- By AdminStaff
by Miss Desmond Clark.
Do you know how to tie your shoe? I hope so. Now, do you remember who taught you how? Whether it was your Mom or Dad is unimportant... but do you remember? We all have memories that we can recall but I have noticed that many of us do not remember the little obscure incidents that helped form our personality and our behavior. Can you remember who said you were not good enough... and you accepted that?
Many beings are yearning for relationships and most of those that are in relationships on earth are quite unsatisfied. It is a reflection of the imbalance of the earth. Now the time has come for the balance of power to shift. It has already begun, and it shall continue until the balance of power...
- By Margot Anand
These seven Tantric keys can open us up to our essential selves and unleash in us that abundant, joyous energy -- Every Day Ecstasy -- that allows us to be all that we can be as human beings with our partners and our children and in our work, our community, and the world.
Thousands of years ago, people had achieved a high degree of awareness and an all chemical formula for converting what we know as sex energy-called by many names, such as Vital Force, Elan Vital, Soul, Chi, etc.-into a state of divinity. Their spiritual philosophy held sexuality as a divine rite...
It doesn't have to be as obvious as a clutch back from the brink of nirvana to show you that you're afraid to surrender to sex. Perhaps just as you're getting really turned on, you suddenly flash on something you ...
As man becomes initiated into deeper levels of manhood, he is faced with the challenge of rescuing the Inner Lover or Goddess, his Feminine Self. This quest is very risky and a man must be deeply grounded in his masculinity in order to step into the caldron with the inner woman.
If you look in the eyes of a young child, one or two years old, very often it looks as if there is a light on in there. In an adult this light is gone. Where does it go? What happens to it? What is the difference between this child and me that I no longer glow with this brightness?
by Christopher S. Hyatt, Ph.D. The Tantric act is a giving and a receiving. There is no taking. When giving and receiving reach their highest level of intensity then No-One is left. There is simply Love.
Children have changed, and that no old model, no matter how well it used to work, is going to work now. The '50s and '60s are now gone, and with them, an old culture of innocence has passed, as well as a world with half as many people. The Indigos are a product of human evolution, and they offer hope to all of us.
by Shakti Gawain. The people in our lives who make us uncomfortable, who annoy us, who we feel judgmental or even combative toward, reflect parts of ourselves that we reject -- usually aspects of our disowned selves, the shadow side of our personality. Oftentimes we find ourselves attracted to our opposites...
In my recent conversation with my sister Connie, I was sharing the state of my life. I feel emptiness because I do not have a deep and intimate personal relationship. Victories and adventures are dulled when there is no one home to share them with. When I was finished, Connie said, "Sounds like you have all the icing without the cake."
Science delineates animals by their predominant habitat. Aquatic creatures live in the water, for example. Since human beings live on the land, we might be regarded as Terrestrial. Yet, despite our intimate connection to earth, every person I have ever met has one key element to which...
Indigo children are often perfectionists, and they can be very hard on themselves. One of the reasons why they become aggressively defensive when you scold them is that they're already painfully aware that they've made a mistake. Help your children understand...
I had been and continued to be a strong and powerful woman, but something had been missing. I hadn't come to know my masculine self. Small wonder. My father loved me very much, but was nowhere present emotionally for himself or for me.
We are all familiar with the persona of the stereotypical mother-in-law -- a woman bedeviled with an intrusive and critical nature. Mothers-in-law are derided in comedy sketches, in soap operas, in books, and in real life. Do all mothers-in-law live up to their nefarious reputation? Obviously not.
We were both only twenty-one when we began our relationship, and quite immature. Each of us was looking for someone to provide us with emotional security, since neither of us had developed any real sense of wholeness within ourselves. We had very distorted pictures of what love is...
- By Amara Rose
Outside her country home, Dorisse exclaimed, "I've just got to stop and pick some of these delicious blackberries." Until she said that, I hadn't noticed that there were blackberry bushes all around us. I was amazed. Here I was surrounded by a potential source of nourishment...
Ask yourself what sacred means to you. Are you in any relationship you regard as sacred? If so, is it based in your own sense of the sacred or is it composed of behaviors you learned from others? What in your life do you truly believe to be sacred?
- By Jim Dreaver
When you are able to detach yourself from the areas of stress, tension, and pain in your body and just be aware of them without the interference of your analytical mind, they have room to unwind and release. This is not to deny or ignore pain; it is to be present with it in a relaxed, open, non judging way.
I never expected life to be so messy. The life I imagined for myself, growing up, was simpler and neater than the one I actually ended up living. Life was, I thought then, a straight, unobstructed road to the destinations I would choose, with pretty vistas and sunsets on the way.
Discover the twenty behaviors that ruin a relationship -- as well as the twenty behaviors that will nurture a relationship.
- By Arthur Lythe
There are several ways to restore most of one's sexual performance including a high tone of physical conditioning and mental attitude. The power of the mind to influence the relative efficiency of one's sexual performance cannot go unnoticed.
Individuals with ADHD may be our most creative individuals, our most extraordinary thinkers, our most brilliant inventors and pioneers. The children among us whom our teachers and psychiatrists say are 'disordered' may, in fact, carry a set of abilities -- a skill set -- that was necessary for the survival of humanity in the past, that has created much of what we treasure in our present 'quality of life,' and that will be critical to the survival of the human race in the future.