Divorce is an individual problem. It cannot be generalized. In some cases, divorce is not the solution, no more so than marriage is the solution for a lonely man. Divorce takes place first in the mind; the legal proceedings follow after. If you are in doubt as to what to do...
- By Karen Casey
Surrendering to the uncontrollable, (and all things separate from us are uncontrollable) rather than insisting our opinions; our way of doing tasks; our outlook on life, particularly on how others should see life too; is a peace-filled choice. Actually, it’s the only reasonable choice...
- By Shari Arison
All my life I wondered, What is my role? I explored this both within myself and with the help of others. I began by asking myself, What can I offer to the world, given my specific skills, life experiences, and through the platforms that I will attain?
Asserting yourself may not come as naturally to you as it does to others. I know, I know. You're saying it's not that simple to do, especially when emotions are maxed out, the topic is super-sensitive, and you're strung out beyond belief...
I realized my nagging feelings of dissatisfaction, that little dissenting voice that made me feel like I wasn't in the right place at the right time, or doing the right thing, was all a set of instructions for how to find inner peace in the presence of my emotional turmoil...
- By J. L. Kimmel
It has been two and half years since I helped save a stranger's life. It was wintertime and holiday season in New Jersey. In a beautiful holiday specialty market, in the midst of a bustling crowd, someone yelled out, “Is there a doctor?” I ran to find a woman collapsed on the floor...
- By Alan Cohen
The flip side of the Law of Attraction is the Law of Repulsion. Actually there is no repulsion; either things match and they stay stuck together or they do not. Repulsion is more accurately an absence of attraction. The teenagers at the sandwich shop were attuned to...
Our words have a tremendous power to bring healing and strength to another person or to hurt in a very deep way. We should never underestimate the power we have to use our words for a positive effect on a person’s life or, in some cases, a lasting negative effect. When I was growing up...
Most of us are more or less aware of invisible energy fields. We feel it most when someone walks up to meet us. There comes a certain point at which, as he gets closer in physical proximity, you begin to get a little uncomfortable, when you feel he is now “in your space.” You may even...
As Thomas Edison once said, "The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time." Often Edison kids with ADHD — an umbrella term that includes attention deficit disorder (ADD) — quit trying. Typically, these kids are weary of not fitting in or are furious at feeling forced to do so. Self-protectively, they...
Love is what creates life, maintains life, and nurtures life. It is the magnet that holds the cosmos in place and the glue that makes relationships last. Without love, there is no life. Therefore, we seek love everywhere. Because love is the motivating factor on this planet, let us now use...
Independence allows us to choose our lives, live them however we want, decide who we marry, what kind of work we do, if we want to have children, and the religion or spiritual path we follow. Independence gives us freedom of choice. We can easily forget an equally important thing … dependence...
Joy enters my heart each time I see the world from a higher perspective than before. I can see more clearly through the eyes of my greater self. I know that finding joy is possible even in the most extreme circumstances...
For most of my adult life I’ve been asking questions of young people, “What do you want to be when you grow up? Do you see yourself ever becoming a parent?” The usual “I want to be a fireman [or a nurse] and have four kids” abruptly changed in the eighties. From then on, the answers I received came from a decided knowingness about things future...
We all instinctively understand the basic functions of feminine and masculine energies, but we may not realize that they both exist in each person. Women have become the symbols of female energy; men of male energy. As we cannot live in the world without the full range of masculine and feminine energies...
Our old ideas of parenting usually involve trying to follow some behavior standard to be a "good parent." As you learn to trust yourself and be yourself spontaneously, you may find yourself violating many of your old rules about what a good parent does...
Nurturing is not to be confused with smothering. Nurturing helps a child blossom, while smothering leads to behavioral problems. When a parent suffocates a child, the parent's objective is to control...
There are those who think karma is about blame and punishment. This sounds like old-time religion to me -- the methods and fear-based strategies designed to control simple minds and simple hearts. Karma is not like that...
While they say that "love is blind", one should not enter blindly into marriage or any committed relationship. Here are a few of the questions to consider before marriage (and even for current married relationships)...
No one gets through childhood without some degree of wounding. If we stay blind to these wounds, they have a way of unconsciously ruling us. Our inner child is the full complement of childhood feelings, needs and...
- By Alan Cohen
We can become so used to dysfunctional relationships that when we are finally presented with a healthy one, it seems foreign. Yet what is normal is often not natural. Our natural state is soul fulfillment, reflected through rewarding relationships. Anything else...
In many marriages, women grow resentful of their husbands when they are expected to work, clean, care for the children, shop, cook, do laundry, and then make love. Mothers feel the burden of expectation from their spouses to juggle too many commitments...
School was never designed to replace parents, but that is what has happened. In the past, whether the parents were farmers or shopkeepers, their children were with them throughout the workday which gave children a very real...