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Article Summary: We are part of a magnificent cosmic interplay filled with guiding forces and signs from the universe. These forces provide meaningful guidance, helping us navigate our life's journey. By tuning in to our intuition and recognizing these signs, we connect with a deeper awareness and cosmic intelligence. Life’s synchronicities, intuitive impressions, and meaningful coincidences are all part of a larger, interconnected reality that guides us towards our true selves and purpose.
Signs from the Universe: What They Mean for You
by Kim Chestney.
You and I are part of a magnificent cosmic unfolding and interplay of simultaneous realities, colliding fields of consciousness, entangled relationships, and the dynamic energy it all creates. But the most important part of this extraordinary existence is not the science that explains it — it is the fact that it is meaningful. Every bit of information, every thought, every choice is an integral part of the expansion of a conscious universe. Life is more than a playground; it is a journey guided by the deeper awareness within you.
Your inner guidance system would not exist if life were not purposeful. The fact that we have built-in intuition, higher callings, gut feelings, and an inner sense of what is right or wrong for us is evidence that the choices we make in this life matter.
We are part of something bigger than we know. And we are supported by an array of guiding forces that point us in the right direction, enlighten us, and give us clues about the eternal nature of our existence. The quantum field is awareness, the guiding force that illuminates our life journey.
The unified field of everythingness invites you into the mystery of your true being. The final frontier of existence leads you to your true and everlasting home. And your intuition, informed by the illuminating code of the quantum field, guides you there.
With every insight, we become more like the mind of the universe — enlightened, aware, and united with all other things. Life in our material world is a becoming. Since the moment you passed through the portal of your mother’s womb and arrived into this holographic reality, you have held a powerful gift: the gift of time — which gives you the ability to change your state.
What is time but a measurement of change, of energy in motion? Deepak Chopra put it well: “Eternity is timeless.... After death we become timeless. Literally without time in the ‘zone of eternity’ where souls abide. But why wait for an afterlife? If time is an illusion, we should be able to step out of it whenever we want, simply by living in the present moment — then the value of going to Heaven will be achieved.”
Craving a Return to Wholeness
The change of state we naturally crave is our return to wholeness. We long to lift the blinders of our limited reality and know the deep dimension within us — to return to a state of coherence and communion with life itself.
When we are young, we long to find ourselves. But this is more than just a desire to find the right profession or life partner; it is a calling to discover our extraordinary nature — to find out who we really are and what we are made for. When you live in connection with your inner field, you don’t need to go anywhere to make those discoveries. You only have to change your state of mind.
The urge to find yourself is the unconscious longing to return to a state of unity with the cosmos. Guiding forces light your way on the ultimate journey home — the return to yourself. You are moved by these forces in subtle, often unnoticeable ways, both internally and externally.
Though part of the magic of this world is our free will — our ability to creatively manifest from the great field of potentiality — if we look close enough, we can find clues that guide us to do that in the best possible way. People often joke that life doesn’t come with an instruction manual; but actually, it does. The guide to life is coded into you — and the reality you live in. You live in a meaningful universe, and there are guiding forces everywhere.
Signs from the Universe
The whole world, inside and out, is filled with the illuminating cosmic code. You receive guiding information internally as intuitive impressions; and you receive guiding information externally as signs, serendipity, and other meaningful experiences in material reality.
From a universal perspective — just like there is no such thing as time or space — there is no such thing as inside us or outside us. These dualities are just a product of relativity as you live in localized space-time. The world outside you is just an extension of the world perceptively inside you; both are part of the same one that guides and informs you.
Signs are how the universe pay attention to you.
The meaningful signals life brings you every day are an invitation to build a conscious, living relationship with the universe. Just as you are entangled with the universe, the universe is entangled with you. It knows you personally because you are a part of it — and it is the part of you that knows everything. It holds you in its loving embrace, using intuitions and signs to communicate with you on a regular basis.
External signs are coded into your reality and can appear in many ways, including:
Synchronicities: Meaningful coincidences that defy rational explanation
Numbers: Recurring patterns that get your attention at an important moment
Dreams: Lucid dreams that serve as a meeting point between realms
Opportunities: Unexpected positive events or opened doors that offer a path forward
Nature: The appearance of natural phenomena (like feathers, wish flowers, shooting stars, rainbows) that highlight something significant
Electricity: Electrical interferences, like static on a radio or a computer glitch, that signal the presence of quantum energy exchange
Animals: Seeing specific animals in an unusual context that catches your eye in a serendipitous moment
Déjà vu: A spontaneous merging with the quantum field that feels like a memory
Signs from the universe point you toward the deeper dimension of your reality. When you tune in to the subtle messages coded into your life, you can find guiding information hidden in seemingly random and mundane situations. As Chopra explained, “Synchronicity is choreographed by a great pervasive intelligence that lies at the heart of nature and is manifest in each of us through intuitive knowledge.” Illuminating signs and synchronicities often show up in unexpected moments or just when you need them, with the common purpose of guiding you from the deep dimension.
