got to stop and pick some of these delicious blackberries." Until she said that, I hadn't noticed that there were blackberry bushes all around us. I was amazed. Here I was surrounded by a potential source of nourishment...
Ask yourself what sacred means to you. Are you in any relationship you regard as sacred? If so, is it based in your own sense of the sacred or is it composed of behaviors you learned from others? What in your life do you truly believe to be sacred?
- By Jim Dreaver
When you are able to detach yourself from the areas of stress, tension, and pain in your body and just be aware of them without the interference of your analytical mind, they have room to unwind and release. This is not to deny or ignore pain; it is to be present with it in a relaxed, open, non judging way.
I never expected life to be so messy. The life I imagined for myself, growing up, was simpler and neater than the one I actually ended up living. Life was, I thought then, a straight, unobstructed road to the destinations I would choose, with pretty vistas and sunsets on the way.
Discover the twenty behaviors that ruin a relationship -- as well as the twenty behaviors that will nurture a relationship.
- By Arthur Lythe
There are several ways to restore most of one's sexual performance including a high tone of physical conditioning and mental attitude. The power of the mind to influence the relative efficiency of one's sexual performance cannot go unnoticed.
Individuals with ADHD may be our most creative individuals, our most extraordinary thinkers, our most brilliant inventors and pioneers. The children among us whom our teachers and psychiatrists say are 'disordered' may, in fact, carry a set of abilities -- a skill set -- that was necessary for the survival of humanity in the past, that has created much of what we treasure in our present 'quality of life,' and that will be critical to the survival of the human race in the future.
Someone asked me the other day if loving myself and putting myself first was selfish. As I endeavored to explain the difference, I realized that there is a fine line between the two. There are two distinct different levels of awareness.
Respect yourself, respect your children as other spiritual beings, and expect respect from them in turn. While watching other children speak to their parents disrespectfully, my children said to me, "Mommy, you would never let us get away with that!"
Children diagnosed with severe behavioral problems are blamed for their bad conduct. Yet parents have taught their children to act inappropriately. Not knowing the appropriate way to get praised, a child chooses negative-attention-getting methods...
Recently someone asked me, "In your years of publishing, what would you say was your most memorable encounter?" I instantly heard my inner voice whisper the answer, but my mind didn't feel comfortable with expressing what it had heard...
"The meek shall inherit the earth..." . Those of us raised in the Christian faith know this statement well. And for many of us, myself included, it was interpreted to mean that we should bite our tongue, hold our peace, and not rock the boat.