There are many challenges to relationship; some of them come from outside of us and some come from within. Meeting these challenges takes commitment, time, and effort. But a good relationship is well worth it.
- By Mary Coleman
Many years ago when I practiced as a lawyer, I spent a large portion of time advising divorce petitioners. And, as I did so, I applied my psychological and astrological training to research the reasons why each marriage had gone off the rails. I found there were a number of recurring themes -- types of conduct which are virtually guaranteed to drive the spouse to drink, desperation, and divorce.
Why is marriage so tough at times? Why do some lifelong relationships click, while others just tick away like a time bomb? And how can you prevent a marriage from going bad -- or rescue one that already has?
We humans seem to enjoy making life hard on ourselves. We (ego) often try to force events to take place or to develop in the way that we want them to -- we try to impose our will on the energies of life. We push and we shove. We coerce bluntly or we manipulate gently. Yet, through it all, we mostly refuse to let go and let the river of life flow in its own meandering way.
- By Stuart Wilde
When it comes to people, there are only about a dozen life stories in the whole world, and each archetype has its own obvious characteristics. The Supreme Achievers, the Saviors, usually have great stories to tell. They're usually natural-born leaders. They carry the whole tribe on their shoulders, and they're responsible for everything. Of course, they do all that stuff because they're sacrificial.
Tantric practices address us on the physical, intellectual, and spiritual levels. There are aspects of Tantra that speak to qualities found on each of these levels. In our study of the tantric texts, we have found that extrapolation from Tantra's healing aspects can be useful as a therapy for what we might refer to as psychosexual wounds.
While this article was written with teenagers in mind, the suggestions and information it contains are valid for adults as well. Bill of Rights: * Your body is yours to respect and protect. * You have the right to say "no" to anything that is not safe for you...
Western sexology says that you are a physical body and orgasm is an operational definition that can be measured.
What and who we find attractive is highly fluid -- we are all friends with at least one person whom we did not like when we first met them. In the same way that first impressions about people can be completely wrong, our feelings of attraction are sometimes unreliable.
Your soul has no gender. Each soul has varying percentages of male (focused) and female (creative) energy, but everyone has both male and female energies, and each soul can relate energetically to any other. The soul in this sense is bisexual -- it can take either side in a creative act. This flexibility is the natural state of the universe.
- By AdminStaff
Good health and a healthy prostate depend on a regular, happy sex life. There is no magic number that guarantees good health, but simply having sex is not enough. Ideally, sex is more than a physical act it is a loving union with your partner.
No one alive knows what "natural" sex is for Humans. We have been too "civilized" (domesticated). We think that our own sexual preferences and habits are enlightened...
'Does this mean I'm really a lesbian?' the woman whispered in a cracked voice. She looked around nervously, afraid that someone would hear, or worse yet, confirm the ominous truth that lay naked in her question. She had just revealed her deepest fear and curiosity to 200 people...
Your sexual health and attitude are determined by multiple influences -- your parents, friends, teachers and your environment and culture -- but the most important influence is you. Most of the time we do not question the way we behave. Our actions reflect habits of thought and established beliefs about ourselves and others.
- By AdminStaff
by Stuart Sovatsky, Ph.D. Tantric practices are indications of a certain direction for intimacy and growth. They are not just instructions to be enacted or another set of erotic conventions to be performed and perfected.
by Diana De Luca. It is important to take time out of the ordinary, everyday routine to create a nurturing, sensual space. As we open our hearts and honor our sexuality, we are nourished and healed on a deep level. Give yourself permission to...
by Joyce & Barry Vissell. Most people have a difficult time with their sexual lives. However, those traveling the spiritual path can develop unique problems in handling sexual energy. Some of us assume we no longer have sexual desire -- that we've outgrown it. Some of us feel hopelessly trapped..
- By anonymous
by anonymous. How can we normalize sexuality, taking it from scared to sacred? We undertake an individual journey into our Soul, the heroic journey referred to by mythologist, Joseph Campbell. This journey leads us to explore the fearful places where our shadow dwells, the places that we have denied for most of our lives.
by Rhonda Levand.
Our parents had a more profound influence on us than anyone else. What they communicated to us verbally, by their actions, or what they didn't tell us about sex, affects our sexuality. Since we probably lived between sixteen and twenty years with our parents, and what they did...
by Charles & Caroline Muir. We believe that as much care, thoughtfulness, and attention should be paid to a relationship as to a career, a family, or a cause. Unfortunately, this is not a popular concept. More popular, but less realistic, is the theory that love, having visited itself upon us, is here to stay; that a relationship, once established, will operate on automatic, will be self-sustaining...
by David & Ellen Ramsdale. When something is recycled, it is returned to its source. The wheel, or cycle, is turned back to the beginning of its circular path. There is some evidence that in human beings the sexual energy cycle has two stages. The first stage begins in the brain, at the pituitary and pineal glands, and ends in the sex glands. The second stage...
by Morton & Barbara Kelsey.
What is the source of our fear of talking about sexuality and sexual conduct? Why is the subject so delicate and forbidding for adults that they are uncomfortable discussing it with children? We believe the heresy of gnosticism that has permeated many of the sexual attitudes of the Christian Church is responsible for a great deal of the sexual negativity and unwholesomeness of our culture.