Here are some examples of signs and synchronicities:
You are thinking about taking a new class, then you meet someone who invites you to it.
You get a big idea to try something new, then glance at the clock to see it’s 5:55.
You are going through a hard time in your life, and randomly find a rose on your car windshield.
As you are considering moving to a new place, you then get invited there for a trip.
Ever since your friend passed on from this life, you see their favorite flower everywhere.
When the time is right, life will use whatever it can to get your attention. The purpose is multifold — sometimes as a validation that you are moving in the right direction, sometimes to comfort you, sometimes just to remind you of the meaningful nature of life and that you are not alone.
The key to finding the meaning in a sign is paying attention to what you are doing when the sign shows up. Nothing is random. What were you thinking or doing or discovering when the universe waved you down with one of its signals? With synchronicity, context is everything.
Author Laura Lynne Jackson explained in her book Signs, “Carl Jung coined the term synchronicity to describe a seemingly meaningful coincidence. Jung was fascinated with the idea that the events in our lives are not random, but rather express the reality that we are all part of a deeper order — a unifying, universal force he called the unus mundus, Latin for ‘one world.’”
Synchronicity is a manifestation of the interconnectedness of all things — the underlying deep order of cosmic consciousness and a sign of your entanglement with the universe.
Secrets of the Signs
Signs are how the universe communicates personally with you. A sign starts a conversation, then you respond to it with your attention and/or action. You can think of a sign as an external intuitive impression that the universe drops into your life out of nowhere. You then use your internal intuitive process to decode its purpose or meaning. In this way, life guides you from both the inside and the outside. Here are two secrets to help you understand your sign language:
The more you pay attention to your signs, the more they happen. The more you observe something, the more energy you send to it. The more energy you send to it, the more you entangle with it, and the more it flows within you (insights and feelings) and around you (signs and synchronicities). For example, if, you start to notice the clock at 11:11, accept it as a genuine communication signal, and open energetic space for more signals to come. It won’t be long before you are noticing number patterns on the hour around the clock.
You can create your own signal to start a conversation with the universe. You don’t just have to wait for the universe to give you a sign; you can start your own conversation with life by creating your own signal. I call these tokens — intentionally created symbols that represent your connection to the universe. A token can be any object, symbol, number, animal, song, or words that the universe can use to signify its presence in your life. For example, I have been using my token — a white daisy — for nearly thirty years. Whenever a white daisy shows up, I know my intuition is at work.
Recognizing the wisdom of life’s serendipitous signals is an integral part of your quantum intelligence. Though the subtle world of imagination and intuition can often feel nebulous, external signs serve as real, verifiable manifestations of the deep dimension. Since they are observable phenomena, they can be witnessed by multiple people and provide all kinds of validations:
People repeatedly attest that they experience an uptick in signs and synchronistic number patterns during times when they are actively practicing with their intuition.
When using insight card decks, people often pull the same one card over and over, even though there are fifty-two cards in the deck.
People regularly pull an insight card that has objects or scenarios that directly relate to a previous intuitive download.
In breakout groups, people are randomly paired with partners who shared similar life experiences and could help each other.
These phenomena are evidence of an elevated state of entanglement between people and the quantum field — a state created by shared energy and intention. Synchronistic patterns are codes that help you understand what is going on in the world around you. By intuitively reading the signals life is sending your way, you can decode its secret messages and consciously interact with the beyond.
As you use your quantum intelligence more and more, you may start to notice more signs of entanglement and synchronicity. This happens because your relationship with the universal field is deepening.
Just be sure to pay attention to what you are thinking or talking about when the sign appears. These are usually punctuation marks for important moments in your life.
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Adapted with permission of
the publisher, New World Library.
Article Recap: Understanding and recognizing the guiding forces and signs from the universe can transform our perception of life. These cosmic signals are not just random occurrences but meaningful messages that direct us towards our true path. Embracing these signs and tuning in to our intuition allows us to live more consciously and purposefully. By integrating this awareness into our daily lives, we can navigate our journey with a deeper sense of connection and fulfillment, knowing that we are part of a larger, meaningful universe.
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BOOK: The Illumination Code
The Illumination Code: 7 Keys to Unlock Your Quantum Intelligence
by Kim Chestney.
The Illumination Code presents seven keys to unlock your inner dimension so you can access expanded states of awareness that exist beyond the limits of the rational mind. Kim Chestney reveals the deeply personal nature of the universe while offering a new way to know the unknowable and experience the seemingly impossible.
Intuition — the extraordinary ability to access information from the quantum realms — is fast becoming humanity’s most advanced form of knowledge acquisition. As you venture inward on this step-by-step journey, you will gain profound insights and discover the true power of your own inner wisdom.
For more info and/or to order this book, click here. Also available as a Kindle edition.
About the Author
Kim Chestney is the author of The Illumination Code, Radical Intuition, and The Psychic Workshop. As the founder of IntuitionLab and the CREATE! Festival, her work raises awareness about the importance of insight in the evolution of individual and world consciousness.
Visit her online
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